- Deploying Couchbase Clusters with the Couchbase Autonomous Operator using Helm
This document is a walk-through of how to deploy the Couchbase Autonomous Operator to manage Couchbase clusters using helm, on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). The document focuses on simplicity and is for demonstration purposes. This document should not be used for production deployments as-is. The details on how a user should manage their Kubernetes environment is beyond the scope of this document.
k8s: A short hand version of Kubernetes.
Amazon EKS/EKS: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service.
RBAC: Role-based acces control.
The Couchbase Autonomous Operator simplifies the management and configuration of Couchbase clusters in a Kubernetes (k8s) environment. The Couchbase Autonomous Operator [consists of] the Operator itself and the Admission Controller.
Helm is a package manager for k8s applications that streamlines deploying k8s applications.
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS.
Kubernetes supports namespaces, which are groupings that logically isolates resources. A K8s cluster generates three namespaces, kube-system, kube-public and default. The default namespace is designed for convenienc, and this guide uses the default namespace for that reason. The commands in this guide can be used in a namespace, by creating one and (typically adding) --namespace=<NAMESPACE>
to relevant commands.
The following tools are required in order to complete this walkthrough:
The first step is to create an Amazon EKS cluster.
For simplicity this guide will use eksctl to create the EKS cluster, but feel free to use the AWS Management Console if you prefer.
The specifications of the cluster are:
- Named cb-helm-eks (optional)
- Using an instance type of m5.xlarge (or better)
- 5 nodes with a max of >= 7
- Using a supported version of k8s (in this case 1.13)
Create the cluster using eksctl run:
eksctl create cluster --name cb-helm-eks \
--version 1.13 --nodegroup-name standard-workers \
--node-type m5.xlarge --nodes 5 \
--nodes-min 1 --nodes-max 7 --node-ami auto
Verify that the cluster has deployed successfully by running:
kubectl get nodes
If problems are encountered then troubleshoot the configuration, before continuing.
As mentioned earlier helm is a package manager for k8s applications. There are two tools needed when working with Helm: The Helm client (helm) and the Helm server (Tiller) that speaks to the k8s cluster via the API. Helm simplifies k8s application installation and management using three big concepts of charts, repositories and releases.
Prepare to use helm by installing the helm client.
With the helm client installed setup RBAC for tiller to the Kubernetes cluster, by running the below command using the provided file rbac-tiller.yaml:
kubectl create -f rbac-tiller.yaml
The RBAC for the tiller Service Account is now configured, so install tiller into the environment by running:
helm init --service-account tiller
Note: For simplicity tiller is granted cluster-wide access. This is appropriate for development and test environments only. For a production environment refer to the Couchbase documentation.
Add the Couchbase chart repository that contains the needed Couchbase charts Couchbase/Couchbase-operator and Couchbase/Couchbase-cluster:
helm repo add Couchbase https://couchbase-partners.github.io/helm-charts/
With the necessary tools installed and configured, the core component of this guide, the Couchbase Autonomous Operator can be deployed using the Couchbase/Couchbase-operator chart, with a single command:
helm install Couchbase/Couchbase-operator
Wait for the operator to become ready by running the command (use Ctrl-c to break out of the wait):
kubectl get deployments -w
A storage class is the key to dynamically provisioning volumes in k8s. AWS provides a default storage class of type gp2, however the recommended storage type for Couchbase workloads is io1. In order to use the desired storage type, of io1, for the Couchbase cluster, a new Storage Class must be created.
Create a new storage class named io2 (of type io2) with the provided file createEKSSC.yaml by running the command:
kubectl create -f createEKSSC.yaml
The Couchbase/Couchbase-cluster chart defines a simple cluster configuration. This guide uses a more complete configuration that:
- Uses automatically generated TLS certificates
- Distributes nodes across 3 availability zones
- Uses Persistent Volumes of 5GB
- Uses the storage class of type io1 (created earlier)
- Has 5 nodes (three data across 2 AZs, 1 query and index, 1 search and analytics):
The default behavior of Couchbase Clusters and the Couchbase Autonomous Operator do not use TLS. TLS is supported using one of the following methods:
- With automatically generated certificates
- With user provided certificates
Note: Couchbase certificates are represented as plain Kubernetes secrets, so the secret itself can be overridden if desired.
This guide will use automatically generated TLS certificates for simplicity. See the documentation to use custom certificates.
Override the chart cluster settings and deploy the cluster, by using the --set switch for the single TLS flag, and using the --values switch with the provided cb-cluster-eks-values.yaml by running:
helm install Couchbase/Couchbase-cluster --set couchbaseTLS.create=true --values cb-cluster-eks-values.yaml
Record the information from the NOTES: section that is displayed at the end of the installation, then wait for all the nodes to deploy by running the command (Ctrl-c to resume):
kubectl get po -l app=Couchbase -w
To view the Couchbase Web Console locally the ports must be forwarded (refer to the NOTES: section mentioned previously).
To forward the ports run the command:
kubectl port-forward --namespace default cb-helm-example-0000 8091:8091
Open a browser to localhost:8091 and login to the console. The defaults are username: "Administrator", and password: "password". View the "Servers" tab and observe that the server topology matches the desired configuration.
The current deployment installed Couchbase Server 6.0.1.
To upgrade to Couchbase Server 6.0.2, retrieve the release name for Couchbase-cluster by running the command:
helm list
Use the release name to initiate the upgrade by running:
helm upgrade <RELEASE NAME> Couchbase/Couchbase-cluster --set couchbaseCluster.version=enterprise-6.0.2 --reuse-values
Locate the operator deployment name using by running:
kubectl get deployments
Use the deployment name of the operator, to view the operator logs (Ctrl-c to resume):
kubectl logs deployment/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT> -f
The scaling process is similar to the upgrade process (as values of the release are being edited). Previously a values file was used, however since only one value is being changed, using --set is appropriate.
Note: this is an example of a scale out, however a scale in can be performed by decreasing the value as opposed to increasing the value is being demonstrated.
Using the release name from the previous section run:
helm upgrade <RELEASE-NAME> Couchbase/Couchbase-cluster --set couchbaseCluster.servers.data_services_2b.size=2 --reuse-values
Observe the upgrade as it progresses using (Ctrl-c to resume):
kubectl logs deployment/<YOUR DEPLOYMENT> -f
Notice the extra instance that is deployed. Check the Couchbase Web Console to get more details on the new node, by forwarding the ports as before:
kubectl port-forward --namespace default cb-helm-example-0000 8091:8091
Navigate to localhost:8091, and login. Observe a new server in the us-east-2b server group with the data service running (as we expected).
In summary, the most important point is the Couchbase Autonomous Operator simplifies Couchbase deployments, while being nonintrusive. However, with the help of Helm managing Couchbase versioning, clusters, applications and releases is quick and easy. Changes are often completed with basic configuration and distilled into command line one-liners. Another great feature is the flexibility when choosing your tools, as Helm can be used with kubectl, or kubectl can be used alone, at any time without any change to an k8s environment. In all cases the Couchbase Autonomous Operator is a stellar tool for managing Couchbase clusters in a k8s environment.