Author : Djoudi Bensid - [email protected]
This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and additions, modifications and deletions) done in 4.2.4 minor versions.
- [CKEditor] - Enable tabulation in the RTE
- [CKEditor] - Manage unbreakable spaces
- [Command] - Injecting commands into the App folder
- [SEO] - Integrate new Google Analytics code
- [SEO] - Remove the compression from the sitemap
- [Upload] - Modification of the condition of support of the path of the image
- [Page] - Remove the next - previous from the article pages
- [Cache] - Cache Java script
- [Content] - Collapsible button
- [CKEditor] - The undo function in the RTE does not work
- [Command] - Add self-publishing cron in BackBee
- [Localisation] - Image positioning management
- [Page] - Have the ability to delete a future publication date
- [Toolbar] - Display the time in the date field in English