Author : Djoudi Bensid - [email protected]
This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and additions, modifications and deletions) done in 4.2.6 minor versions.
- [Bundle] - Add method to get activated bundles
- [SEO] - Add the possibility to integrate the Google Analytics verification code
- [Toolbar] - Integrating table creation
- [Content] - Switch lg images to 1400px
- [Recaptcha] - Isolate recaptcha management
- [SEO] - Downgrade to Universal Analytics 3
- [Toolbar] - Upgrade ckeditor version
- [User] - Improved user management
- [Template] - Taking into account the HTML of the H1 title in auto block
- [Content] - Syntax error, unexpected ')' in VideoListener
- [Page] - Problem if icon in the caption
- [Profiler] - Error reporting - Fix errors
- [Right] - Rights profiles - access to extensions
- [Template] - A URL link does not go to the line automatically if too long and generates a page that is too wide on mobile