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Windows Server node pools FAQ |
Azure Kubernetes Service |
See the frequently asked questions when you run Windows Server node pools and application workloads in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). |
container-service |
article |
10/12/2020 |
In Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), you can create a node pool that runs Windows Server as the guest OS on the nodes. These nodes can run native Windows container applications, such as those built on the .NET Framework. There are differences in how the Linux and Windows OS provides container support. Some common Linux Kubernetes and pod-related features are not currently available for Windows node pools.
This article outlines some of the frequently asked questions and OS concepts for Windows Server nodes in AKS.
AKS uses Windows Server 2019 as the host OS version and only supports process isolation. Container images built using other Windows Server versions are not supported. For more information, see Windows container version compatibility.
Window Server node pool support includes some limitations that are part of the upstream Windows Server in Kubernetes project. These limitations are not specific to AKS. For more information on this upstream support for Windows Server in Kubernetes, see the Supported Functionality and Limitations section of the Intro to Windows support in Kubernetes document, from the Kubernetes project.
Kubernetes is historically Linux-focused. Many examples used in the upstream Kubernetes.io website are intended for use on Linux nodes. When you create deployments that use Windows Server containers, the following considerations at the OS-level apply:
- Identity - Linux identifies a user by an integer user identifier (UID). A user also has an alphanumeric user name for logging on, which Linux translates to the user's UID. Similarly Linux identifies a user group by an integer group identifier (GID) and translates a group name to its corresponding GID.
- Windows Server uses a larger binary security identifier (SID) which is stored in the Windows Security Access Manager (SAM) database. This database is not shared between the host and containers, or between containers.
- File permissions - Windows Server uses an access control list based on SIDs, rather than a bitmask of permissions and UID+GID
- File paths - convention on Windows Server is to use \ instead of /.
- In pod specs that mount volumes, specify the path correctly for Windows Server containers. For example, rather than a mount point of /mnt/volume in a Linux container, specify a drive letter and location such as /K/Volume to mount as the K: drive.
Azure Disks and Azure Files are the supported volume types. These are accessed as NTFS volumes in the Windows Server container.
The master nodes (the control plane) in an AKS cluster are hosted by AKS the service, you will not be exposed to the operating system of the nodes hosting the master components. All AKS clusters are created with a default first node pool, which is Linux-based. This node pool contains system services, which are needed for the cluster to function. It's recommended to run at least two nodes in the first node pool to ensure reliability of your cluster and the ability to do cluster operations. The first Linux-based node pool can't be deleted unless the AKS cluster itself is deleted.
To get the latest patches for Windows nodes, you can either upgrade the node pool or upgrade the node image. Windows Updates are not enabled on nodes in AKS. AKS releases new node pool images as soon as patches are available, and it's the user's responsibility to upgrade node pools to stay current on patches and hotfixes. This is also true for the Kubernetes version being used. AKS release notes indicate when new versions are available. For more information on upgrading the entire Windows Server node pool, see Upgrade a node pool in AKS. If you're only interested in updating the node image, see AKS node image upgrades.
The updated Windows Server image will only be used if a cluster upgrade (control plane upgrade) has been performed prior to upgrading the node pool.
AKS clusters with Windows node pools must use the Azure CNI (advanced) networking model. Kubenet (basic) networking is not supported. For more information on the differences in network models, see Network concepts for applications in AKS. The Azure CNI network model requires additional planning and considerations for IP address management. For more information on how to plan and implement Azure CNI, see Configure Azure CNI networking in AKS.
At this time, client source IP preservation is not supported with Windows nodes.
Yes. For the implications and options that are available, see Maximum number of pods.
If you created your cluster before February 2020 and have never done any cluster upgrade operations, the cluster still uses an old Windows image. You may have seen an error that resembles:
"The following list of images referenced from the deployment template is not found: Publisher: MicrosoftWindowsServer, Offer: WindowsServer, Sku: 2019-datacenter-core-smalldisk-2004, Version: latest. Please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/windows/cli-ps-findimage for instructions on finding available images."
To fix this error:
- Upgrade the cluster control plane to update the image offer and publisher.
- Create new Windows agent pools.
- Move Windows pods from existing Windows agent pools to new Windows agent pools.
- Delete old Windows agent pools.
Windows node pools do not support service principal rotation. To update the service principal, create a new Windows node pool and migrate your pods from the older pool to the new one. Once this is complete, delete the older node pool.
Instead, use managed identities, which are essentially wrappers around service principals. For more information, see Use managed identities in Azure Kubernetes Service.
The AKS cluster can have a maximum of 10 node pools. You can have a maximum of 1000 nodes across those node pools. Node pool limitations.
You have to keep the name to a maximum of 6 (six) characters. This is a current limitation of AKS.
Network policies and kubenet are currently not supported with Windows nodes.
Yes, an ingress-controller that supports Windows Server containers can run on Windows nodes in AKS.
Azure Dev Spaces is currently only available for Linux-based node pools.
Group managed service accounts (gMSA) support is not currently available in AKS.
Yes you can, however Azure Monitor is in public preview for gathering logs (stdout, stderr) and metrics from Windows containers. You can also attach to the live stream of stdout logs from a Windows container.
A cluster with Windows nodes can have approximately 500 services before it encounters port exhaustion.
Yes. Azure Hybrid Benefit for Windows Server reduces operating costs by letting you bring your on-premises Windows Server license to AKS Windows nodes.
Azure Hybrid Benefit can be used on your entire AKS cluster or on individual nodes. For individual nodes, you need to navigate to the node resource group and apply the Azure Hybrid Benefit to the nodes directly. For more information on applying Azure Hybrid Benefit to individual nodes, see Azure Hybrid Benefit for Windows Server.
To use Azure Hybrid Benefit on a new AKS cluster, use the --enable-ahub
az aks create \
--resource-group myResourceGroup \
--name myAKSCluster \
--load-balancer-sku Standard \
--windows-admin-password 'Password1234$' \
--windows-admin-username azure \
--network-plugin azure
To use Azure Hybrid Benefit on an existing AKS cluster, update the cluster using the --enable-ahub
az aks update \
--resource-group myResourceGroup
--name myAKSCluster
To check if Azure Hybrid Benefit is set on the cluster, use the following command:
az vmss show --name myAKSCluster --resource-group MC_CLUSTERNAME
If the cluster has Azure Hybrid Benefit enabled, the output of az vmss show
will be similar to the following:
"platformFaultDomainCount": 1,
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"proximityPlacementGroup": null,
"resourceGroup": "MC_CLUSTERNAME"
Yes, you can use the Kubernetes Web Dashboard to access information about Windows containers, but at this time you can't run kubectl exec into a running Windows container directly from the Kubernetes Web Dashboard. For more details on connecting to your running Windows container, see Connect with RDP to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster Windows Server nodes for maintenance or troubleshooting.
We work hard to bring all the features you need to Windows in AKS, but if you do encounter gaps, the open-source, upstream aks-engine project provides an easy and fully customizable way of running Kubernetes in Azure, including Windows support. Be sure to check out our roadmap of features coming AKS roadmap.
To get started with Windows Server containers in AKS, create a node pool that runs Windows Server in AKS.