Find Reseller's customers
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/search
MethodMe: POST
Body should be a JSON object(JSON):
"email": "querystring",
"fullname": "querystring",
"phone": "querystring",
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 30,
"fromCreatedDate": "01/01/2017 00:00",
"toCreatedDate": "01/01/2017 00:00"
email: customer email
fullname: full name
page: page, default 0
pageSize: number of clients return, default 30
fromCreatedDate: create date from (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI)
toCreatedDate: create date to (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI)
Create a new customer
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/create
Method: POST
Body should be a JSON object (JSON):
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password",
"fullname": "Nguyễn Văn A",
"organizationName": "Company A",
"gender": "male",
"birthday": "01/01/2017 00:00",
"country": "VN",
"province": "HNI",
"address": "Address 1",
"phone": "phone 1",
email (required): customer email
password (required): password
fullname (required): Last name [middle name] first name(example: Nguyễn Văn A)
organizationName: Name of organization
gender: gender ['male', 'female']
birthday: birthday
country: country code
province: province code
address (required): address
phone (required): phone number(+CC-YYYYYYYYY)
Update customer's information
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/update
Method: POST
Body should be a JSON object(JSON):
"id": 0,
"fullname": "Nguyễn Văn A",
"organizationName": "Company A",
"gender": "male",
"birthday": "01/01/2017 00:00",
"country": "VN", //List country at here
"province": "HNI", //List privince at here
"address": "Sddress 1",
"phone": "Phone 1",
id (required): customer ID
fullname (required): last name [middle name] first name(example: Nguyễn Văn A)
organizationName: Name of organization
gender: gender ['male', 'female']
birthday: birthday
country: Country code
province: Province code
address (required): address
phone (required): phone (+CC-YYYYYYYYY)
Get tokens forgotten login password of the customer, entered information is email
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/forgotpassword
Method: POST
Body should be a JSON object(JSON):
"email": "[email protected]"
email (required): customer email
Update customer's login password
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/changepassword
Method: POST
Body should be a JSON object (JSON):
"id": 0,
"password": "newpassword",
"passwordForgotToken": "token"//
id (required): customer's id
password (required): customer's id
passwordForgotToken (required): password Forgot Token
Get customer information via id
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/get Method: POST
Body should be a JSON object (JSON):
"id": 0
id (required): customer's id
Get customer information via email
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/getbyemail
Method: POST
Body should be a JSON object (JSON):
"email": "[email protected]"
email (required): customer's email
Suspend customer account
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/suspend
Method: POST
Body should be a JSON object (JSON):
"id": 0
id (required): customer's id
Cctivate customer accounts
API: /api/rms/v1/customer/active
Method: POST
Body should be a JSON object (JSON):
"id": 0
id (required): customer's id