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Faction Warps

GrizzsChannel edited this page Feb 11, 2018 · 2 revisions

What are warps?

Warps are used to teleport to claimed land in your faction. It can be used to teleport to bases not near the faction home, let faction members teleport to a raid, or a random location.

What are password protected warps?

Password protected warps are used for private warps to bases or raids that only certain people have access to. To set a warp with a password, look down below. Players with the password can use it to teleport to the specified warp that is password protected.

Command Permission Meaning
/f delwarp factions.setwarp Delete a warp
/f warp [warp] [password] factions.warp Go to a faction warp. Specify password if needed.
/f setwarp [warp] [password] factions.setwarp Set a warp with an optional password to your location

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