author | ms.service | ms.topic | | |
normesta |
storage |
include |
09/28/2020 |
normesta |
Property | Description |
time | The Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time when the request was received by storage. For example: 2018/11/08 21:09:36.6900118 . |
resourceId | The resource ID of the storage account. For example: /subscriptions/208841be-a4v3-4234-9450-08b90c09f4/resourceGroups/ myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/mystorageaccount/storageAccounts/blobServices/default |
category | The category of the requested operation. For example: StorageRead , StorageWrite , or StorageDelete . |
operationName | The type of REST operation that was performed. For a complete list of operations, see Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Status Messages topic. |
operationVersion | The storage service version that was specified when the request was made. This is equivalent to the value of the x-ms-version header. For example: 2017-04-17 . |
schemaVersion | The schema version of the log. For example: 1.0 . |
statusCode | The HTTP status code for the request. If the request is interrupted, this value might be set to Unknown . For example: 206 |
statusText | The status of the requested operation. For a complete list of status messages, see Storage Analytics Logged Operations and Status Messages topic. In version 2017-04-17 and later, the status message ClientOtherError isn't used. Instead, this field contains an error code. For example: SASSuccess |
durationMs | The total time, expressed in milliseconds, to perform the requested operation. This includes the time to read the incoming request, and to send the response to the requester. For example: 12 . |
callerIpAddress | The IP address of the requester, including the port number. For example: . |
correlationId | The ID that is used to correlate logs across resources. For example: b99ba45e-a01e-0042-4ea6-772bbb000000 . |
location | The location of storage account. For example: North Europe . |
protocol | The protocol that is used in the operation. For example: HTTP , HTTPS , SMB , or NFS |
uri | Uniform resource identifier that is requested. |