title | description | services | author | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.author |
HTTP application routing add-on on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) |
Use the HTTP application routing add-on to access applications deployed on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). |
container-service |
lachie83 |
article |
07/20/2020 |
laevenso |
The HTTP application routing solution makes it easy to access applications that are deployed to your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. When the solution's enabled, it configures an Ingress controller in your AKS cluster. As applications are deployed, the solution also creates publicly accessible DNS names for application endpoints.
When the add-on is enabled, it creates a DNS Zone in your subscription. For more information about DNS cost, see DNS pricing.
The HTTP application routing add-on is designed to let you quickly create an ingress controller and access your applications. This add-on is not currently designed for use in a production environment and is not recommended for production use. For production-ready ingress deployments that include multiple replicas and TLS support, see Create an HTTPS ingress controller.
The add-on deploys two components: a Kubernetes Ingress controller and an External-DNS controller.
- Ingress controller: The Ingress controller is exposed to the internet by using a Kubernetes service of type LoadBalancer. The Ingress controller watches and implements Kubernetes Ingress resources, which creates routes to application endpoints.
- External-DNS controller: Watches for Kubernetes Ingress resources and creates DNS A records in the cluster-specific DNS zone.
The HTTP application routing add-on can be enabled with the Azure CLI when deploying an AKS cluster. To do so, use the az aks create command with the --enable-addons
az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --enable-addons http_application_routing
If you want to enable multiple add-ons, provide them as a comma-separated list. For example, to enable HTTP application routing and monitoring, use the format --enable-addons http_application_routing,monitoring
You can also enable HTTP routing on an existing AKS cluster using the az aks enable-addons command. To enable HTTP routing on an existing cluster, add the --addons
parameter and specify http_application_routing as shown in the following example:
az aks enable-addons --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --addons http_application_routing
After the cluster is deployed or updated, use the az aks show command to retrieve the DNS zone name.
az aks show --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --query addonProfiles.httpApplicationRouting.config.HTTPApplicationRoutingZoneName -o table
This name is needed to deploy applications to the AKS cluster and is shown in the following example output:
The HTTP application routing add-on can be enabled through the Azure portal when deploying an AKS cluster.
After the cluster is deployed, browse to the auto-created AKS resource group and select the DNS zone. Take note of the DNS zone name. This name is needed to deploy applications to the AKS cluster.
To connect to the Kubernetes cluster from your local computer, you use kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line client.
If you use the Azure Cloud Shell, kubectl
is already installed. You can also install it locally using the az aks install-cli command:
az aks install-cli
To configure kubectl
to connect to your Kubernetes cluster, use the az aks get-credentials command. The following example gets credentials for the AKS cluster named MyAKSCluster in the MyResourceGroup:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group MyResourceGroup --name MyAKSCluster
The HTTP application routing solution may only be triggered on Ingress resources that are annotated as follows:
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: addon-http-application-routing
Create a file named samples-http-application-routing.yaml and copy in the following YAML. On line 43, update <CLUSTER_SPECIFIC_DNS_ZONE>
with the DNS zone name collected in the previous step of this article.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: aks-helloworld
replicas: 1
app: aks-helloworld
app: aks-helloworld
- name: aks-helloworld
image: mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/aks-helloworld:v1
- containerPort: 80
- name: TITLE
value: "Welcome to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: aks-helloworld
type: ClusterIP
- port: 80
app: aks-helloworld
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: aks-helloworld
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: addon-http-application-routing
- host: aks-helloworld.<CLUSTER_SPECIFIC_DNS_ZONE>
- backend:
serviceName: aks-helloworld
servicePort: 80
path: /
Use the kubectl apply command to create the resources.
kubectl apply -f samples-http-application-routing.yaml
The following example shows the created resources:
$ kubectl apply -f samples-http-application-routing.yaml
deployment.apps/aks-helloworld created
service/aks-helloworld created
ingress.networking.k8s.io/aks-helloworld created
Open a web browser to aks-helloworld.<CLUSTER_SPECIFIC_DNS_ZONE>, for example aks-helloworld.9f9c1fe7-21a1-416d-99cd-3543bb92e4c3.eastus.aksapp.io and verify you see the demo application. The application may take a few minutes to appear.
The HTTP routing solution can be removed using the Azure CLI. To do so run the following command, substituting your AKS cluster and resource group name.
az aks disable-addons --addons http_application_routing --name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup --no-wait
When the HTTP application routing add-on is disabled, some Kubernetes resources may remain in the cluster. These resources include configMaps and secrets, and are created in the kube-system namespace. To maintain a clean cluster, you may want to remove these resources.
Look for addon-http-application-routing resources using the following kubectl get commands:
kubectl get deployments --namespace kube-system
kubectl get services --namespace kube-system
kubectl get configmaps --namespace kube-system
kubectl get secrets --namespace kube-system
The following example output shows configMaps that should be deleted:
$ kubectl get configmaps --namespace kube-system
kube-system addon-http-application-routing-nginx-configuration 0 9m7s
kube-system addon-http-application-routing-tcp-services 0 9m7s
kube-system addon-http-application-routing-udp-services 0 9m7s
To delete resources, use the kubectl delete command. Specify the resource type, resource name, and namespace. The following example deletes one of the previous configmaps:
kubectl delete configmaps addon-http-application-routing-nginx-configuration --namespace kube-system
Repeat the previous kubectl delete
step for all addon-http-application-routing resources that remained in your cluster.
Use the kubectl logs command to view the application logs for the External-DNS application. The logs should confirm that an A and TXT DNS record were created successfully.
$ kubectl logs -f deploy/addon-http-application-routing-external-dns -n kube-system
time="2018-04-26T20:36:19Z" level=info msg="Updating A record named 'aks-helloworld' to '' for Azure DNS zone '471756a6-e744-4aa0-aa01-89c4d162a7a7.canadaeast.aksapp.io'."
time="2018-04-26T20:36:21Z" level=info msg="Updating TXT record named 'aks-helloworld' to '"heritage=external-dns,external-dns/owner=default"' for Azure DNS zone '471756a6-e744-4aa0-aa01-89c4d162a7a7.canadaeast.aksapp.io'."
These records can also be seen on the DNS zone resource in the Azure portal.
Use the kubectl logs command to view the application logs for the Nginx Ingress controller. The logs should confirm the CREATE
of an Ingress resource and the reload of the controller. All HTTP activity is logged.
$ kubectl logs -f deploy/addon-http-application-routing-nginx-ingress-controller -n kube-system
NGINX Ingress controller
Release: 0.13.0
Build: git-4bc943a
Repository: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx
I0426 20:30:12.212936 9 flags.go:162] Watching for ingress class: addon-http-application-routing
W0426 20:30:12.213041 9 flags.go:165] only Ingress with class "addon-http-application-routing" will be processed by this ingress controller
W0426 20:30:12.213505 9 client_config.go:533] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work.
I0426 20:30:12.213752 9 main.go:181] Creating API client for
I0426 20:30:12.287928 9 main.go:225] Running in Kubernetes Cluster version v1.8 (v1.8.11) - git (clean) commit 1df6a8381669a6c753f79cb31ca2e3d57ee7c8a3 - platform linux/amd64
I0426 20:30:12.290988 9 main.go:84] validated kube-system/addon-http-application-routing-default-http-backend as the default backend
I0426 20:30:12.294314 9 main.go:105] service kube-system/addon-http-application-routing-nginx-ingress validated as source of Ingress status
I0426 20:30:12.426443 9 stat_collector.go:77] starting new nginx stats collector for Ingress controller running in namespace (class addon-http-application-routing)
I0426 20:30:12.426509 9 stat_collector.go:78] collector extracting information from port 18080
I0426 20:30:12.448779 9 nginx.go:281] starting Ingress controller
I0426 20:30:12.463585 9 event.go:218] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"ConfigMap", Namespace:"kube-system", Name:"addon-http-application-routing-nginx-configuration", UID:"2588536c-4990-11e8-a5e1-0a58ac1f0ef2", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"559", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' ConfigMap kube-system/addon-http-application-routing-nginx-configuration
I0426 20:30:12.466945 9 event.go:218] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"ConfigMap", Namespace:"kube-system", Name:"addon-http-application-routing-tcp-services", UID:"258ca065-4990-11e8-a5e1-0a58ac1f0ef2", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"561", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' ConfigMap kube-system/addon-http-application-routing-tcp-services
I0426 20:30:12.467053 9 event.go:218] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"ConfigMap", Namespace:"kube-system", Name:"addon-http-application-routing-udp-services", UID:"259023bc-4990-11e8-a5e1-0a58ac1f0ef2", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"562", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' ConfigMap kube-system/addon-http-application-routing-udp-services
I0426 20:30:13.649195 9 nginx.go:302] starting NGINX process...
I0426 20:30:13.649347 9 leaderelection.go:175] attempting to acquire leader lease kube-system/ingress-controller-leader-addon-http-application-routing...
I0426 20:30:13.649776 9 controller.go:170] backend reload required
I0426 20:30:13.649800 9 stat_collector.go:34] changing prometheus collector from to default
I0426 20:30:13.662191 9 leaderelection.go:184] successfully acquired lease kube-system/ingress-controller-leader-addon-http-application-routing
I0426 20:30:13.662292 9 status.go:196] new leader elected: addon-http-application-routing-nginx-ingress-controller-5cxntd6
I0426 20:30:13.763362 9 controller.go:179] ingress backend successfully reloaded...
I0426 21:51:55.249327 9 event.go:218] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"aks-helloworld", UID:"092c9599-499c-11e8-a5e1-0a58ac1f0ef2", APIVersion:"extensions", ResourceVersion:"7346", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' Ingress default/aks-helloworld
W0426 21:51:57.908771 9 controller.go:775] service default/aks-helloworld does not have any active endpoints
I0426 21:51:57.908951 9 controller.go:170] backend reload required
I0426 21:51:58.042932 9 controller.go:179] ingress backend successfully reloaded... - [] - - [26/Apr/2018:21:53:20 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 234 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)" 197 0.001 [default-aks-helloworld-80] 234 0.004 200
Remove the associated Kubernetes objects created in this article using kubectl delete
kubectl delete -f samples-http-application-routing.yaml
The example output shows Kubernetes objects have been removed.
$ kubectl delete -f samples-http-application-routing.yaml
deployment "aks-helloworld" deleted
service "aks-helloworld" deleted
ingress "aks-helloworld" deleted
For information on how to install an HTTPS-secured Ingress controller in AKS, see HTTPS Ingress on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).