PHP client for Sberbank's acquiring REST API.
composer require 'voronkovich/sberbank-acquiring-client'
In most cases to instantiate a client you need to pass your username and password to a constructor:
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Client;
/** @var Client $client */
$client = new Client([ 'userName' => 'YourUserName', 'password' => 'YourPassword' ]);
More advanced example:
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Client;
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Currency;
/** @var Client $client */
$client = new Client([
'userName' => 'userName',
'password' => 'password',
// A language code in ISO 639-1 format.
// Use this option to set a language of error messages.
'language' => 'ru',
// A currency code in ISO 4217 format.
// Use this option to set a currency used by default.
'currency' => Currency::RUB,
// An uri to send requests.
// Use this option if you want to use the Sberbank's test server.
'apiUri' => Client::API_URI_TEST,
// An HTTP method to use in requests.
// Must be "GET" or "POST" ("POST" is used by default).
'httpMethod' => 'GET',
// An HTTP client for sending requests.
// Use this option when you don't want to use
// a default HTTP client implementation distributed
// with this package (for example, when you have'nt
// a CURL extension installed in your server).
'httpClient' => new YourCustomHttpClient(),
Also you can use an adapter for the Guzzle:
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Client;
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\HttpClient\GuzzleAdapter;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as Guzzle
/** @var Client $client */
$client = new Client([
'userName' => 'userName',
'password' => 'password',
'httpClient' => new GuzzleAdapter(new Guzzle()),
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Client;
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Currency;
/** @var Client $client */
$client = new Client([ 'userName' => 'userName', 'password' => 'password' ]);
// Required arguments
$orderId = 1234;
$orderAmount = 1000;
$returnUrl = 'http://mycoolshop.local/payment-success';
// You can pass additional parameters like a currency code and etc.
$params['currency'] = Currency::EUR;
$params['failUrl'] = 'http://mycoolshop.local/payment-failure';
$result = $client->registerOrder($orderId, $orderAmount, $returnUrl, $params);
$paymentOrderId = $result['orderId'];
$paymentFormUrl = $result['formUrl'];
header('Location: ' . $paymentFormUrl);
Use a registerOrderPreAuth
method to create a 2-step order.
Never use this method, because a Sberbank's gateway does'nt handle it properly, use a getOrderStatusExtended
instead. For more information see a Sberbank's documentation.
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Client;
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\OrderStatus;
/** @var Client $client */
$client = new Client([ 'userName' => 'userName', 'password' => 'password' ]);
$result = $client->getOrderStatus($orderId);
if (OrderStatus::isDeposited($result['orderStatus'])) {
echo "Order #$orderId is deposited!";
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Client;
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\OrderStatus;
/** @var Client $client */
$client = new Client([ 'userName' => 'userName', 'password' => 'password' ]);
$result = $client->getOrderStatusExtended($orderId);
if (OrderStatus::isDeclined($result['orderStatus'])) {
echo "Order #$orderId was declined!";
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Client;
/** @var Client $client */
$client = new Client([ 'userName' => 'userName', 'password' => 'password' ]);
$result = $client->reverseOrder($orderId);
use Voronkovich\SberbankAcquiring\Client;
/** @var Client $client */
$client = new Client([ 'userName' => 'userName', 'password' => 'password' ]);
$result = $client->refundOrder($orderId, $amountToRefund);
See Client
source code to find methods for payment bindings and dealing with 2-step payments.
Copyright (c) Voronkovich Oleg. Distributed under the MIT.