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450 lines (392 loc) · 18.3 KB

File metadata and controls

450 lines (392 loc) · 18.3 KB




  • Fastest parsing and serialization speed.

  • Wrote by pure C, no ambiguous grammar, easy to understand, compile, use and modify.

  • Only one header file.

  • Tencent is used on a large scale.

Parse on use

  • Like copy on write, zzzJSON only parse numbers when using get APIs.
  • zzzJSON only judge whether it is a correct number string when parsing JSON string into tree structure.

Benchmarks and Measurements

Simulate nativejson-benchmark


Benchmark Description
Parse Validation Use JSON_checker test suite to test whether the library can identify valid and invalid JSONs. (fail01.json is excluded as it is relaxed in [RFC7159]. fail18.json is excluded as depth of JSON is not specified.)
Parse Double 66 JSONs, each with a decimal value in an array, are parsed. The parsed double values are compared to the correct answer.
Parse String 9 JSONs, each with a string value in an array, are parsed. The parsed strings are compared to the correct answer.
Roundtrip 27 condensed JSONs are parsed and stringified. The results are compared to the original JSONs.


Benchmark Description
Parse Parse in-memory JSON into tree structure.
Stringify Serialize tree structure into condensed JSON in memory.



CPU OS Compiler Optimization
i7-6700 (3.40GHZ) Ubuntu 18.04(WSL) G++-7.3 O3


zzzJSON pass all tests.(soure code: conformance_test.cpp)


No Number JSON

Name Parse(ms) Stringify(ms) All(ms)
cjson 162 122 284
gason 60 321 398
jsoncpp 830 556 1588
nlohmannjson 994 312 1414
picojson 824 295 1214
rapidjson 128 92 224
rapidjsonfp 147 91 245
rapidjsonstr 127 89 225
taocppjson 724 261 1070
zzzjson 86 56 149

JSON From nativejson-benchmark

Name Parse(ms) Stringify(ms) All(ms)
arduinojson 779 25 807
cjson 53 183 230
gason 8 88 93
jsoncpp 88 126 221
nlohmannjson 62 24 91
parson 52 277 336
picojson 54 108 165
rapidjson 11 15 23
rapidjsonfp 20 17 39
rapidjsonstr 24 12 37
taocppjson 34 29 66
zzzjson 18 7 22

JSON From Taobao

Name Parse(ms) Stringify(ms) All(ms)
arduinojson 23 62 87
cjson 38 23 60
gason 9 51 63
jsoncpp 67 51 126
nlohmannjson 72 29 105
parson 48 85 141
picojson 54 35 96
rapidjson 18 12 28
rapidjsonfp 18 14 30
rapidjsonstr 16 12 29
taocppjson 47 28 86
zzzjson 14 7 23

All JSON Above

Name Parse(ms) Stringify(ms) All(ms)
arduinojson 2056 505 2508
cjson 243 345 596
gason 63 431 500
jsoncpp 451 431 961
nlohmannjson 518 217 840
parson 309 857 1214
picojson 405 387 862
rapidjson 97 119 220
rapidjsonfp 113 126 245
rapidjsonstr 116 121 240
taocppjson 278 207 561
zzzjson 95 59 166

Random Short JSON

Name Parse(ms) Stringify(ms) All(ms)
cjson 100 107 200
jsoncpp 136 127 284
nlohmannjson 177 58 242
picojson 94 95 205
rapidjson 31 39 56
rapidjsonfp 36 19 63
rapidjsonstr 37 35 60
taocppjson 90 50 143
zzzjson 26 16 38

Random Long JSON

Name Parse(ms) Stringify(ms) All(ms)
cjson 81 67 155
jsoncpp 130 112 244
nlohmannjson 199 42 254
picojson 127 93 222
rapidjson 24 17 45
rapidjsonfp 28 24 46
rapidjsonstr 30 24 48
taocppjson 100 34 149
zzzjson 20 9 29

You can use the commands below to get the results above

./ all


#include "zzzjson.h"
#include <stdio.h>

// DeepCopy
void GetAndSet(Value *srcv, Value *desv)
    // GetType
    const JSONType *t;
    t = Type(srcv);
    if (t == 0)
    switch (*t)
        // DeepCopy Array
        Value *next = Begin(srcv);
        while (next != 0)
            Value *v = NewValue(desv->A);
            GetAndSet(next, v);
            if (ArrayAddFast(desv, v) != True)
            next = Next(next);
        // DeepCopy Object
        Value *next = Begin(srcv);
        while (next != 0)
            Value *v = NewValue(desv->A);
            SetKeyFast(v, GetKey(next));
            GetAndSet(next, v);
            if (ObjAddFast(desv, v) != True)
            next = Next(next);
        // Copy Bool 
        const bool *b = GetBool(srcv);
        if (b == 0)
        SetBool(desv, *b);
        // Copy nil
        if (IsNull(srcv) == False)

        // DeepCopy String
        const char *str = GetStr(srcv);
        if (str == 0)
        if (SetStrFast(desv, str) != True)
        // DeepCopy Number
        const char *str = GetNumStr(srcv);
        if (str == 0)
        if (SetNumStrFast(desv, str) != True)
int main()
    const char *src_json = "[{\"key\":true},false,{\"key1\":true},[null,false,[],true],[\"\",123,\"str\"],null]";
    // New Allocator
    Allocator *A = NewAllocator();
    // New Value
    Value *src_v = NewValue(A);
    Value *des_v = NewValue(A);
    // Parse
    BOOL ret = ParseFast(src_v, src_json);
    if (ret != True)
        printf("ParseFast Fail!\n");
        return 1;
    // DeepCopy
    GetAndSet(src_v, des_v);
    // Stringify
    const char *des_json = Stringify(des_v);
    printf("src_json:%s\n", src_json);
    if (des_json != 0)
        printf("des_json:%s\n", des_json);
    // Free Allocator
    return 0;


Short APIs

Allocator *NewAllocator();
void ReleaseAllocator(Allocator *root_alloc);

Value *NewValue(Allocator *alloc);
BOOL ParseFast(Value *v, const char *s);
BOOL ParseLen(Value *v, const char *s, SIZE len);
BOOL Parse(Value *v, const char *s);
const char *Stringify(const Value *v);

const char *GetStrFast(const Value *v, SIZE *len);
const char *GetUnEscapeStr(Value *v);
const char *GetStr(Value *v);
const char *GetNumFast(const Value *v, zj_SIZE *len);
const char *GetNumStr(Value *v);
const double *GetNum(Value *v);
const double *GetDouble(struct zj_Value *v);
const int *GetInt(struct zj_Value *v);
const long *GetLong(struct zj_Value *v);
const long long *GetLongLong(struct zj_Value *v);
const BOOL *GetBool(const Value *v);
BOOL IsNull(const Value *v);
const char *GetKey(Value *v);
const char *GetUnEscapeKey(Value *v);
const char *GetKeyFast(const Value *v, SIZE *len);
Value *ObjGet(const Value *v, const char *key);
Value *ObjGetLen(const Value *v, const char *key, SIZE len);
const JSONType *Type(const Value *v);
SIZE Size(const Value *v);
Value *ArrayGet(const Value *v, SIZE index);
Value *Begin(const Value *v);
Value *Next(const Value *v);

Value *Copy(const Value *v);
BOOL Move(Value *v);

BOOL SetNull(Value *v);
BOOL SetBool(Value *v, BOOL b);
BOOL SetNumStrFast(Value *v, const char *num);
BOOL SetNumStrLenFast(Value *v, const char *num, SIZE len);
BOOL SetNumStr(Value *v, const char *num);
BOOL SetNumStrLen(Value *v, const char *num, SIZE len);
BOOL SetNum(Value *v, const double d);
BOOL SetDouble(Value *v, const double d);
BOOL SetInt(Value *v, const int d);
BOOL SetLong(Value *v, const long d);
BOOL SetLongLong(Value *v, const long long d);
BOOL SetStrFast(Value *v, const char *str);
BOOL SetStrLenFast(Value *v, const char *str, SIZE len);
BOOL SetStr(Value *v, const char *str);
BOOL SetStrLen(Value *v, const char *str, SIZE len);
BOOL SetStrEscape(Value *v, const char *str);
BOOL SetStrLenEscape(Value *v, const char *str, SIZE len);
BOOL SetKeyFast(Value *v, const char *key);
BOOL SetKeyLenFast(Value *v, const char *key, SIZE len);
BOOL SetKey(Value *v, const char *key);
BOOL SetKeyLen(Value *v, const char *key, SIZE len);
BOOL SetKeyEscape(Value *v, const char *key);
BOOL SetKeyLenEscape(Value *v, const char *key, SIZE len);
BOOL SetArray(Value *v);
BOOL SetObj(Value *v);
BOOL SetFast(Value *v, Value *vv);
BOOL Set(Value *v, const Value *vv);
BOOL ObjAddFast(Value *v, Value *vv);
BOOL ObjAdd(Value *v, const Value *vv);
BOOL ArrayAddFast(Value *v, Value *vv);
BOOL ArrayAdd(Value *v, const Value *vv);

BOOL ArrayDel(Value *v, SIZE index);
BOOL ObjDel(Value *v, const char *key);

Long APIs

define “zj_SHORT_API 0” to use long APIs

#define zj_SHORT_API 0

// must be above to include

#include "zzzjson.h"

struct zj_Allocator *zj_AllocatorNew();
void zj_ReleaseAllocator(struct zj_Allocator *root_alloc);

struct zj_Value *zj_NewValue(struct zj_Allocator *alloc);
bool zj_ParseFast(struct zj_Value *v, const char *s);
bool zj_ParseLen(struct zj_Value *v, const char *s, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_Parse(struct zj_Value *v, const char *s);
const char *zj_Stringify(const struct zj_Value *v);

const char *zj_GetStrFast(const struct zj_Value *v, zj_SIZE *len);
const char *zj_GetUnEscapeStr(struct zj_Value *v);
const char *zj_GetStr(struct zj_Value *v);
const char *zj_GetNumFast(const struct zj_Value *v, zj_SIZE *len);
const char *zj_GetNumStr(struct zj_Value *v);
const double *zj_GetNum(struct zj_Value *v);
const double *zj_GetDouble(struct zj_Value *v);
const int *zj_GetInt(struct zj_Value *v);
const long *zj_GetLong(struct zj_Value *v);
const long long *zj_GetLongLong(struct zj_Value *v);
const bool *zj_GetBool(const struct zj_Value *v);
bool zj_IsNull(const struct zj_Value *v);
const char *zj_GetKey(struct zj_Value *v);
const char *zj_GetUnEscapeKey(struct zj_Value *v);
const char *zj_GetKeyFast(const struct zj_Value *v, zj_SIZE *len);
struct zj_Value *zj_ObjGet(const struct zj_Value *v, const char *key);
struct zj_Value *zj_ObjGetLen(const struct zj_Value *v, const char *key, zj_SIZE len);
const zj_JSONType *zj_Type(const struct zj_Value *v);
zj_SIZE zj_SizeOf(const struct zj_Value *v);
struct zj_Value *zj_ArrayGet(const struct zj_Value *v, zj_SIZE index);
struct zj_Value *zj_Begin(const struct zj_Value *v);
struct zj_Value *zj_Next(const struct zj_Value *v);

struct zj_Value *zj_Copy(const struct zj_Value *v);
bool zj_Move(struct zj_Value *v);

bool zj_SetNull(struct zj_Value *v);
bool zj_SetBool(struct zj_Value *v, bool b);
bool zj_SetNumStrFast(struct zj_Value *v, const char *num);
bool zj_SetNumStrLenFast(struct zj_Value *v, const char *num, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_SetNumStr(struct zj_Value *v, const char *num);
bool zj_SetNumStrLen(struct zj_Value *v, const char *num, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_SetNum(struct zj_Value *v, const double d);
bool zj_SetDouble(struct zj_Value *v, const double d);
bool zj_SetInt(struct zj_Value *v, const int n);
bool zj_SetLong(struct zj_Value *v, const long n);
bool zj_SetLongLong(struct zj_Value *v, const long long n);
bool zj_SetStrFast(struct zj_Value *v, const char *str);
bool zj_SetStrLenFast(struct zj_Value *v, const char *str, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_SetStr(struct zj_Value *v, const char *str);
bool zj_SetStrLen(struct zj_Value *v, const char *str, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_SetStrEscape(struct zj_Value *v, const char *str);
bool zj_SetStrLenEscape(struct zj_Value *v, const char *str, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_SetKeyFast(struct zj_Value *v, const char *key);
bool zj_SetKeyLenFast(struct zj_Value *v, const char *key, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_SetKey(struct zj_Value *v, const char *key);
bool zj_SetKeyLen(struct zj_Value *v, const char *key, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_SetKeyEscape(struct zj_Value *v, const char *key);
bool zj_SetKeyLenEscape(struct zj_Value *v, const char *key, zj_SIZE len);
bool zj_SetArray(struct zj_Value *v);
bool zj_SetObj(struct zj_Value *v);
bool zj_SetFast(struct zj_Value *v, struct zj_Value *vv);
bool zj_Set(struct zj_Value *v, const struct zj_Value *vv);
bool zj_ObjAddFast(struct zj_Value *v, struct zj_Value *vv);
bool zj_ObjAdd(struct zj_Value *v, const struct zj_Value *vv);
bool zj_ArrayAddFast(struct zj_Value *v, struct zj_Value *vv);
bool zj_ArrayAdd(struct zj_Value *v, const struct zj_Value *vv);

bool zj_ArrayDel(struct zj_Value *v, zj_SIZE index);
bool zj_ObjDel(struct zj_Value *v, const char *key);