- JDK 11 or newer (e.g. OpenJDK)
- Apache Maven 3.3.9 or newer
This project adheres to Google Java Style and uses Checkstyle for validating code style.
Run mvn --activate-profiles=checkstyle verify
to execute Checkstyle.
Use google_checks.xml for configuring your IDE's inspection and formatting settings.
This project uses SpotBugs for static code analysis.
Run mvn --activate-profiles=spotbugs verify
to execute SpotBugs.
Run mvn --activate-profiles=coverage verify
to execute all tests and to assert code coverage requirements are met.
Run mvn --activate-profiles=checkstyle,spotbugs,coverage verify
to build all modules, execute all tests
and run all checks.
Run mvn --activate-profiles=-examples install
to install the main artifacts into the local repository.
The code for the hamcrest-mail-jakarta and hamcrest-mail-examples-jakarta modules is “generated” from their non-Jakarta counterparts by copying source files and substituting “jakarta.mail” for “javax.mail”.
Run mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
to check for dependency updates.
Run mvn --activate-profiles=checkstyle,spotbugs,coverage,release -DprocessUnboundPlugins=true versions:display-plugin-updates
to check for Maven plug-in updates.