In many cases, we might be interested in evaluating a visual representation pre-trained on an external data set with respect to their ability to capture all relevant features in echocardiograms. These pre-trained representations might have been trained on private echocardiogram data, data for other cardiac imaging modalities, or even a general visual representation pre-trained on non-medical data such as ImageNet. The ETAB evaluation protocol uses the suite of benchmark tasks listed in the previous Section to evaluate the usefulness of any given (pre-trained) visual representation for a wide variety of common tasks in echocardiography. In this Section, we describe the ETAB evaluation protocol and provide code snippets illustrating how the user can compute the "ETAB score" for a pre-trained backbone representation.
The evaluation protocol is meant to assess how well does a given pre-trained backbone representation perform on the ETAB benchmark tasks. Here, we freeze the backbone representation and only tune the task-specific head for each individual task. The output of the process is an ETAB score, which is a number in [0,1] that quantifies the quality of the pre-trained representation. A schematic depiction of the protocol along with a mathematical description are given below.
The score computation procedure is implemented by looping over all the benchmark tasks listed in the previous Section, and then computed a weighted average of the performance of a given backbone representation attached to the task-specific heads.
For a given backbone representation, the ETAB score can be computed using the ETABscore() function in the etab.scores module using the simple API demonstrated below:
from etab.scores import ETABscore
from torchvision.models import resnet50
weight_dict = dict({"a": 0.5, "b": 0.3,
"c": 0.1, "d": 0.1})
backbone = resnet50(weights="IMAGENET1K_V1")
etab_score = ETABscore(backbone=backbone, task_weights=weight_dict)
Here, we evaluate the ETAB score for a ResNet-50 backbone pre-trained on the ImageNet-1K dataset. The weight dictionary weight_dict dictates the relevant importance of the different task categories described in the previous section (Categories 🔴 a, 🔵 b, 🟢 c and 🟡 d). Currently, the ETAB score can be computed for the backbone representations listed in the previous Section. You can load any pre-trained weights into these representations prior to computing the score.
The ETABscore() function also enables a customized weighting of prespecified set of benchmark tasks by specifying the benchmark codes as dictionary keys as shown below:
weight_dict = dict({"a0-A4-E": 0.5, "a0-A4-C": 0.3, "a0-A2-C": 0.2})
etab_score = ETABscore(backbone=backbone, task_weights=weight_dict)
The output of the ETABscore() function is a tuple of the form etab_score = (Average ETAB score, 95% confidence interval). The error bars are obtained by testing the backbone across each benchmark task through a number of different train/test splits. The number of training folds can be changed by setting the n_fold argument of ETABscore(), and the default value of n_fold is 5.
A detailed example for how to compute the ETAB score is provided in this demo notebook.