This document introduces the method of calculating document vector by using weighted word vector w.r.t TF-IDF
The idea is that we want to combine TF-IDF weights and the pretrained word embeddings for each word in the document to generate a more sophisticated document vector (compared to simple TF-IDF weights or average of all word embeddings within the document).
Let's say we have 1000 documents with a vocabulary of 3380 unique words. We get those 3380 unique words after some preprocessing like:
- Get rid of space, punct, top or num
def _keep_token(self, t):
return (t.is_alpha and
not (t.is_space or t.is_punct or
t.is_stop or t.like_num))
- Get rid of extreme rare words (less than 5 here) or extreme common words (more than 20% of total words)
docs_dict.filter_extremes(no_below=5, no_above=0.2)
- Lemmatization to get the unique word for its different variants
def _lemmatize_doc(self, doc):
return [ t.lemma_ for t in doc if self._keep_token(t)]
We calculate the TF-IDF weights for each of the documents in the document list:
def _get_tfidf(self, docs, docs_dict):
docs_corpus = [docs_dict.doc2bow(doc) for doc in docs]
model_tfidf = TfidfModel(docs_corpus, id2word=docs_dict)
docs_tfidf = model_tfidf[docs_corpus]
docs_vecs = np.vstack([sparse2full(c, len(docs_dict)) for c in docs_tfidf])
return docs_vecs
docs_tfidf = self._get_tfidf(, self.docs_dict)
Now docs_tfidf
is a matrix of shape 1000x3380. Each row is the TF-IDF vector with length 3380, with each column the TF-IDF weight for the corresponding weight for a unique word.
We have a pre-trained word embedding model. Each word in our model has a word vector of length 384.
Remember that for our current case, we have a vocabulary of size 3380. For each word out of the vocabulary, we get their word embeddings, each of length 384:
#Load glove embedding vector for each TF-IDF term
tfidf_emb_vecs = np.vstack([self.nlp(self.docs_dict[i]).vector for i in range(len(self.docs_dict))])
Now we get the tfidf_emb_vecs
which is a matrix of shapre 3380x384. Each row is a word in the vocabulary with its 384 dimension of pre-trained word vector.
We have the docs_tfidf
with shape 1000x3380, and tfidf_emb_vecs
with shape 3380x384. To get the Weighted Word Vector w.r.t TF-IDF, we simply need to multiply the two matrices. Please carefully re-visit the meaning of these two matrices if you feel confused.
docs_emb =, tfidf_emb_vecs)
Now we get 'docs_emb' which is a matrix of size 1000x384. Each row is a document, with its Weighted Word Vector w.r.t TF-IDF of dimension 384.
To wrap-up, here is the part of code in
def tfidf_weighted_wv(self):
docs_vecs = self._get_tfidf(, self.docs_dict)
#Load glove embedding vector for each TF-IDF term
tfidf_emb_vecs = np.vstack([self.nlp(self.docs_dict[i]).vector for i in range(len(self.docs_dict))])
#To get a TF-IDF weighted Glove vector summary of each document,
#we just need to matrix multiply docs_vecs with tfidf_emb_vecs
docs_emb =, tfidf_emb_vecs)
return docs_emb