Breaking changes:
- add item here
New features:
- add item here
Bug fixes:
- add item here
Bug fixes:
- Removed compiled
files from repository. I will create a new release, which should still contain those, including the missing
file. [maurits]
Bug fixes:
- Prevent invalid data to be silently accepted. [bogdangi]
- Add dutch translations [maartenkling]
- Fix postback of am/pm value. [davisagli]
- Determine whether to show am/pm based on the current locale's time format. [davisagli]
- Fix package distribution. [hvelarde]
- Make Date widget configurable by using the min/max field properties or the default values stored in portal's site properties. [hvelarde]
- Removed hard-coded styling for calendar popup icon. Leave this to the dateinput.css from, which was being applied anyway. [smcmahon]
- Fixes potential round trip traceback when converting the date(time) values to a date(time) object. Happens if integrated with collective.z3cform.wizard. #2 [romanofski]
- Make sure DOM is ready before activating the dateinput jQuery plugin. This was causing Internet Explorer 7 to fail. [rafaelbco]
- Fix day names. Also respect the first day of the week from the current locale. This fixes [davisagli]
- Use viewpagetemplatefile from zope.browserpage. This breaks compatibility with Zope < 2.13 and Plone < 4.1 in order to minimize dependencies. [hannosch]
- Fix conditional for the GS profile. [davisagli]
- Fix validation errors so they are caught and correctly reported by z3c.form. [davisagli]
- Added a GS profile (conditionally loaded in configure.zcml if generic setup is installed) to enable the css & js support for dateinput popup. [smcmahon]
- Made js for dateinput popup check for jQuery().dateinput before invoking it. Changed from $ to jQuery. [smcmahon]
- IE was baulking on a missing closing parenthesis. [danjacka]
- Change more $ to jQuery. [danjacka]
- Fix month selection issue with the date input widget. Previously, due to the leading zero, months < 10 weren't being selected when picking a date on the calendar widget. [davidjb]
- Fix date offset issue for default dates on the jQuery date input widget. Providing the default value as a JavaScript Date(yyyy, mm, dd) required months to be in the range of 0 to 11 but outputting as Date("yyyy/mm/dd") works as expected. [davidjb]
- Fix issue with jQuery date input widget not being displayed when an incomplete date was entered. [davidjb]
- Avoid error fetching widget values when no year or day was entered. [davisagli]
- Made js for dateinput popup check for jQuery().dateinput before invoking it. Changed from $ to jQuery. [smcmahon]
- removed trailing comma in JavaScript dict (which broke Internet Explorer) [Brainix]
- fixed show_jquerytools_dateinput_js for DatetimeWidget [awello]
- fix time-dependent test [davisagli]
- Should use None for tal:attributes (Chameleon compatibility) [rossp]
- Added options for calendar (via [garbas]
- Fix invalid XML (Chameleon compatibility) [wichert]
- add show_today_link to the IDateWidget interface [csenger]
- Italian translation added [garbas]
- extract values in HIDDEN_MODE and add test for extract() [csenger]
- fix handling of AM/PM in DateTimeWidget and add test [csenger]
- provide french translation [vincentfretin]
- provide english, german, slovenian, spanish, portugal, croatian, serbian(latin&cyrilic) translations [garbas]
- MonthYearWidget added [garbas]
- spliting script into script for each widget [garbas]
- only using one hidden/display template [garbas]
- show_today_link widget option which is inserting current date into fields using plain javascript
- intendation problem again, this just isnt my day, tests passing [garbas]
- intendation problem, didn't set new vim setup properly :P [garbas]
- file fixed, now includes README.txt and HISTORY.txt [garbas]
- widget was not showing values from request [garbas]
- ISSUE 1: SOLVED [garbas] After some testing I have seen that some validations are missing, therefore I get an error when adding values like '99' into the year field: "ValueError: year=99 is before 1900; the datetime strftime() methods require year >= 1900"
- Register the widgets for custom interfaces that we apply to the standard datetime fields, to work around a problem with ZCML conflicting with z3c.form. [davisagli]
- Initial release