author | ms.service | ms.topic | | |
ggailey777 |
azure-functions |
include |
10/18/2020 |
glenga |
Run your function by starting the local Azure Functions runtime host from the LocalFunctionProj folder:
func start
Toward the end of the output, the following lines should appear:
... Now listening on: Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. Http Functions: HttpExample: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/HttpExample ...
If HttpExample doesn't appear as shown above, you likely started the host from outside the root folder of the project. In that case, use Ctrl+C to stop the host, navigate to the project's root folder, and run the previous command again. -
Copy the URL of your
function from this output to a browser and append the query string?name=<YOUR_NAME>
, making the full URL likehttp://localhost:7071/api/HttpExample?name=Functions
. The browser should display a message likeHello Functions
: -
The terminal in which you started your project also shows log output as you make requests.
When you're done, use Ctrl+C and choose
to stop the functions host.