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File metadata and controls

39 lines (38 loc) · 4.84 KB
author ms.service ms.topic
Property Description
accountName The name of the storage account. For example: mystorageaccount.
requestUrl The URL that is requested.
userAgentHeader The User-Agent header value, in quotes. For example: WA-Storage/6.2.0 (.NET CLR 4.0.30319.42000; Win32NT 6.2.9200.0).
referrerHeader The Referrer header value. For example:
clientRequestId The x-ms-client-request-id header value of the request. For example: 360b66a6-ad4f-4c4a-84a4-0ad7cb44f7a6.
etag The ETag identifier for the returned object, in quotes. For example: 0x8D101F7E4B662C4.
serverLatencyMs The total time expressed in milliseconds to perform the requested operation. This value doesn't include network latency (the time to read the incoming request and send the response to the requester). For example: 22.
serviceType The service associated with this request. For example: blob, table, files, or queue.
operationCount The number of each logged operation that is involved in the request. This count starts with an index of 0. Some requests require more than one operation. Most requests perform only one operation. For example: 1.
requestHeaderSize The size of the request header expressed in bytes. For example: 578.
If a request is unsuccessful, this value might be empty.
requestBodySize The size of the request packets, expressed in bytes, that are read by the storage service.
For example: 0.
If a request is unsuccessful, this value might be empty.
responseHeaderSize The size of the response header expressed in bytes. For example: 216.
If a request is unsuccessful, this value might be empty.
responseBodySize The size of the response packets written by the storage service, in bytes. If a request is unsuccessful, this value may be empty. For example: 216.
requestMd5 The value of either the Content-MD5 header or the x-ms-content-md5 header in the request. The MD5 hash value specified in this field represents the content in the request. For example: 788815fd0198be0d275ad329cafd1830.
This field can be empty.
serverMd5 The value of the MD5 hash calculated by the storage service. For example: 3228b3cf1069a5489b298446321f8521.
This field can be empty.
lastModifiedTime The Last Modified Time (LMT) for the returned object. For example: Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 21:13:26 GMT.
This field is empty for operations that can return multiple objects.
conditionsUsed A semicolon-separated list of key-value pairs that represent a condition. The conditions can be any of the following:
  • If-Modified-Since
  • If-Unmodified-Since
  • If-Match
  • If-None-Match
    For example: If-Modified-Since=Friday, 05-Aug-11 19:11:54 GMT.
  • contentLengthHeader The value of the Content-Length header for the request sent to the storage service. If the request was successful, this value is equal to requestBodySize. If a request is unsuccessful, this value may not be equal to requestBodySize, or it might be empty.
    tlsVersion The TLS version used in the connection of request. For example: TLS 1.2.
    smbTreeConnectID The Server Message Block (SMB) treeConnectId established at tree connect time. For example: 0x3
    smbPersistentHandleID Persistent handle ID from an SMB2 CREATE request that survives network reconnects. Referenced in MS-SMB2 as SMB2_FILEID.Persistent. For example: 0x6003f
    smbVolatileHandleID Volatile handle ID from an SMB2 CREATE request that is recycled on network reconnects. Referenced in MS-SMB2 as SMB2_FILEID.Volatile. For example: 0xFFFFFFFF00000065
    smbMessageID The connection relative MessageId. For example: 0x3b165
    smbCreditsConsumed The ingress or egress consumed by the request, in units of 64k. For example: 0x3
    smbCommandDetail More information about this specific request rather than the general type of request. For example: 0x2000 bytes at offset 0xf2000
    smbFileId The FileId associated with the file or directory. Roughly analogous to an NTFS FileId. For example: 0x9223442405598953
    smbSessionID The SMB2 SessionId established at session setup time. For example: 0x8530280128000049
    smbCommandMajor uint32 Value in the SMB2_HEADER.Command. Currently, this is a number between 0 and 18 inclusive. For example: 0x6
    smbCommandMinor The subclass of SmbCommandMajor, where appropriate. For example: DirectoryCloseAndDelete