author | description | ms.service | ms.topic | | |
baanders |
include file for Azure Digital Twins - visualizing with Azure Digital Twins explorer |
digital-twins |
include |
7/10/2020 |
baanders |
While the primary way to interact with your Azure Digital Twins instance is through the APIs and SDKs, it can be helpful to see a visualization of the twins and graphs that you are creating in your instance.
The Azure Digital Twins (ADT) explorer is a sample application for visualizing and working with Azure Digital Twins. Follow the instructions provided with the sample to download and run the application code.
With this sample, you can see a visual representation of your digital twins and the graph that they create, among other creation and management activities.
Here's a view of what the sample visualization looks like:
:::image type="content" source="../articles/digital-twins/media/includes/azure-digital-twins-explorer.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Azure Digital Twins explorer sample application, showing a graph of nodes representing digital twins" lightbox="../articles/digital-twins/media/includes/azure-digital-twins-explorer.png":::
You can also use the sample to...
- Upload and explore models
- Upload and edit graphs of twins
- Visualize the twins graph with a number of layout techniques
- Edit properties of twins
- Run queries against the twins graph