- physics
- network
- audio (supercollider?)
- rendering (vulkan)
- networking
- concurrency model
- simulation
- sim replication
- with futures
Target bandwidth range vs Actual bandwidth use
- separate sync mechanisms for separate properties
- prioritization of sync for different properties
- adaptive sync methodology
- express changing values as rate of change for interp
- trans Simuation migration of objects
- support simulation-level persistence (binary file, and maybe redis?)
- property bounding (limit range, define quantization)
- custom property serialization traits (e.g. quaternion's 'smallest three')
- delta compression - send only what has changed
- arbitrary precision types (like varint)
- desync handling
- snapshot send rate (per second)
- packet size
- interpolation between snapshots in buffer
- size of snapshot buffer
- extrapolation of velocities, linear and angular
- protocol (tcp/udp) - udp send/ack_send
- data compression (none, zlib, compress)