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DCSNotificationBundle is a Symfony2 bundle that allows you to send notifications.

Usage example

To illustrate how the bundle works, we will go through an example. We have a Blog application which permits logged users to add comments to published posts.

When a reader leaves a message under one of the posts, the author of the post and all the previous commenters receive an email about the new comment. Since we are responsible developers, we give to all commenters the option to disable the notification.

The flow

The DCSNotificationBundle exposes tree important services:

  • dcs_notification.service.notification which, through the notify() method, takes care of handling the notification
  • dcs_notification.manager.component responsible of creating the subject of the notification
  • dcs_notification.service.notifier which, through the process() method processes the notification

For each type of notification we are responsible for creating a notifier and a transporter that know how to manage the notification.


To use the DSCNotificationBunde we need to configure the bundle and our notifiers.

An example configuration of the bundle could be the following:

    db_driver: orm
            component: Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\Component
            component_setting: Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\ComponentSetting
            notification: Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\Notification
            notification_component: Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\NotificationComponent
            recipient: Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\Recipient
            id: blog_notification.transporter.mail
                    id: mail
                        template: BlogNotificationBundle:Email:new_comment.html.twig

dcs_notification is the key for the DCSNotificationBundle configuration. To use the bundle John first configured the mandatory keys:

  • db_driver set to orm will tell Symfony 2 to use Doctrine ORM
  • class contains the list of model classes. If we don't need nothing fancy, we can just extend the base classes provided by the bundle:
    • Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\Component extends DCS\NotificationBundle\Entity\Component
    • Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\ComponentSetting extends DCS\NotificationBundle\Entity\ComponentSetting
    • Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\Notification extends DCS\NotificationBundle\Entity\Notification
    • Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\NotificationComponent extends DCS\NotificationBundle\Entity\NotificationComponent
    • Blog\NotificationBundle\Entity\Recipient extends DCS\NotificationBundle\Entity\Recipient
  • transporters defines a list of transporters associated with valid services
  • actions are the list of accessible actions, configured with the transporters associated

To be able to use the bundle we need to configure the notifiers. This is an example configuration:

        class: Blog\NotificationBundle\Notifier\NewCommentNotifier
            - { name: dcs_notification.notifier }

In this way we added the blog.notification_bundle.notifier.new_comment notifier.

Notifying the notification

The dcs_notification.service.notification service represents the entry point of the notification flow. The service is used through the notify() method as follows:

$commentComponent = $this->componentManager->findOrCreateComponent($comment, $comment->getId());
$this->notificationService->notify($commentComponent, 'new_comment', array('url' => $currentUrl));

The first argument of the notify() method is called subject. This could be anything, as long as it's wrapped in a DCS\NotificationBundle\Model\ComponentManagerInterface type object. In the example we decided to pass the comment to the notify() method because the comment has a lot of information on what's happening: the comment itself, the author of the comment, the post to which the comment was made to, and, from the post, the author of the post, the other comments left on the posts and, finally, all the authors of the other comments. The second argument is new_comment and is called the action of the notice. We will get back on the action later. The third argument is not mandatory and contains additional data to which we want to be able to access later.

The notify() method doesn't actually process the notification but saves it as "pending".

A different way to pass data the notify() method:

We could have decided to implement the notification in a different way, passing the comment in the third argument and being more generic with the subject:

$commentComponent = $this->componentManager->findOrCreateComponent('the_comment_subject', $comment->getId());
        'url' => $currentUrl,
        'id' => $comment->getId()

This change would affect how we process the notification.

Processing pending notifications

The dcs_notification.manager.notification service exposes the findAllNotificationToSend() method, which returns al the pending notifications.

Having the list of pending notification, these can be processed using the dcs_notification.service.notifier service as follows:

$notificationsToSend = $this->getContainer()->get('dcs_notification.manager.notification')->findAllNotificationToSend($limit);
$notifierService = $this->getContainer()->get('dcs_notification.service.notifier');
foreach ($notificationsToSend as $notification) {

The code above could be used in a command-line command set to be run periodically using using cron.


At this point we have a list of pending notifications being processed one at a time. When the process() method is called, two important things happen:

  • each notifier is being asked if knows how to manage the current notification and, if the result is positive, the the notification is passed to it
  • the transporter is called

A notifier is a class implementing the DCS\NotificationBundle\Notifier\NotifierInterface interface.

In our example, we have a new notification with the new_comment action and a valid notifier could be used to manage the recipients of the notification:

namespace Blog\NotificationBundle\Notifier;

use DCS\NotificationBundle\Model\NotificationComponentInterface;
use DCS\NotificationBundle\Model\NotificationInterface;
use DCS\NotificationBundle\Model\NotificationManagerInterface;
use DCS\NotificationBundle\Notifier\Collection\RecipientCollectionInterface;
use DCS\NotificationBundle\Notifier\NotifierInterface;

use Blog\PostBundle\Entity\Post;
use Blog\PostBundle\Entity\Comment;
use Blog\PostBundle\Repository\CommentRepository;
use Blog\UserBundle\Entity\User;

class NewCommentNotifier implements NotifierInterface
    protected $notificationManager;
    protected $projectRepository;
    function __construct(NotificationManagerInterface $notificationManager, CommentRepository $commentRepository)
        $this->notificationManager = $notificationManager;
        $this->commentRepository = $commentRepository;
    public function supports(NotificationInterface $notification)
        return $notification->getAction() == 'new_comment';
    public function notify(NotificationInterface $notification, RecipientCollectionInterface $recipients)
        $notificationComponents = $this->notificationManager->findAllNotificationComponent($notification);
        /** @var NotificationComponentInterface $notificationComponent */
        foreach ($notificationComponents as $notificationComponent) {
            if ($notificationComponent->getType() == 'comment') {
                /** @var Comment $comment */
                $comment = $notificationComponent->getComponent()->getData();
                if ($comment instanceof Comment) {
                    $commentAuthor = $comment->getAuthor();
                    $post = $comment->getPost();
                    $postAuthor = $post->getAuthor();
                    if ($comment->getAuthor()->getId() != $postAuthor->getId()) {
                        $recipients->add('Blog\UserBundle\Entity\User', $postAuthor->getId());
                    $commenters = $this->commentRepository->findAllCommentersToPost($post);
                    /** @var User $member */
                    foreach ($commenters as $commenter) {
                        if ($commenter->getId() != $postAuthor->getId() && $commenter->getId() != $postAuthor->getId()) {
                            $recipients->add('Blog\UserBundle\Entity\User', $commenter->getId());

Whit the Blog\NotificationBundle\Notifier\CommentNotifier class we are now able to add the correct recipients to the notification: the author of the post and all the commenters. The notification is ready to be sent to the transporter.


A transporter is a class implementing the DCS\NotificationBundle\Transporter\TransporterInterface interface. The interface asks the developer to implement two methods: setConfiguration() and send():

namespace DCS\NotificationBundle\Transporter;

use DCS\NotificationBundle\Model\NotificationInterface;
use DCS\NotificationBundle\Model\RecipientInterface;

interface TransporterInterface
    public function setConfiguration($config);
    public function send(NotificationInterface $notification, array $additionalData, RecipientInterface $recipient);

If we look back at the actions.new_comment.transporters.mail.config configuration, we have defined an option which specifies the template associated with the transporter. The options are injected in the blog_notification.transporter.mail service through the setConfiguration() method.

The send() method is responsible of doing the actual work of sending the notification. Will accept a $notification object, a $components array and a $recipient object.

  • $notification object contains the notification subject that needs to be sent
  • $additionalData contains the data passed to the third parameter of the $notificationService->notify() method
  • $recipient is the recipient

An example implementation of the send() method could be the following:

public function send(NotificationInterface $notification, array $additionalData, RecipientInterface $recipient)
   if (!isset($this->config['template'])) {
       throw new \Exception('Template must be set in this transporter');
   $recipient = $recipient->getComponent()->getData();
   $templateName = $this->config['template'];

   $attach = array();
   $context = array(
       'siteUrlHttp' => $this->siteUrlHttp,
       'subject' => $notification->getSubject()->getData(),
       'notification' => $notification,
       'recipient' => $recipient,

   $email = null;
   if ($recipient instanceof User) {
       $email = $recipient->getEmailCanonical();
   } elseif (is_array($recipient) && isset($recipient['email']) && is_scalar($recipient['email'])) {
       $email = $recipient['email'];

   if (!empty($email)) {
       $this->sendMessage($templateName, $context, $email, $attach);

private function sendMessage($templateName, $context, $toEmail, array $attach = null)
    // send the email