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REST controllers (and templates)

  • Author: Philippe Collet

The aim of this chapter is to provide the basics about implementing RESTful services, as well as calling external REST services. Details about testing are available in the dedicated chapter.

To implement RESTful servies, Spring is actually relying on its Web model-view-controller (MVC) framework. It was originally designed around a DispatcherServlet that dispatches requests to handlers, with configurable handler mappings, view resolution, as well as support for uploading files. The default handler is based on the @Controller and @RequestMapping annotations, offering handling methods for the http protocol. From Spring 3.0, the controller mechanism enables one to create RESTful servers with extended annotations.

Golden rules of REST Controllers

  1. Thou shalt not implement business logic in a controller. The controller is handling interoperability (transfering information back and forth), handling exceptions to return appropriate status codes, and coordinating call to business components. That's all.
  2. Thou shalt not make a controller stateful. The controller shoud be stateless. It should not keep conversational state information between the client and the server (i.e., some information that would oblige to keep the controller object to be the same to handle several distinct calls from the same client to the server). This enables to handle network failure, and to scale horizontally.

A very basic REST Controller: RecipeController

We focus on the implementation of a first very simple @RestController that serves the catalog of cookie recipes. This annotation declares the class as a component to be instantiated by the Spring MVC container. This separate container handles RESTful http requests while sharing the same namespace as the main Spring container (in which classic @Component beans are instantiated). This enables the injection through the auto-wiring of a component that will implement the CatalogExplorator interface, i.e., the Catalog component in our case.

REST routes are served by annotating methods. The listAllRecipes() method is then annotated with @GetMapping in which:

  • the path value is set to "/recipes" (through a constant). This path will be concatenated to the deployment path of the controllers ("/" by default).
  • The produces value, set to "APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE", so that the Accept field in the http header will be set to "application/json", showing that this service is only answering with JSON (by default, the SpringBoot implementation converts the responses to JSON but other types such as XML could be supported).
public class RecipeController {

    public static final String BASE_URI = "/recipes";

    private CatalogExplorator catalogExp;

    @GetMapping(path = RecipeController.BASE_URI, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public Set<Cookies> listAllRecipes() {
        return catalogExp.listPreMadeRecipes();

The implementation is really easy, as the method is directly calling the listPreMadeRecipeson the catalogExp interfaces, returning a set of the Cookies enum. By default, the Spring MVC support will take the returned Object and convert it to JSON through its getters (remember that entities should be POJOs so this a sensible way for a default implementation). In our case, it will return a JSON Array with 3 strings corresponding to each cookie enum. See the CookieEnum and RecipeCommands classes on the cli side for explanations on their handling with RestTemplate (see also the section below for technical details).

The controller will also return back a 200 status code as the request is complete (without any exceptions), with the returned object in the http body. Without specific code (see next section), a REST controller sends 404 is a resource is not present, or 500 when an exception is thrown out of controller and there is no handler associated with the exception.

A more complex example: CustomerCareController

Let's now focus on the implementation of a more complex controller with the one that handles the registration of new customers.

Mapping, body, and return codes

First, in the code below, one can note several changes:

  • There is a @RequestMapping annotation on the class. This enables all other annotations on methods in the class to be added to this base URI (here "/customers"). Same thing for the "produces" header, which we use at method level in the first controller above.
  • There is a @PostMapping annotation on the register method. While @ResquestMapping defaults to Get, there are also specific @GetMapping and @PostMapping (actually all http verbs, such as Patch, are supported). The "path" value gives the route "register" that is going to be added to the "/customers" route at class level.
  • As a POST message, the body of the request is transmitted (from JSON to an object) into the CustomerDTO parameter of the method thanks to the @RequestBody annotation. The next subsection deals with the concept of DTO.
  • The method itself returns a ResponseEntity<CustomerDTO>, this generic type allowing to define the return code and the body of the response.
  • The business logic consists in calling the "register" method on the "registry" interface (being @Autowired) passing the information from the CustomerDTO parameter. If no exception is thrown, a Customer (from the entity package) is returned and converted to CustomerDTO using the private method convertCustomerToDto. It is then added in the body of the ResponseEntity. If the Customer name is already used, an exception is thrown by the registry component, caught and the ResponseEntity status is set to 409.
@RequestMapping(path = CustomerCareController.BASE_URI, produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class CustomerCareController {

    public static final String BASE_URI = "/customers";

    private CustomerRegistration registry;

    @PostMapping(path = "register", consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) // path is a REST CONTROLLER NAME
    public ResponseEntity<CustomerDTO> register(@RequestBody CustomerDTO cusdto)  {
        // Note that there is no validation at all on the CustomerDto mapped
        try {
            return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CREATED)
                    .body(convertCustomerToDto(registry.register(cusdto.getName(), cusdto.getCreditCard())));
        } catch (AlreadyExistingCustomerException e) {
            // Note: Returning 409 (Conflict) can also be seen a security/privacy vulnerability, exposing a service for account enumeration
            return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CONFLICT).build();

    private CustomerDTO convertCustomerToDto (Customer customer) { // In more complex cases, we could use ModelMapper
      return new CustomerDTO(customer.getId(),customer.getName(), customer.getCreditCard());


The DTO Pattern

DTO stands for Data Transfer Object. DTOs are objects that carry data between processes in order to decouple the domain models from the presentation layer (allowing both to change independently), encapsulate the serialization logic (in our case it is generally automatically done by Spring and Jackson from JSON to objects and vice versa), and potentially reduce the number of method calls (lowering the network overhead).

With DTOs, one can build different views from the domain models, allowing us to create other representations of the same domain but optimizing them to the clients' needs without affecting the domain design.

In the Cookie Factory, we have made different decisions to use and not use the DTO pattern:

  • The Customer entity (thus in our domain model) contains is, name, creditCard, and a set of Orders. The CustomerDTO, used to send the data to the clients, only contains the first three attributes, and not the orders. Note that in this case, we could have used @JsonIgnore directives on the set of Orders defined in the Customer class. However, the DTO pattern can be used when the data are reworked, on when there are several client views.
  • An Error DTO is used to give back some details on error in a uniform way.
  • The PaymentDTO is located in another package as it is used to get the result back from the call to the Bank external system (see RestTemplate below).

Path variables and exception handling: the CartController

Let's now study a more complex example with the CartController.

The first thing to notice is that some all sub-URI used in all mappings of this controller are using a path variable to identify the customerId in the URL, i.e., "/{customerId}/cart". Then, when it used, for example in the * updateCustomerCart* method, the @PathVariable("customerId") annotation enables to value the parameter of the method. As a result, this POST route is implemented by a method which parameters are the customerId from the path, and the Item object (transformed from the JSON sent in the request body).

Besides, one can note that we use here the Item from the entity package, as no DTO is necessary here.

    public static final String CART_URI = "/{customerId}/cart";
    @PostMapping(path = CART_URI, consumes = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public ResponseEntity<Item> updateCustomerCart(@PathVariable("customerId") String customerId, @RequestBody Item it) throws CustomerIdNotFoundException, NegativeQuantityException {
        int newQuantity = cart.update(retrieveCustomer(customerId),it);
        return ResponseEntity.ok(new Item(it.getCookie(),newQuantity));

The rest of the implementation is simple, we retrieve a ResponseEntity with an OK status and in the body, an Item object with the updated quantity. But wait, the method is not handling any of the possible exception, two of them being declared in the signature. What happens them? With no handling, this would throw a 500 status code.

Let's now introduce the concept of @ExceptionHandler, which relies on the AOP capabilities of Spring like many other smart technical functionalities. The code below shows the implementation of two handlers, one for each exception of our method. The annotation is parameterized by the exception caught, and this exception can be passed as parameter to the handling method. In our case, we use the return object as a ResponseEntity<ErrorDTO> so that we can both build an error code (404 if the customerId is not found, 403 if the amount would create a negative quantity) and pass an ErrorDTO object with details of the error.

    public ResponseEntity<ErrorDTO> handleExceptions(CustomerIdNotFoundException e)  {
        ErrorDTO errorDTO = new ErrorDTO();
        errorDTO.setError("Customer not found");
        errorDTO.setDetails(e.getId() + " is not a valid customer Id");
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND).body(errorDTO);

    public ResponseEntity<ErrorDTO> handleExceptions(NegativeQuantityException e)  {
        ErrorDTO errorDTO = new ErrorDTO();
        errorDTO.setError("Attempting to update the cookie quantity to a negative value");
        errorDTO.setDetails("from Customer " + e.getName() + "with cookie " + e.getCookie() +
                " leading to quantity " + e.getPotentialQuantity());
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN).body(errorDTO);

This kind of implementation has several benefits:

  • The exception handling code is separated from the business logic, which itself is not polluted
  • The exception handling code can be reused, and it is reused: The CustomerIdNotFoundException may be thrown in all route implementation of the corresponding path.
  • Both the business logic and the exception handler can be properly typed with different ResponseEntity<T> whereas it should usually be typed with ResponseEntity<Object> if you mix the two concerns.

Calling REST services

One of the simplest solution to call a REST service from Spring is to use a RestTemplate. Using a template object, one can call a route and get an object or a ResponseEntity<T>. Objects being passed or returned are automatically transformed from JSON (by default) using the same mechanism as for controllers. A set of methods correspond to the different http verbs, with overloaded version for different variants..

In the code below, the pay method just creates a PaymentDTO object from the creditCard number and the amount to be paid, this object being transformed in a JSON payload compatible with what the bank implementation in C# is expecting. Here the implementation is really basic as we do not handle any error.

One can note that the url used in injected in a constant with @Value and a environment variable, so that it can be configured as a property, but also change in the command line so that it is easier to pass a network address, for example in a network within a docker compose.

public class BankProxy implements Bank {

    private String bankHostandPort;

    private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

    public boolean pay(Customer customer, double value) {
        int result = restTemplate.postForObject(bankHostandPort+"/mailbox",
                new PaymentDTO(customer.getCreditCard(), value),
        return (result>0);


It must be noted that a RestTemplate object can also be created once and for all as a Spring Bean, and then injected in all components that need it. This is the case in the cli which uses Springshell so that the template is configured with the url of the backend. This also enables to configure the template with a builder pattern.

public class CliApplication {

    private String serverHostandPort;

    public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
     return builder