- [Bitcoin] added copay
- [Ethereum] added hyperledger besu
- [Ethereum] removed openzeppelin cli
- [Internal] renaming base script
- [Internal] moved install logic to network scripts
- [server] start_eth_project to create a base project in Ethereum
- [server] ethereum.sh script, to install lighthouse, Prysm and a more complete dev environment
- [server] Prettier welcome and install messages
- [server] corda.sh script
- [server] added age, a crypto utility
- [server] added nnn, a console file explorer
- [server] added bitcoin and lightning two node tutorial configuration
- [server] cosmos script
- cleaner
command - install folder with scripts
- Windows Subsystem for Linux install command and testing
- [server] yarn added
- [desktop] visual code extensions added
- install script can be launched by any user
- automatic GitHub release version when available
- explicit commands during build
- [server] Addition of micro, a command line text editor
- [server] Added web terminal
- [desktop] Default mimetypes for convenience
- [server] Welcome message with available commands
- install-server.sh can now be safely executed on a server independently of Vagrant
- Better script portability
- Additional scripts to install lightning, tendermint, Libra and Tezos (carthagenet)
- Extended to 40GB max sized harddrive. Allows testnets launch
- new command
to display installed versions of key softwares - Updated syntax for
- Automated desktop version configuration
- Switched Bitcoin-core from PPA to direct download (recommended safest way)
- Version bumps
- purge apport
- added lxrandr
- added IBM visual code plugin
- Bookmarks:
- added bitcoin whitepaper, bitcoin studio
- removed ethfiddle
- larger hard drive max size (7 to 20GB)
- Version bump: node, go
- added jq
- Tiny updates I'm too lazy to describe
- Fully scripted desktop
- including java, sublime-text, artwork
- Smaller images
- added ssh password access
- added brave browser
- removed secondary npm packages
- lighter image
- added emacs
- updated go
- cosmos sdk
- docker tooling
- added rust & vim
- better update script
- Visual code added
- updates
- fortune, tldr added
- bitcoin binaries & config
- tutorials
- Added bleachit
- Custom update scripts
- bookmarks
- Added parity
- Branding
- upload optimization
- Ligher image and OS
- added IPFS
- Installed
- Ganache-cli
- Chainpoint-cli
- Significantly lighter image
- Solidity addon for Visual Code
- curl
- metamask for firefox
- node with user domain global folder (.npm-global)
- Ethereum ppa and libraries
- libssl1.0-dev
- Utilities build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl1.0-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3 software-properties-common libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
- Bitcoin libraries libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
- Virtualbox addons