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An Ioc type library for synthesizing a FluidObject based on FluidObject providers.

It allows for the creation of a DependencyContainer that can have FluidObjects registered with it based on their interface Symbol. So for example if I wanted to register something as IFoo I would need to provide and object that implements IFoo along side it.

The DependencyContainer also exposes a synthesize method that returns an object with a Promise to the correct optional and required symbols requested.

So if I wanted an object with an optional IFoo and a required IBar I would get back:

    IFoo: Promise<IFoo | undefined>
    IBar: Promise<IBar>

Simple Example

const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo & IBar>>();
dc.register(IFoo, new Foo());

const s = dc.synthesize({IFoo}, {});
const foo = await s.IFoo;


Fluid object Providers

Fluid object Providers are the the different ways you can return a FluidObject when registering.

There are four types of providers:

  1. Value Provider
  2. Async Value Provider
  3. Factory Provider
  4. Async Factory Provider
type FluidObjectProvider<T> =
    | Promise<NonNullable<T>>
    | ((dependencyContainer: IFluidDependencySynthesizer) => NonNullable<T>)
    | ((dependencyContainer: IFluidDependencySynthesizer) => Promise<NonNullable<T>>);

Value Provider

Provide an FluidObject of a given type.


const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo>>();

dc.register(IFoo, new Foo());

Async Value Provider

Provide a Promise to an FluidObject of a given type.


const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo>>();

const generateFoo: Promise<IFoo> = await() => {
    const foo = new Foo();
    await foo.initialize();
    return foo;

dc.register(IFoo, generateFoo());

Factory Provider

Provide a function that will resolve an FluidObject of a given type.


const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo & IBar>>();
const fooFactory = () => new Foo();
dc.register(IFoo, fooFactory);

// Factories can utilize the DependencyContainer if the FluidObject depends
// on other providers
const barFactory = (dc) => new Bar(dc);
dc.register(IFoo, barFactory);

Async Factory Provider

Provide a function that will resolve a Promise to an FluidObject of a given type.


const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo & IBar>>();

const generateFoo: Promise<IFoo> = await() => {
    const foo = new Foo();
    await foo.initialize();
    return foo;

dc.register(IFoo, generateFoo);

const generateBar: Promise<IBar> = await(dc) => {
    const bar = new Bar();
    await bar.initialize(dc);
    return bar;

dc.register(IBar, generateBar);


Once you have a DependencyContainer with registered providers you can synthesize/generate a new FluidObject from it. The object that is returned will have the correct typing of optional and required types.

An Example:

If I wanted an object with an optional IFoo and a required IBar I would get back:

    IFoo: Promise<IFoo | undefined>
    IBar: Promise<IBar>

synthesize takes optionalTypes and requiredTypes as well as their corresponding types. FluidObjectSymbolProvider<> is a TypeScript type that ensures the types being passed match the ones in the object being provided.

Optional Types

Optional types will return a Promise to it's corresponding FluidObject or undefined. Because of this we need to do an if check to validate the object or use the ? like in the example below.

const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo>>();

const s = dc.synthesize<IFoo>({IFoo}, {});
const foo = await s.IFoo;

Note: Because of how generics in TypeScript work we need to provide an empty requiredTypes object even though we don't need to provide the type.

Required Types

Required types will return a Promise to it's corresponding FluidObject or it will throw.

You can see below that we don't need to add the ? to check our requested type.

const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo>>();

const scope = dc.synthesize<{}, IFoo>({}, {IFoo});
const foo = await s.IFoo;

Multiple Types

You can declare multiple types for both Optional and Required using the & or creating a separate type.

const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo & IBar>>();

const scope = dc.synthesize<IFoo & IBar>({IFoo, IBar}, {});
const fooP = s.IFoo;
const barP = s.IBar;
const [foo, bar] = Promise.all([foo, bar]);
const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo & IBar>>();

const scope = dc.synthesize<{}, IFoo & IBar>({}, {IFoo, IBar});
const fooP = s.IFoo;
const barP = s.IBar;
const [foo, bar] = Promise.all([foo, bar]);
const dc = new DependencyContainer<FluidObject<IFoo & IBar>>();

const scope = dc.synthesize<IFoo, IBar>({IFoo}, {IBar});
const fooP = s.IFoo;
const barP = s.IBar;
const [foo, bar] = Promise.all([foo, bar]);


The DependencyContainer takes one optional parameter which is the parent. When resolving providers the DependencyContainer will first check the current container then look in the parent.