author | ms.service | ms.topic | | |
alkohli |
databox |
include |
10/15/2020 |
alkohli |
Error code | Error description |
100 | The container or share name must be between 3 and 63 characters. |
101 | The container or share name must consist of only letters, numbers, or hyphens. |
102 | The container or share name must consist of only letters, numbers, or hyphens. |
103 | The blob or file name contains unsupported control characters. |
104 | The blob or file name contains illegal characters. |
105 | Blob or file name contains too many segments (each segment is separated by a slash -/). |
106 | The blob or file name is too long. |
107 | One of the segments in the blob or file name is too long. |
108 | The file size exceeds the maximum file size for upload. |
109 | The blob or file is incorrectly aligned. |
110 | The Unicode encoded file name or blob is not valid. |
111 | The name or the prefix of the file or blob is a reserved name that isn't supported (for example, COM1). |
2000 | An etag mismatch indicates that there is a conflict between a block blob in the cloud and on the device. To resolve this conflict, delete one of those files – either the version in the cloud or the version on the device. |
2001 | An unexpected problem occurred while processing a file after the file was uploaded. If you see this error, and the error persists for more than 24 hours, contact support. |
2002 | The file is already open in another process and can't be uploaded until the handle is closed. |
2003 | Couldn't open the file for upload. If you see this error, contact Microsoft Support. |
2004 | Couldn't connect to the container to upload data to it. |
2005 | Couldn't connect to the container because the account permissions are either wrong or out of date. Check your access. |
2006 | Couldn't upload data to the account as the account or share is disabled. |
2007 | Couldn't connect to the container because the account permissions are either wrong or out of date. Check your access. |
2008 | Couldn't add new data as the container is full. Check the Azure specifications for supported container sizes based on type. For example, Azure File only supports a maximum file size of 5 TB. |
2009 | Couldn't upload data because the container associated with the share doesn't exist. |
2997 | An unexpected error occurred. This is a transient error that will resolve itself. |
2998 | An unexpected error occurred. The error may resolve itself but if it persists for more than 24 hours, contact Microsoft Support. |
16000 | Couldn't bring down this file. |
16001 | Couldn't bring down this file since it already exists on your local system. |
16002 | Couldn't refresh this file since it isn't fully uploaded. |