author | ms.service | ms.topic | | |
msmbaldwin |
key-vault |
include |
09/03/2020 |
msmbaldwin |
Use the
az group create
command to create a resource group:az group create --name KeyVault-PythonQS-rg --location eastus
You can change "eastus" to a location nearer to you, if you prefer.
az keyvault create
to create the key vault:az keyvault create --name <your-unique-keyvault-name> --resource-group KeyVault-PythonQS-rg
with a name that's unique across all of Azure. You typically use your personal or company name along with other numbers and identifiers. -
Create an environment variable that supplies the name of the Key Vault to the code:
set KEY_VAULT_NAME=<your-unique-keyvault-name>
export KEY_VAULT_NAME=<your-unique-keyvault-name>