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788 lines (578 loc) · 38.9 KB

File metadata and controls

788 lines (578 loc) · 38.9 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • nothing yet


  • nothing yet


  • nothing yet


  • SDK now handles null scenarios preventing crashes when IterableEncryptedSharedPreference creation fails.
  • Updated crypto library to version 1.1.0-alpha06. 1.1.0-alpha05 solves a race condition during creation process.


This release allows you to use projects hosted on Iterable's EU data center. If your project is hosted on Iterable's European data center (EUDC), configure the SDK to use Iterable's EU-based API endpoints:


IterableConfig config = new IterableConfig.Builder()
  // ... other configuration options ...
IterableApi.initialize(context, "<YOUR_API_KEY>", config);


val configBuilder = IterableConfig.Builder()
   // ... other configuration options ...
IterableApi.initialize(context, "<YOUR_API_KEY>", config);


  • Addressed React Native SDK push notification deep linking issues where the app would restart instead of resuming the last activity upon being backgrounded.
  • Resolves an additional push notification problem wherein the customActionHandler and urlHandler were not being invoked in specific scenarios, as documented in issue #470. (Credit to @tnortman-jabra for the report and the fix)


  • IterableInAppManager.setRead now accepts IterableHelper.FailureHandler failureHandler


  • Fixes an issue where IterableInAppManager.removeMessage caused build failure in React Native SDK pointing to legacy method calls.
  • Fixes an issue where custom action handlers were not invoked when tapping on push notification when the app is in background.


  • IterableInAppManager.setRead now accepts IterableHelper.SuccessHandler successHandler.
  • IterableApi.inAppConsume now accepts IterableHelper.SuccessHandler successHandler and IterableHelper.FailureHandler failureHandler.


  • setEmail and setUserId now accepts IterableHelper.SuccessHandler successHandler and IterableHelper.FailureHandler failureHandler.


  • OTT devices (FireTV) will now register as OTT device instead of Android under user's devices.


  • Custom push notification sounds! To play a custom sound for a push notification, add a sound file to your app's res/raw folder and specify that same filename when setting up a template in Iterable.

    Some important notes about custom sounds and notification channels:

    • Android API level 26 introduced notification channels. Every notification must be assigned to a channel.
    • Each custom sound you add to an Iterable template creates a new Android notification channel. The notification channel's name matches the filename of the sound (without its extension).
    • To ensure sensible notification channel names for end users, give friendly names to your sound files. For example, a custom sound file with name Paid.mp3 creates a notification channel called Paid. The end user can see this notification channel name in their device's notification channel settings.
    • Be sure to place the corresponding sound file in your app's res/raw directory.
  • To help you access a user's email address, userId, and authToken, the SDK now provides convenience methods: getEmail(), getUserId(), and getAuthToken().


  • Updated the Security library and improved EncryptedSharedPreferences handling.

    To work around a known Android issue that can cause crashes when creating EncryptedSharedPreferences, we've upgraded from version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0-alpha04. When EncryptedSharedPreferences cannot be created, the SDK now uses SharedPreferences (unencrypted).

    If your app requires encryption, you can prevent this fallback to SharedPreferences by setting the encryptionEnforced configuration flag to true. However, if you enable this flag and EncryptedSharedPreferences cannot be created, an exception will be thrown.

  • Improved JWT token management. This change addresses an issue where null values could prevent the refresh of a JWT token.


  • Fixed an issue which could prevent in-app messages from respecting the Position value selected when setting up the template (top / center / bottom / full).

  • Fixed crashes that sometimes happened during in-app message animations.

This release includes support for encrypting some data at rest, and an option to store in-app messages in memory.

Encrypted data

In Android apps with minSdkVersion 23 or higher (Android 6.0) Iterable's Android SDK now encrypts the following fields when storing them at rest:

  • email — The user's email address.
  • userId — The user's ID.
  • authToken — The JWT used to authenticate the user with Iterable's API.

(Note that Iterable's Android SDK does not store the last push payload at rest—before or after this update.)

For more information about this encryption in Android, examine the source code for Iterable's Android SDK: IterableKeychain.

Storing in-app messages in memory

This release also allows you to have your Android apps (regardless of minSdkVersion) store in-app messages in memory, rather than in an unencrypted local file. However, an unencrypted local file is still the default option.

To store in-app messages in memory, set the setUseInMemoryStorageForInApps(true) SDK configuration option (defaults to false):


IterableConfig.Builder configBuilder = new IterableConfig.Builder()
   // ... other configuration options ...
IterableApi.initialize(context, "<YOUR_API_KEY>", config);


val configBuilder = IterableConfig.Builder()
   // ... other configuration options ...
IterableApi.initialize(context, "<YOUR_API_KEY>",;

When users upgrade to a version of your Android app that uses this version of the SDK (or higher), and you've set this configuration option to true, the local file used for in-app message storage (if it already exists) is deleted However, no data is lost.

Android upgrade instructions

If your app targets API level 23 or higher, this is a standard SDK upgrade, with no special instructions.

If your app targets an API level less than 23, you'll need to make the following changes to your project (which allow your app to build, even though it won't encrypt data):

  1. In AndroidManifest.xml, add <uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary="" />
  2. In your app's app/build.gradle:
    • Add multiDexEnabled true to the default object, under android.
    • Add implementation androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1 to the dependencies.


  • Added new methods for setEmail, setUserId and updateEmail which accepts authToken, providing more ways to pass authToken to SDK
  • Added two interface methods - onTokenRegistrationSuccessful and onTokenRegistrationFailed. Override these methods to see if authToken was successfully received by the SDK.


  • setAuthToken method is now public allowing additional way to provide authToken to SDK.


  • Removed collection of advertising ID.


  • Fixed an issue where disableDevice would get called with no device token.


  • This release makes offline events processing available to all Iterable customers who'd like to use it — just ask your customer success manager to enable it for your account. Offline events processing saves a local copy of events triggered in your app while the device is offline (up to 1000 events). When a connection is re-established and your app is in the foreground, the events will be sent to Iterable. For more information, read Offline events processing.


  • Fixed an issue where configurations would not be loaded. config in IterableApi is now accessed through sharedInstance.


  • Fixed in-apps disappearing due to the functionality of loading HTML changing in Android SDK version 29+.


  • Fixed in-app layouts always showing up in the top format.


  • Notification Badging/Dots can be explicitly enabled or disabled in AndroidManifest by setting iterable_notification_badging value to true or false. Read More.


  • Fixed device registration failure users in JWT enabled projects.
  • Fixed an issue where app would hide from app switcher when external links are deep linked from push notification.


  • Fixed a regression with pending intents losing immutability that was causing issues on Android 12. (Thanks to @scaires)


  • Notification Trampoline restriction is now handled by the SDK allowing push notification to work seamlessly on Android 12+.


  • Prevented in-app messages from executing JavaScript code included in their HTML templates.
  • Prevented web views from accessing local files.


  • Changed two static methods on the IterableApi class, handleAppLink and getAndTrackDeepLink, to instance methods. To call these methods, grab an instance of the IterableApi class by calling IterableApi.getInstance(). For example, IterableApi.getInstance().handleAppLink(...).

    WARNING This is a breaking change. You'll need to update your code.


  • Added the allowedProtocols field to the IterableConfig class.

    Use this array to declare the specific URL protocols that the SDK can expect to see on incoming links (and that it should therefore handle). Doing this will prevent the SDK from opening links that use unexpected URL protocols.

    For example, this code allows the SDK to handle http and custom links:


    IterableConfig.Builder configBuilder = new IterableConfig.Builder()
      .setAllowedProtocols(new String[]{"http", "custom"});
    IterableApi.initialize(context, "<YOUR_API_KEY>", config);


    val configBuilder = IterableConfig.Builder()
    IterableApi.initialize(context, "<YOUR_API_KEY>",;

    Iterable's Android SDK handles https, action, itbl, and iterable links, regardless of the contents of this array. However, you must explicitly declare any other types of URL protocols you'd like the SDK to handle (otherwise, the SDK won't open them in the web browser or as deep links).


  • Auth keys and API keys will no more be logged in Android Logcat for security reasons.


  • Crash on closing system dialog is now addressed for Android 12+.


  • Fixed an issue where push notifications retained data from previously sent notifications.


  • When syncing in-app queues, new messages that already have read set to true will not spawn an InAppDelivery event.


  • Added android:exported attribute to activities as required in Android 12.
  • Pending intents now specify its mutability as required in Android 12. (Thanks to @sidcpatel!)


  • Push notifications will now have timestamps on devices with SDK 17 and above.


  • updateCart has been added to the SDK
  • dataFields have been added as a field to CommerceItem


  • Devices with Android 11 should now be able to open browser when performing open url actions instead of landing on the app.


  • Added a new static method - setContext to IterableAPI. Use this method in your ReactNative project to pass context to IterableSDK from Application - onCreate method.


  • The following properties have been added to the CommerceItem class:

    • sku - The item's SKU
    • description - A description of the item
    • url - A URL associated with the item
    • imageUrl - A URL that points to an image of the item
    • categories - Categories associated with the item

    Set these values on CommerceItem objects passed to the IterableApi.trackPurchase method.


  • To resolve a breaking change introduced in Firebase Cloud Messaging version 22.0.0, version 3.3.1 of Iterable's Android SDK bumps the minimum required version of its Firebase Android dependency to 20.3.0.

    If upgrading to version 3.3.1 causes your app to crash on launch, or your build to fail, add the following lines to your app's build.gradle file:

    android {
        compileOptions {
            sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
            targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
  • Updated minimum version for firebase-messaging to 20.3.0 to use FirebaseMessaging.getToken() instead of deprecated FirebaseInstanceId.getToken().

  • Notifications will now show timestamp.


  • Offline events processing - This feature saves a local copy of events triggered in your app while the device is offline (up to 1000 events). When a connection is re-established and your app is in the foreground, the events will be sent to Iterable. This feature is off by default, and we're rolling it out on a customer-by-customer basis. After you start using this version of the SDK, we'll send you a message before we enable the feature on your account (unfortunately, we can't give you an exact timeline for when this will happen). If you have any questions, talk to your Iterable customer success manager.


  • Removed legacyGCMSenderId from IterableConfig.
  • Removed deprecated functions spawnInAppNotification and redirected getInAppMessages to be called from IterableInAppManager.


  • Updated minimum version for firebase-messaging to 19.0.0.
  • Added dependency on Kotlin standard library.


  • Non-silent inbox messages will now properly account for the read state.


  • In-app message prioritization - Ordering the display of in-app messages based on a priority you select in Iterable when creating in-app campaigns


  • Support for the display of a custom message (title and body) in an empty mobile inbox. For more details, see Customizing Mobile Inbox on Android

  • Support for syncing in-app message read state across multiple devices:

    • When the SDK fetches in-app messages from Iterable, it examines each message's read field to determine if it has already been read.
    • The SDK's default implementation no longer automatically displays in-app messages that have already been seen on another device (even if those messages were not configured to go directly to the inbox).

    If you'd like to try out these beta features, talk with your Iterable customer success manager.


  • Support for the display of a custom message (title and body) in an empty mobile inbox. For more details, see Customizing Mobile Inbox on Android
  • Support for syncing in-app message read state across multiple devices:
    • When the SDK fetches in-app messages from Iterable, it examines each message's read field to determine if it has already been read.
    • The SDK's default implementation no longer automatically displays in-app messages that have already been seen on another device (even if those messages were not configured to go directly to the inbox).


  • Changed the timeout for GET calls (/inApp/getMessages in particular) from 3 to 10 seconds.


  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when dismissing an in-app message while the app is in background.


  • This beta SDK release includes support for two new Iterable features (both of which are in beta):

    • Offline events processing - Capturing engagement events when a device is offline and sending them to Iterable when a network connection is reestablished
    • In-app message prioritization - Ordering the display of in-app messages based on a priority you select in Iterable when creating in-app campaigns

    If you'd like to try out these beta features, talk with your Iterable customer success manager.


  • Fixed Firebase check to work without a Firebase database URL in google-services.json that may not be present in some recently created Firebase projects.


  • Added support for delayed initialization of the SDK. While we still recommend calling IterableApi.initialize in Application#onCreate, apps initializing the Iterable SDK later should now work properly with push actions and background push notifications without issues.


  • Fixed IllegalStateException crash in IterableInAppFragmentHTMLNotification by adding safety checks before dismissing the in-app dialog.
  • Fixed a crash in the in-app dialog that could occur in some cases when the device is rotated while the in-app dialog is beginning to load.
  • Fixed a crash in IterablePushActionReceiver when extras are null. This was only happening in automated analysis tools and not in production, but was nevertheless showing up in crash reports.


  • Added support for in-app animations. Select the checkbox to use preset animations when creating a template to see this feature in action.
  • Added support to set custom color and transparency for in-app background.


  • Fixed an issue where closing an in-app could crash the app if the message gets deleted from another logged in device while it is being displayed.


  • The method getExpiresAt in IterableInAppMessage is now public.


  • Added authentication support.


  • Added a new method - setAutoDisplayPaused to InAppManager. This method pauses the display of in-app messages and can be used to prevent interruptions in certain areas of your app.


  • Changed messageId argument to be non-null in trackPushOpen.


  • Fixed an issue where the in-app message queue wasn't being refreshed on app launch.
  • Removed warning messages from logs when using string resources for notification channel name.


  • app_name was removed from published strings and replaced with plain string values in test manifests.
  • disableToken now disables all devices with the current device token when email and userId are not set.


  • Fixed an issue where in-app click events were not being registered after displaying an in-app message.
  • Fixed NullPointerExceptions in IterableInAppFragmentHTMLNotification that could occur in some cases when the activity is destroyed and recreated.
  • Fixed an issue where in-app messages were not getting cleared upon logout.


  • Added support for new parameters - mergeNestedObject in updateUser method.
  • Added public methods - setDeviceAttribute and removeDeviceAttribute to support additional device attributes.


  • Method tracing now logs only in VERBOSE log level.


  • IterableInAppMessage now stores the campaignId it belongs to. (Thanks to @nkotula!)


  • The SDK now uses DialogFragment to show in-app messages. In-app messages are more stable than before and resilient to device configuration changes like device rotation.


  • Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in IterableRequest which is thrown from inside HttpUrlConnection/OkHttp module in certain Android firmwares


  • Added support for new parameters - subscribedMessageTypeIDs, campaignId, templateId in updateSubscriptions method.


  • Mobile Inbox

    Changes since beta:

    • Added support for various ways to customize the default interface for a mobile inbox
    • Added a sample project that demonstrates how to customize the default interface for a mobile inbox
    • Added tracking for inbox sessions (when the inbox is visible in the app) and inbox message impressions (when a individual message's item is visible in the mobile inbox message list)


  • Removed all old initialization methods starting with sharedInstanceWithApiKey
  • Removed sendPush methods (these API methods can't be called from mobile apps)
  • Removed all deprecated methods with extra parameters for push registration:
    • void registerDeviceToken(String token) is the only one available now for token registration
    • void disablePush() is the only one available for disabling the current push token
    • Platform is always FCM, and push integration name is taken from IterableConfig


  • The SDK now depends on AndroidX libraries. Migrate your app to use AndroidX before using version 3.2.0 or higher of the SDK.
  • When pushIntegrationName is not set on IterableConfig, the SDK now defaults it to the app's package name. If you've set up your push integration with the new Mobile Apps UI, you don't have to specify pushIntegrationName in the SDK anymore.


  • Added a new static method to IterableFirebaseMessagingService: isGhostPush. Use this method to determine whether a Firebase message is an Iterable ghost push or silent push message.


  • Fixed the height of full-screen in-app messages to make sure they're not clipped by the Android navigation bar.
  • The SDK doesn't log an error message anymore when a custom notification channel name is not set.


  • Automatic push registration is now only done if the app is running in foreground


  • Push notifications now also display image thumbnails when collapsed


  • Connection timeout for GET requests is now 3 seconds, to match other request timeouts
  • Api-Key header is now also used for GET requests


  • Fixed possible exceptions when an in-app message is not on the screen when it's being resized


  • Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur in some cases when trying to get Advertising ID


  • Removed FirebaseInstanceIDService dependency to support newer versions of firebase-messaging library. This bumps the minimum required version of firebase-messaging to 17.4.0.


  • Fixed deserialization of in-app messages stored with beta versions of the SDK


  • SDK platform and version is now sent with every API request via headers


  • Api-Key header name is now used for the API key instead of api_key, for consistency with HTTP header naming conventions


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the SDK not to persist in-app message properties (processed/consumed)
  • Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur in IterableActivityMonitor if it was initialized after application start



The in-app messaging implementation has been significantly improved:

  • The SDK now maintains a local queue and keep it in sync with the server-side queue automatically
  • Iterable servers now notify apps via silent push messages whenever the in-app message queue is updated
  • In-app messages are shown by default whenever they arrive

Check the In-app messages documentation for more details.

Please refer to the Migration guide if you've been using in-app messages in your app and updating a newer version of the SDK.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Added IterableContext argument to IterableCustomActionHandler

    The new method signature is:

    boolean handleIterableCustomAction(IterableAction action, IterableActionContext actionContext)

    actionContext can be used to determine where the call is calling from - push message, in-app message, or a deep link.

  • The SDK now sets notificationsEnabled flag on the device to indicate whether notifications are enabled for the app

  • Changes to in-app links:

    • action:// URL scheme is now reserved for app-specific custom actions. When a user clicks on a link with href = action://myCustomAction, the SDK calls IterableCustomActionHandler.handleIterableCustomAction with action type set to myCustomAction.
    • iterable:// URL scheme is now reserved for actions handled by the SDK (i.e. future versions of the SDK may define iterable://delete as an action to delete the in-app message)
    • itbl:// links will keep working as custom actions (similar to action:// URLs) for backwards compatibility, but itbl:// namespace is deprecated in favor of action://.
    • Migration: if you've been using itbl:// links in the past, please update your templates with action:// instead
  • Connect timeout for deeplink resolution is now 3 seconds


  • spawnInAppNotification has been removed. Please refer to the in-app migration guide (above)


  • Fixed the URL parameter in inAppClick event


  • The SDK now passes preferUserId flag to create a user by userId if it does not exist when using userId to identify the user
  • Incresed the deep link timeout to 3 seconds


  • Fixed InAppClick event parameter to properly track the URL that was clicked
  • Fixed a NullPointerException when an in-app message was being shown while the app was in background


  • Added an option to specify notification channel name via manifest metadata (iterable_notification_channel_name)
  • Added support for color resource references in iterable_notification_color manifest metadata parameter


  • updateEmail can now be used if the user is identified with userId
  • Connection timeout is now 3 seconds


  • Fixed a NullPointerException when the app has a plain-text label in AndroidManifest.xml instead of a string resource reference


  • Added updateEmail method with success & failure callbacks


  • Added public methods to IterableFirebaseMessagingService and IterableFirebaseInstanceIDService that can be called from a custom FirebaseMessagingService subclass


  • Added a new field to IterableConfig - logLevel - to specify the log level for Iterable SDK log messages


  • The SDK now uses preferUserId flag to create a user by userId instead of the deprecated createUserForUserId API


  • The SDK now catches any RuntimeExceptions that may sometimes happen when calling getAdvertisingIdInfo
  • registerDeviceToken and disableToken now use the email/userId that was set at the time of the call, to handle login/logout correctly


  • Added support for user registration with userId. The SDK will now create a new user for userId if it does not exist before registering the device on the user's profile.


  • Added new device fields (Iterable SDK version, app version, app package name) to registerDeviceToken call
  • Deferred Deep Linking support


  • Fixed a NullPointerException when an in-app was resized after being dismissed


  • The SDK now registers the token when a new email/userId is set and disables the old device if email/userId was previously set and then changed. This can be disabled by setting autoPushRegistration to false in IterableConfig.


  • Fixed a NullPointerException when SDK isn't initialized in Application#onCreate and the app is opened from a push notification

Released on 2018-08-10


  • The new email is now persisted when updateEmail is called
  • SDK now ensures that only one in-app message can be shown at a time

Released on 2018-07-30


  • Full FCM support
  • Added support for push action buttons
  • Added a new SDK initialization method that takes IterableConfig object with configuration options
  • User ID/email is now decoupled from SDK initialization. It can be changed by calling setEmail or setUserId on the IterableApi instance.
  • The SDK now stores attribution data within 24 hours of opening the app from a push notififcation or from an App Link in an email
  • Added two handlers: IterableUrlHandler and IterableCustomActionHandler that can be used to customize URL and custom action handling for push notifications
  • Added getPayloadData() method to retrieve the entire notification payload for the notification that opened the app (thanks @steelbrain)


  • Removed GCM support


  • Old initialization methods (sharedInstanceWithApiKey) are now deprecated
  • Old registerForPush and registerDeviceToken methods are now deprecated

Migration Notes

  1. If you're using GCM, update your Android app to Firebase Cloud Messaging
  2. Replace IterableAPI.sharedInstanceWithApiKey(...) with the following:
IterableConfig config = new IterableConfig.Builder()
        .setUrlHandler(this)        // If you want to handle URLs coming from push notifications
IterableApi.initialize(context, "YOUR API KEY", config);
  1. Call registerForPush() to retrieve the push token and register the device.
  2. User email/userId is now persisted, so you'll only need to call setEmail or setUserId when the user logs in or logs out.
  3. The SDK now tracks push opens automatically, as long as the SDK is initialized in Application's onCreate. See README for instructions. Once it is set up, remove all direct calls to trackPushOpen.

Released on 2018-03-31


  • Updated requests to not send when there is an exception while constructing the JSON request body.


  • Fixed the reference to internal fields in NotificationCompat.Builder for buildVersion 27.

Released on 2018-03-07


  • Fixed the load sequence for retrieving a notification image.

Released on 2018-01-22


  • Added non-empty data body for notification rendering.
  • Added default channel id support.

Released on 2017-11-30


  • Fixed error in IterablePushRegistration when getDeviceToken returns an empty PushRegistrationObject.

Released on 2017-11-20


  • Added the updateSubscriptions function to create to modify channel, list, and message subscription preferences.

Released on 2017-11-03


  • Added support for html based in-app notifications.

Released on 2017-10-20


  • Fixed payload path for image url.

Released on 2017-07-28


  • Added support for android image notifications.


  • Fixed load error for empty image url.

Released on 2017-07-19


  • Fixed in-app button clicks without an action defined.

Released on 2017-07-19


  • Added the in-app consume logic to automatically remove the notification from list of in-app notifications.


  • Fixed the payloadfor trackInAppClick to contain the userId.

Released on 2017-06-09


  • Added full support for newly created Firebase applications
  • Added new functionality for registerForPush which takes in the optional pushServicePlatform
  • IterableFirebaseInstanceIDService handles firebase token registrations automatically on install.
  • Added in default tracked device values for registerDeviceToken


  • Changed IterablePushRegistrationGCM to IterablePushRegistration so the registration class is not GCM specific.
  • Changed the disable logic to no longer enable the deviceToken prior to disabling.

Released on 2017-02-23


  • fixed uploaded pom file

Released on 2017-02-22


  • Added support for Android deeplink tracking
  • getAndTrackDeeplink tracks a click and returns the destination url.

Released on 2017-01-09


  • Updated the PendingIntent request code to use the messageId instead of the current timestamp.

Released on 2017-01-09


  • fixed overwritten pushnotification metadata on subsequent notifications

Released on 2016-12-28

  • added support for In-App Notifications with different views layouts
    • Full screen
    • Bottom
    • Center
    • Top
  • includes tracking for In-App opens and clicks
  • includes support for GET requests

Released on 2016-10-13


  • Added ability to send data by userId