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Using the SLURM job scheduler

There are two main ways to submit jobs on the compute cluster. The first is to submit a script from the login mode. The second is to use a compute node to work interactively. I use both.

Method one: Submit a script from the login node:

Say we had a script to run bcbio-nextgen (a set of python scripts that will perform alignment of fastq files for RNA-seq). An example script would look like this


#SBATCH -p general
#SBATCH --job-name=xentro9_test_bcbionextgen
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH -c 6
#SBATCH -t 72:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=64G
#SBATCH -e xentro9_test_bcbionextgen_%j.err
#SBATCH -o xentro9_test_bcbionextgen_%j.out

export PATH=/proj/conlonlb/bcbio/anaconda/bin:/proj/conlonlb/bcbio/tools/bin:$PATH ../config/xtrop_xen9_test_submission.yaml -n 20

Every shell script starts with that first line. It is specifying that we are using bash. The next few lines are specific to your individual cluster and jobs.
-p is the partition that you are submitting to. UNC longleaf cluster has a number of partitions but the one that we always use is general
--job_name is the name you want for your job.
--mail-user will send an email to the address specified if the "type" has been reached. In this example, the mail-type is END. So, when its done for any reason, it will send you an email.
-c is the number of cores you want to utilize for your job
-t is a time limit for your job. If you go over the time limit your job will be killed by the cluster.
--mem is the amount of memory you are asking for. If your job takes up too much memory, your job will be killed by the cluster
-e is the name of the error file that is generated upon submission (%j will add the job number to the end of your name so that you can keep track of them
-o is the name of the output file that is generated upon submission.

All of the commands that are not commented out (#) will then run. Here we have two commands. One sets the PATH, and one runs the python scripts.

Checking your jobs


This is the command to check the status of your job.