This is part of the Emacs Starter Kit.
This file provides settings for text-editing modes and formats, including Markdown and Pandoc, as well as spellchecking and line-wrapping.
(setq install-packages (list 'smooth-scrolling 'smartparens 'deft))
(dolist (package install-packages) (package-install package))
Sane line wrapping and scrolling for long documents and papers. Plus a function for removing any hard-returns in a document.
(when (fboundp 'adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode)
(defun my-activate-adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode ()
"Toggle `visual-line-mode' and `adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode' simultaneously."
(adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode (if visual-line-mode 1 -1)))
(add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook 'my-activate-adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode))
(global-visual-line-mode t)
;;; prefer auto-fill to visual line wrap in ESS mode
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(add-hook 'inferior-ess-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
;;; but turn off auto-fill in tex and markdown
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook 'turn-off-auto-fill)
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'turn-off-auto-fill)
;;; unfill paragraph
(defun unfill-paragraph ()
(let ((fill-column (point-max)))
(fill-paragraph nil)))
(global-set-key (kbd "<f6>") 'unfill-paragraph)
;; smooth-scrolling
(require 'smooth-scrolling)
;; more smooth efforts.
(setq-default scroll-conservatively 0
scroll-up-aggressively 0.01
scroll-down-aggressively 0.01)
Use aspell instead of ispell. Turned off here because it loads too late. I had to put it in
(setq ispell-program-name "aspell"
ispell-dictionary "english"
(let ((default '("[A-Za-z]" "[^A-Za-z]" "[']" nil
("-B" "-d" "english")
nil iso-8859-1)))
`((nil ,@default)
("english" ,@default))))
;; ispell --- make ispell skip \citep, \citet etc in .tex files.
(setq ispell-tex-skip-alists
'((;;("%\\[" . "%\\]") ; AMStex block comment...
;; All the standard LaTeX keywords from L. Lamport's guide:
;; \cite, \hspace, \hspace*, \hyphenation, \include, \includeonly, \input,
;; \label, \nocite, \rule (in ispell - rest included here)
("\\\\addcontentsline" ispell-tex-arg-end 2)
("\\\\add\\(tocontents\\|vspace\\)" ispell-tex-arg-end)
("\\\\\\([aA]lph\\|arabic\\)" ispell-tex-arg-end)
("\\\\author" ispell-tex-arg-end)
;; New regexps here --- kjh
("\\\\\\(text\\|paren\\)cite" ispell-tex-arg-end)
("\\\\cite\\(t\\|p\\|year\\|yearpar\\)" ispell-tex-arg-end)
("\\\\bibliographystyle" ispell-tex-arg-end)
("\\\\makebox" ispell-tex-arg-end 0)
("\\\\e?psfig" ispell-tex-arg-end)
("\\\\document\\(class\\|style\\)" .
"\\\\begin[ \t\n]*{[ \t\n]*document[ \t\n]*}"))
(;; delimited with \begin. In ispell: displaymath, eqnarray, eqnarray*,
;; equation, minipage, picture, tabular, tabular* (ispell)
("\\(figure\\|table\\)\\*?" ispell-tex-arg-end 0)
("list" ispell-tex-arg-end 2)
("program" . "\\\\end[ \t\n]*{[ \t\n]*program[ \t\n]*}")
("verbatim\\*?" . "\\\\end[ \t\n]*{[ \t\n]*verbatim\\*?[ \t\n]*}"))))
(smartparens-global-mode 1)
(require 'smartparens-config)
(show-smartparens-global-mode +1)
#+srcname deft-mode
(require 'deft)
(setq deft-extensions '("org" "md", "markdown", "Markdown", "mdown", "txt"))
(setq deft-directory "~/Templates/Dropbox/Org")
(setq deft-recursive t)
(setq deft-use-filename-as-title t)
(setq deft-markdown-mode-title-level 2)
(setq deft-org-mode-title-prefix t)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-g") 'deft-find-file)
(message "------ Starter Kit Text loaded ------")