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Quantum Intermediate Representation for Optimization (QIRO)

Note This repository contains archived code and is not under active development. The code was last synced with the MLIR project on September 25th 2020 (commit: d2166076b8) and is most likely to work with a C++ build chain available at the time on Ubuntu 20.04, but should generally be considered untested.


This project contains a prototype implementation of a novel intermediate representation (IR) specifically designed to enable and facilitate the optimization of hybrid quantum-classical programs. The IR is intended to be the core of a quantum compiler performant enough to handle the compilation & optimization of very large (application-scale) programs, which many of the current compilation frameworks focused on circuit compilation struggle with.

An academic treatment of the ideas behind the IR can be found in the publication QIRO: A Static Single Assignment-based Quantum Program Representation for Optimization (preprint available at arXiv:2101.11030).


MLIR is a novel compiler infrastructure designed to facilitate the implementation of domain-specific and heterogeneous compilers via composable abstraction layers called dialects. The quantum IR proposed by this project is implemented as two separate MLIR dialects and associated transformations. For more details on the MLIR project please refer to the official documentation.

(Note that MLIR is now part of the LLVM umbrella project.)

A Multi-Level Intermediate Representation for Quantum Programs

An abstract of the work on QIRO is reproduced below:

We propose an IR for quantum computing that directly exposes quantum and classical data dependencies for the purpose of optimization. The Quantum Intermediate Representation for Optimization(QIRO) consists of two dialects, one input dialect and one that is specifically tailored to enable quantum-classical co-optimization. While the first employs a perhaps more intuitive memory-semantics (quantum operations act on qubits via side-effects), the latter uses value-semantics (operations consume and produce states) to integrate quantum dataflow in the IR’s Static Single Assignment (SSA) graph. Crucially, this allows for a host of optimizations that leverage dataflow analysis. We discuss how to map existing quantum programming languages to the input dialect and how to lower the resulting IR to the optimization dialect. We present a prototype implementation based on MLIR that includes several quantum-specific optimization passes. Our benchmarks show that significant improvements in resource requirements are possible even through static optimization. In contrast to circuit optimization at run time, this is achieved while incurring only a small constant overhead in compilation time, making this a compelling approach for quantum program optimization at application scale.

The proposed compilation stack is shown in the figure below, as well an illustration of the core idea behind hybrid quantum-classical optimization:

The quantum type system and instruction set is summarized in the tables below (dialect prefixes and types are omitted for operations):


Note Development of the project has moved to Linux. Legacy instructions for building on Windows have been preserved at the end of this section.

The primary dependency of the QIRO project is the MLIR & LLVM compiler libraries and tools. They can be built from source on Ubuntu (or compatible distro) using the following set of commands.

Build dependencies (GCC should work as well):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake ninja-build clang lld ccache

Compiling MLIR:

git clone
cd llvm-project && git checkout d2166076b8
mkdir llvm-project/build && cd build
cmake ../llvm -G Ninja \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
cmake --build . --target check-mlir
cmake --build .

Compiling QIRO:

git clone
mkdir QIRO/build && cd QIRO/build
cmake .. -G Ninja \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DMLIR_DIR={PATH TO llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir} \
cmake --build .

First, make sure to download and build LLVM with the MLIR component. The project can be built from source using CMake.

To do so on Windows, you can follow the steps below. For other systems, please refer to the MLIR/LLVM documentation.

Building MLIR on Windows:

  • Get the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019. Select the C++ build tools, Windows 10 SDK, and CMake tools.
  • Get the LLVM requirements: Python (>=2.7), WinGnu32. Make sure all of these are available in your PATH variable.
  • Navigate to your project folder and download the LLVM source: git clone
  • Execute the below commands in a Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019, or execute vcvarsal.bat x64 beforehand:
    • cd llvm-project
    • cmake --build build --target check-mlir

Building this project:

  • Navigate to your project folder and download this source code: git clone
  • Execute the following commands:
    • cd QIRO
    • cmake -Bbuild -H.
    • cmake --build build --target quantum-opt


While the QIRO prototype is not integrated into an end-to-end compiler, it can be used to optimize quantum programs, as well as compile and execute them (to some degree). A typical build pipeline might look as follows:

  • program transformation using the quantum-opt tool:
    • input dialect to optimization dialect conversion
    • quantum program optimization
    • conversion to resource estimation program for "execution" on CPU
  • translation to LLVM IR using the mlir-translate tool
  • LLVM IR compilation + linking using llc and/or clang

See the quantum-opt tool for more information on its usage.

Additionally, the above pipeline has been combined into a JIT compilation and execution tool located in run-jit.