title | description | services | author | ms.service | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.author | ms.custom |
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iot-central |
dominicbetts |
iot-central |
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10/06/2020 |
dobett |
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The solution uses an Azure Media Services account to store the object detection video clips made by the IoT Edge gateway device.
When you create the Media Services account:
You need to provide an account name, an Azure subscription, a location, a resource group, and a storage account. Create a new storage account using the default settings while you're creating the Media Services account.
Choose the East US region for the location.
Create a new resource group called lva-rg in the East US region for the Media Services and storage accounts. When you finish the tutorials, it's easy to remove all the resources by deleting the lva-rg resource group.
Create the Media Services account in the Azure portal.
These tutorials use the East US region in all the examples. You can use your closest region if you prefer.
Make a note of your Media Services account name in the scratchpad.txt file.
When the deployment is complete, open a Cloud Shell and run the following command to retrieve the Resource ID for your media service account:
az resource list --resource-group lva-rg --resource-type microsoft.media/mediaservices --output table --query "[].{ResourceID:id}"
:::image type="content" source="media/iot-central-video-analytics-part2/get-resource-id.png" alt-text="Use Cloud Shell to get the resource ID":::
Make a note of the Resource ID in the scratchpad.txt file, you use this value later when you configure the IoT Edge module.
Next, configure an Azure Active Directory service principal for your Media Services resource. Select API access and then Service principal authentication. Create a new Azure Active Directory app with the same name as your Media Services resource, and create a secret with a description IoT Edge Access.
:::image type="content" source="./media/iot-central-video-analytics-part2/media-service-authentication.png" alt-text="Configure Azure A D app for Azure Media Services":::
When the secret is generated, scroll down to the Copy your credentials to connect your service principal application section. Then select JSON. You can copy all the credential information from here in one go. Make a note of this information in the scratchpad.txt file, you use it later when you configure the IoT Edge device.
This is your only chance to view and save the secret. If you lose it, you have to generate another secret.
In this section, you create a new Azure IoT Central application from a template. You use this application throughout the tutorial series to build a complete solution.
To create a new Azure IoT Central application:
Navigate to the Azure IoT Central application manager website.
Sign in with the credentials you use to access your Azure subscription.
To start creating a new Azure IoT Central application, select New Application on the Build page.
Select Retail. The retail page displays several retail application templates.
To create a new video analytics application:
Select the Video analytics - object and motion detection application template. This template includes device templates for the devices used in the tutorial. The template includes sample dashboards that operators can use to perform tasks such as monitoring and managing cameras.
Optionally, choose a friendly Application name. This application is based on a fictional retail store named Northwind Traders. The tutorial uses the Application name Northwind Traders video analytics.
[!NOTE] If you use a friendly Application name, you must still use a unique value for the application URL.
If you have an Azure subscription, select your Directory, Azure subscription, and United States as the Location. If you don't have a subscription, you can enable 7-day free trial and complete the required contact information. This tutorial uses three devices - two cameras and an IoT Edge device - so if you don't use the free trial you'll be billed for usage.
For more information about directories, subscriptions, and locations, see the create an application quickstart.
Select Create.
:::image type="content" source="./media/iot-central-video-analytics-part2/new-application.png" alt-text="Azure IoT Central Create Application page":::
Later in this tutorial when you configure the IoT Edge gateway, you need some configuration data from the IoT Central application. The IoT Edge device needs this information to register with, and connect to, the application.
In the Administration section, select Your application and make a note of the Application URL and the Application ID in the scratchpad.txt file:
:::image type="content" source="./media/iot-central-video-analytics-part2/administration.png" alt-text="Screenshot shows the Administration pane of a video analytics page with Application U R L and Application I D highlighted.":::
Select API Tokens and generate a new token called LVAEdgeToken for the Operator role:
:::image type="content" source="./media/iot-central-video-analytics-part2/token.png" alt-text="Generate Token":::
Make a note of the token in the scratchpad.txt file for later. After the dialog closes you can't view the token again.
In the Administration section, select Device connection, and then select SAS-IoT-Devices.
Make a note of the Primary key for devices in the scratchpad.txt file. You use this primary group shared access signature token later when you configure the IoT Edge device.