Feel free to steal any of these.
- Slip days vs. slip hours
- [Shomil] How to build an extension backend
- Slip days do not replace extensions
- Are class drop rates really 10%? Do more people drop if there's a big assignment due before the drop deadline?
- How much do TAs cost for the department?
- Will partner projects reduce OH wait time?
- Regrade request best practices
- Website design (the one that comes to mind is adding semester on top of website, but I'm sure there are others)
- Make assignments due on consistent dates
- Scalability and stable classes (e.g. one professor = content doesn't change dramatically each semester)
- Tips for running effective hybrid office hours (suggested by Shomil, one post by Peyrin already)
- Tips for running effective hybrid discussions (in rooms with and without a camera)
- Tips for running hybrid lectures (Nicholas and/or Caroline?)
- [Caroline/Peyrin/Fuzail] Textbook/notes writing and editing
- Room reservations
- DMCA takedowns of project solutions
- Copyright message to avoid course material getting posted on shady websites like Course Hero
- Kaltura/Youtube video image guide?
- Course websites: Jekyll/Github Pages/Zola?
- Course chat platforms: Slack/Discord/other?
- Documentation: Github Wiki/Google Drive/other?
- Piazza vs. Ed
- In-house software, pros and cons (Caroline: Nicholas has a lot of thoughts)
- [Caroline] What skills do we expect from students? (meta-skills, how to Google, debugging) (series with 61ABC?)
- [Caroline] Communication across courses: dependencies, skills, topics
- [Caroline] Exam writing, what's the point?
- Don't stress people out with April Fools' jokes
- Piazza etiquette post?
- Professors don't like teaching web classes with pre-recorded lectures
- [Peyrin] Text screenshots are bad
- [Peyrin] Content warnings on posts
- Clobbering?
- [Peyrin?] How to apply for a teaching-track 5th year MS
- [Zoe] DSP intro slides
- [Vron] Flowchart for student support resources
- There seem to be Google Docs scattered everywhere with resources that we should centralize on here (or somewhere that's not Google Docs)
- [Caroline] Documentation; staff resources
- [Caroline?] Separation of personal feelings/issues and work
- [Caroline?] Task delegation, micromanagement vs macromanagement, hierarchy of staff
- [Caroline] Creating an inclusive course (staff) environment
- Clarifications