diff --git a/src/element-ref.test.html b/src/element-ref.test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b19775..0000000
--- a/src/element-ref.test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- `element-ref` tests
diff --git a/src/element-ref.test.ts b/src/element-ref.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 34b1907..0000000
--- a/src/element-ref.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
-import { ElementRef } from './element-ref.js';
-import { type AttrSerializable, type AttrSerializer, type ElementSerializable, type ElementSerializer, toSerializer } from './serializers.js';
-import { parseHtml } from './testing/html-parser.js';
-describe('element-ref', () => {
- describe('ElementRef', () => {
- describe('from', () => {
- it('constructs a new `ElementRef` from the given native element', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(document.createElement('div'));
- expect(el).toBeInstanceOf(ElementRef);
- // Verify that native element type is inferred from the input.
- () => {
- el.native satisfies HTMLDivElement;
- };
- });
- it('throws an error when given a non-Element type', () => {
- const textNode = document.createTextNode('Hello, World!');
- expect(() => ElementRef.from(textNode as unknown as Element))
- .toThrowError(/Tried to create an `ElementRef` of `nodeType` 3/);
- expect(() => ElementRef.from(document as unknown as Element))
- .toThrowError(/Tried to create an `ElementRef` of `nodeType` 9/);
- });
- it('rejects `Node` inputs at compile-time', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- // @ts-expect-error `Node` is not assignable to `Element`.
- ElementRef.from(document.createTextNode('Hello, World!'));
- };
- });
- });
- describe('native', () => {
- it('returns the native element given to the `ElementRef`', () => {
- const div = document.createElement('div');
- const el = ElementRef.from(div);
- expect(el.native).toBe(div);
- });
- it('should be readonly', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(document.createElement('div'));
- // @ts-expect-error `native` is `readonly`.
- el.native = document.createElement('div');
- };
- });
- });
- describe('read', () => {
- it('reads the text content of the element and deserializes with the given primitive serializer', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- `Hello, World!
- expect(el.read(String)).toBe('Hello, World!');
- const el2 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- `12345
- expect(el2.read(Number)).toBe(12345);
- const el3 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- `true
- expect(el3.read(Boolean)).toBeTrue();
- const el4 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- `12345
- expect(el4.read(BigInt)).toBe(12345n);
- });
- it('reads the text content of the element with the given custom serializer', () => {
- const serializer: ElementSerializer<{ foo: string }, Element> = {
- serializeTo(): void { /* no-op */ },
- deserializeFrom(): { foo: string } {
- return { foo: 'bar' };
- },
- };
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- `Hello, World!
- expect(el.read(serializer)).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' });
- });
- it('reads the text content of the element with the given serializable', () => {
- class User {
- public constructor(private name: string) {}
- public static [toSerializer](): ElementSerializer {
- return {
- serializeTo(user: User, element: Element): void {
- element.textContent = user.name;
- },
- deserializeFrom(element: Element): User {
- return new User(element.textContent!);
- },
- };
- }
- }
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- `Devel
- expect(el.read(User)).toEqual(new User('Devel'));
- });
- it('throws an error if the deserialization process throws', () => {
- const err = new Error('Failed to deserialize.');
- const serializer: ElementSerializer = {
- serializeTo(): void { /* no-op */ },
- deserializeFrom(): string {
- throw err;
- }
- };
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- `Hello, World!
- expect(() => el.read(serializer)).toThrow(err);
- });
- it('resolves return type from input primitive serializer type', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const _resultStr: string = el.read(String);
- const _resultNum: number = el.read(Number);
- const _resultBool: boolean = el.read(Boolean);
- const _resultBigInt: bigint = el.read(BigInt);
- };
- });
- it('resolves return type from input custom serializer type', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const serializer = {} as ElementSerializer;
- const _result: number = el.read(serializer);
- };
- });
- it('resolves return type from input custom serializable type', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const serializable = {} as ElementSerializable;
- const _result: number = el.read(serializable);
- };
- });
- it('resolves serializer type based on element type', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const divSerializer = {} as ElementSerializer;
- el.read(divSerializer);
- const inputSerializer =
- {} as ElementSerializer;
- // @ts-expect-error
- el.read(inputSerializer);
- const divSerializable =
- {} as ElementSerializable;
- el.read(divSerializable);
- const inputSerializable =
- {} as ElementSerializable;
- // @ts-expect-error
- el.read(inputSerializable);
- };
- });
- it('throws a compile-time error for attribute serializers', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const serializer = {} as AttrSerializer;
- // @ts-expect-error
- el.read(serializer);
- const serializable = {} as AttrSerializable;
- // @ts-expect-error
- el.read(serializable);
- };
- });
- });
- describe('attr', () => {
- it('returns the attribute value for the given name', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(el.attr('foo', String)).toBe('bar');
- });
- it('deserializes empty string when the attribute is set with no value', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(el.attr('foo', String)).toBe('');
- expect(el.attr('bar', String)).toBe('');
- });
- it('deserializes the attribute with the given primitive serializer', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(el.attr('name', String)).toBe('Devel');
- const el2 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(el2.attr('id', Number)).toBe(12345);
- const el3 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(el3.attr('id', BigInt)).toBe(12345n);
- });
- it('deserializes booleans based on text value, not attribute presence', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(el.attr('enabled', Boolean)).toBeTrue();
- const el2 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement, `
- `));
- expect(el2.attr('enabled', Boolean)).toBeFalse();
- const el3 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(() => el3.attr('enabled', Boolean)).toThrow();
- const el4 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(() => el4.attr('enabled', Boolean)).toThrow();
- const el5 = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(() => el5.attr('enabled', Boolean)).toThrow();
- });
- it('deserializes the attribute with the given custom serializer', () => {
- const serializer: AttrSerializer<{ foo: string }> = {
- serialize(value: { foo: string }): string {
- return value.foo;
- },
- deserialize(): { foo: string } {
- return { foo: 'bar' };
- }
- };
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(el.attr('hello', serializer)).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' });
- });
- it('deserializes the attribute with the given serializable', () => {
- class User {
- public constructor(private name: string) {}
- public static [toSerializer](): AttrSerializer {
- return {
- serialize(user: User): string {
- return user.name;
- },
- deserialize(name: string): User {
- return new User(name);
- },
- };
- }
- }
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(el.attr('name', User)).toEqual(new User('Devel'));
- });
- it('throws an error if the deserialization process throws', () => {
- const err = new Error('Failed to deserialize.');
- const serializer: AttrSerializer = {
- serialize(value: string): string {
- return value;
- },
- deserialize(): string {
- throw err;
- }
- };
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement,
- ``));
- expect(() => el.attr('hello', serializer)).toThrow(err);
- });
- it('returns `undefined` if the attribute does not exist and is marked optional', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement, ``));
- expect(el.attr('hello', String, { optional: true })).toBeUndefined();
- });
- it('resolves return type from input primitive serializer type', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const _result1: string = el.attr('test', String);
- const _result2: string = el.attr('test', String, {});
- const _result3: string =
- el.attr('test', String, { optional: false });
- let optional = el.attr('test', String, { optional: true });
- optional = 'test' as string | undefined;
- let unknown =
- el.attr('test', String, { optional: true as boolean });
- unknown = 'test' as string | undefined;
- };
- });
- it('resolves return type from input custom serializer type', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const serializer = {} as AttrSerializer;
- const _result1: number = el.attr('test', serializer);
- const _result2: number = el.attr('test', serializer, {});
- const _result3: number =
- el.attr('test', serializer, { optional: false });
- let optional = el.attr('test', serializer, { optional: true });
- optional = 123 as number | undefined;
- let unknown =
- el.attr('test', serializer, { optional: true as boolean });
- unknown = 123 as number | undefined;
- };
- });
- it('resolves return type from input custom serializable type', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const serializable = {} as AttrSerializable;
- const _result1: number = el.attr('test', serializable);
- const _result2: number = el.attr('test', serializable, {});
- const _result3: number =
- el.attr('test', serializable, { optional: false });
- let optional = el.attr('test', serializable, { optional: true });
- optional = 123 as number | undefined;
- let unknown =
- el.attr('test', serializable, { optional: true as boolean });
- unknown = 123 as number | undefined;
- };
- });
- it('throws a compile-time error when used with an element serializer', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const serializer = {} as ElementSerializer;
- // @ts-expect-error
- el.attr('test', serializer);
- const serializable = {} as ElementSerializable;
- // @ts-expect-error
- el.attr('test', serializable);
- };
- });
- });
- describe('query', () => {
- it('returns the queried element', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(
- parseHtml(HTMLDivElement, `Hello, World!
- expect(el.query('span').read(String)).toBe('Hello, World!');
- });
- it('throws an error when no element is found and not marked `optional`', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(document.createElement('div'));
- // Explicitly required.
- expect(() => el.query('span', { optional: false }))
- .toThrowError(/Selector "span" did not resolve to an element\./);
- // Implicitly required.
- expect(() => el.query('span', {}))
- .toThrowError(/Selector "span" did not resolve to an element\./);
- expect(() => el.query('span'))
- .toThrowError(/Selector "span" did not resolve to an element\./);
- });
- it('returns non-nullable type for required query', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el: ElementRef = {} as any;
- // Explicitly required.
- {
- let result = el.query('span', { optional: false });
- // @ts-expect-error `null` should not be assignable to `result`.
- result = null;
- }
- // Implicitly required via default `optional`.
- {
- let result = el.query('span', {});
- // @ts-expect-error `null` should not be assignable to `result`.
- result = null;
- }
- // Implicitly required via default `options`.
- {
- let result = el.query('span');
- // @ts-expect-error `null` should not be assignable to `result`.
- result = null;
- }
- };
- });
- it('types the result based on a required query', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el: ElementRef = {} as any;
- let _result1: ElementRef = el.query('input#id');
- let _result2: ElementRef = el.query('input#id', {});
- let _result3: ElementRef = el.query('input#id', {
- optional: false,
- });
- };
- });
- it('types the result as nullable based on an optional query', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el: ElementRef = {} as any;
- let _result: ElementRef | null =
- el.query('input#id', { optional: true });
- };
- });
- it('types the result as nullable based on unknown optionality', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el: ElementRef = {} as any;
- let _result: ElementRef | null =
- el.query('input#id', { optional: true as boolean });
- };
- });
- it('types the result as `null` for impossible queries', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el: ElementRef = {} as any;
- let _result: null = el.query('input::before');
- };
- });
- it('returns `null` when no element is found and marked `optional`', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(document.createElement('div'));
- expect(el.query('span', { optional: true })).toBeNull();
- });
- it('returns nullable type for `optional` query', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el: ElementRef = {} as any;
- // `ElementRef | null`
- let result = el.query('span', { optional: true });
- // `null` should be assignable to implicit return type.
- result = null;
- };
- });
- it('returns possibly nullable type for unknown optionality', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el: ElementRef = {} as any;
- // `ElementRef | null`
- let result = el.query('span', { optional: true as boolean });
- // `null` should be assignable to implicit return type.
- result = null;
- };
- });
- it('scopes to the native element', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement, `
- Descendant
- `));
- expect(el.query(':scope > span').read(String)).toBe('Child');
- });
- });
- describe('queryAll', () => {
- it('returns the queried elements', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement, `
- Hello, World!
- Hello again!
- Hello once more!
- `));
- expect(el.queryAll('span').map((el) => el.read(String))).toEqual([
- 'Hello, World!',
- 'Hello again!',
- 'Hello once more!',
- ]);
- });
- it('throws an error when no element is found and not marked `optional`', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(document.createElement('div'));
- // Explicitly required.
- expect(() => el.queryAll('span', { optional: false }))
- .toThrowError(/Selector "span" did not resolve to any elements\./);
- // Implicitly required.
- expect(() => el.queryAll('span'))
- .toThrowError(/Selector "span" did not resolve to any elements\./);
- expect(() => el.queryAll('span', {}))
- .toThrowError(/Selector "span" did not resolve to any elements\./);
- });
- it('returns an empty array when no element is found and marked `optional`', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(document.createElement('div'));
- expect(el.queryAll('span', { optional: true })).toEqual([]);
- });
- it('returns a *real* array', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(document.createElement('div'));
- expect(el.queryAll('span', { optional: true })).toBeInstanceOf(Array);
- });
- it('scopes to the native element', () => {
- const el = ElementRef.from(parseHtml(HTMLDivElement, `
- Descendant
Child 1
Child 2
- `));
- expect(el.queryAll(':scope > span').map((el) => el.read(String)))
- .toEqual([
- 'Child 1',
- 'Child 2',
- ]);
- });
- it('types the result based on query', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- const _result: ElementRef[] = el.queryAll('input');
- };
- });
- it('type the result without `null` pollution', () => {
- // Type-only test, only needs to compile, not execute.
- expect().nothing();
- () => {
- const el = {} as ElementRef;
- // `Array>` because pseudo-selectors always
- // resolve to `null`. At runtime, this will always be an empty `[]`,
- // so we type this as `Array>`.
- const result = el.queryAll('input::before');
- // @ts-expect-error `result` contains an array of `Element`, not an
- // array of `HTMLInputElement`.
- const _inputs: ElementRef[] = result;
- };
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/src/element-ref.ts b/src/element-ref.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e46d40b..0000000
--- a/src/element-ref.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
- * @fileoverview Defines the {@link ElementRef} class and associated utilities.
- */
-import { type QueriedElement } from './query.js';
-import { type AttrSerializerToken, type ElementSerializerToken, type ResolveSerializer, resolveSerializer } from './serializer-tokens.js';
-import { type AttrSerializable, type AttrSerializer, type ElementSerializable, type ElementSerializer, type Serialized, bigintSerializer, booleanSerializer, numberSerializer, stringSerializer, toSerializer } from './serializers.js';
- * A wrapper class of {@link Element} which provides more ergonomic API access
- * conducive to chaining.
- */
-export class ElementRef {
- private constructor(public readonly native: El) {}
- /**
- * Creates a new {@link ElementRef} from the given {@link Element} object.
- *
- * @param native The native element to wrap in an {@link ElementRef}.
- * @returns A new {@link ElementRef} object wrapping the input.
- */
- public static from(native: El): ElementRef {
- if (native.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- throw new Error(`Tried to create an \`ElementRef\` of \`nodeType\` ${
- native.nodeType} (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType).\n\n\`ElementRef\` must be created with an \`Element\`, not any other type of \`Node\`.`);
- }
- return new ElementRef(native);
- }
- /**
- * Provides the value of the text content on the underlying element.
- *
- * @param token A "token" which identifiers an {@link ElementSerializer} to
- * deserialize the read attribute string. A token is one of:
- * * A primitive serializer - {@link String}, {@link Boolean},
- * {@link Number}, {@link BigInt}.
- * * An {@link ElementSerializer} object.
- * * A {@link ElementSerializable} object.
- * @returns The value of the text content for this element deserialized based
- * on the input token.
- */
- public read>(token: Token):
- Serialized,
- ElementSerializable
- >> {
- const serializer = resolveSerializer<
- Token,
- ElementSerializer,
- ElementSerializable
- >(token);
- return serializer.deserializeFrom(this.native) as any;
- }
- /**
- * Provides the value of the attribute with the given name on the underlying
- * element.
- *
- * Note that an attribute without a value such as `` will
- * return an empty string which is considered falsy. The correct way to check
- * if an attribute exists is: `attr('foo') !== null`.
- *
- * @param name The name of the attribute to read.
- * @param token A "token" which identifiers an {@link AttrSerializer} to
- * deserialize the read attribute string. A token is one of:
- * * A primitive serializer - {@link String}, {@link Boolean},
- * {@link Number}, {@link BigInt}.
- * * An {@link AttrSerializer} object.
- * * A {@link AttrSerializable} object.
- * @returns The value of the attribute deserialized based on the input token,
- * or `null` if not set.
- */
- public attr>(
- name: string,
- token: Token,
- options: { optional: true },
- ): Serialized,
- AttrSerializable
- >> | undefined;
- public attr>(
- name: string,
- token: Token,
- options?: { optional?: false },
- ): Serialized,
- AttrSerializable
- >>;
- public attr>(
- name: string,
- token: Token,
- options?: { optional?: boolean },
- ): Serialized,
- AttrSerializable
- >> | undefined;
- public attr>(
- name: string,
- token: Token,
- { optional }: { optional?: boolean } = {},
- ): Serialized,
- AttrSerializable
- >> | undefined {
- const serialized = this.native.getAttribute(name);
- if (serialized === null) {
- if (optional) {
- return undefined;
- } else {
- throw new Error(`Attribute "${name}" did not exist on element. Is the name wrong, or does the attribute not exist? If it is expected that the attribute may not exist, consider calling \`attr\` with \`{ optional: true }\` to ignore this error.`);
- }
- }
- const serializer = resolveSerializer<
- Token,
- AttrSerializer,
- AttrSerializable
- >(token);
- return serializer.deserialize(serialized) as any;
- }
- /**
- * Queries light DOM descendants for the provided selector and returns the
- * first matching element wrapped in an {@link ElementRef}. Returns
- * `undefined` if no element is found.
- *
- * @param selector The selector to query for.
- * @returns An {@link ElementRef} which wraps the query result, or `null` if
- * no element is found.
- */
- public query(
- selector: Query,
- options?: { readonly optional?: false },
- ): QueryResult;
- public query(
- selector: Query,
- options: { readonly optional: boolean },
- ): QueryResult | null;
- public query(selector: Query, { optional = false }: {
- readonly optional?: boolean,
- } = {}): QueryResult | null {
- const child = this.native.querySelector(selector) as
- QueriedElement | null;
- if (!child) {
- if (optional) {
- return null;
- } else {
- throw new Error(`Selector "${selector}" did not resolve to an element. Is the selector wrong, or does the element not exist? If it is expected that the element may not exist, consider calling \`.query('${selector}', { optional: true })\` to ignore this error.`);
- }
- }
- return ElementRef.from(child) as QueryResult;
- }
- /**
- * Queries light DOM descendants for the provided selector and returns all
- * matching elements, each wrapped in an {@link ElementRef}. Always returns a
- * real {@link Array}, not a {@link NodeListOf} like
- * {@link Element.prototype.querySelectorAll}. Returns an empty array when no
- * elements match the given query.
- *
- * @param selector The selector to query for.
- * @returns An {@link Array} of the queried elements, each wrapped in an
- * {@link ElementRef}.
- */
- public queryAll(
- selector: Selector,
- { optional = false }: { optional?: boolean } = {},
- ): Array>> {
- const elements = this.native.querySelectorAll(selector) as
- NodeListOf>;
- if (!optional && elements.length === 0) {
- throw new Error(`Selector "${selector}" did not resolve to any elements. Is the selector wrong, or do the elements not exist? If it is expected that the elements may not exist, consider calling \`.queryAll('${selector}', { optional: true })\` to ignore this error.`);
- }
- return Array.from(elements).map((el) => ElementRef.from(el));
- }
-// `QueriedElement` returns `null` when given a pseudo-element selector. Need to
-// avoid boxing this `null` into `ElementRef`.
-type QueryResult =
- QueriedElement extends null
- ? null
- : ElementRef>
-// `QueriedElement` returns `null` when given a pseudo-element selector. Need to
-// avoid boxing this `null` into `null[]`, when any such values would be
-// filtered out of the result.
-type QueryAllResult =
- QueriedElement extends null
- ? Element
- : QueriedElement
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index 4032e04..3443d49 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ export { type HydrateLifecycle, defineComponent } from './component.js';
export { ComponentRef, type OnDisconnect, type OnConnect } from './component-ref.js';
export { Dehydrated } from './dehydrated.js';
export { ElementAccessor } from './element-accessor.js';
-export { ElementRef } from './element-ref.js';
export { type Queryable } from './queryable.js';
export { QueryRoot } from './query-root.js';
export { hydrate, isHydrated } from './hydration.js';