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358 lines (291 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

358 lines (291 loc) · 11.7 KB

Extraction Pipelines

Extraction Pipeline objects represent the applications and software that are deployed to ingest operational data into CDF. An extraction pipeline can consist of a number of different software components between the source system and CDF. The extraction pipeline object represents the software component that actually sends the data to CDF. Two examples are Cognite extractors and third party ETL tools such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud or Informatica PowerCenter

Note: To create client see the file

List extraction pipelines

Returns a list of all extraction pipelines for a given project

List<ExtractionPipeline> listPipelinesResults = 
        new ArrayList<>();

Filter extraction pipelines

Use advanced filtering options to find extraction pipelines.

List<ExtractionPipeline> listPipelinesResults = 
        new ArrayList<>();

Request request = Request.create()
        .withFilterParameter("name", "name");


Options filter:

  • externalId:
    • string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters
    • External Id provided by client. Should be unique within the project.
  • name:
    • string [ 1 .. 140 ] characters
    • Name of Extraction Pipeline
  • description:
    • string <= 500 characters
    • Description of Extraction Pipeline
  • source:
    • string or null <= 255 characters
    • Source for Extraction Pipeline
  • documentation:
    • string <= 10000 characters
    • Documentation text field, supports Markdown for text formatting.
  • id:
    • integer [ 0 .. 9007199254740991 ]
    • A server-generated ID for the object.
  • lastSuccess:
    • integer
    • Time of last successful run. The number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds.
  • lastFailure:
    • integer
    • Time of last failure run. The number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds.
  • lastMessage:
    • string
    • Last failure message.
  • lastSeen:
    • integer
    • Last seen time. The number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds.
  • createdTime:
    • integer (EpochTimestamp) >= 0
    • The number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds.
  • lastUpdatedTime:
    • integer (EpochTimestamp) >= 0
    • The number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds.
  • createdBy:
    • string
    • Extraction Pipeline creator. Usually user email is expected here
  • schedule:
    • Possible values: “On trigger”, “Continuous” or cron expression. If empty then “Null“.
  • rawTables:
    • Array of objects
    • RawTables Object
EX: "rawTables": [
        "dbName": "string",
        "tableName": "string"
  • contacts:
    • Contacts Object
    • Contacts list.
EX: "contacts": [
          "name": "string",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "role": "string",
          "sendNotification": true
  • metadata:
    • Object
    • Custom, application specific metadata. String key -> String value. Limits: Key are at most 128 bytes. Values are at most 10240 bytes. Up to 256 key-value pairs. Total size is at most 10240.
EX: "metadata": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"

Retrieve extraction pipelines

Retrieves information about multiple extraction pipelines in the same project.

List<ExtractionPipeline> listByIds = 
            .retrieve(1, 2);

List<ExtractionPipeline> listByExternalIds = 
        .retrieve("1", "2");

List<ExtractionPipeline> list = 

Create extraction pipelines

Creates multiple new extraction pipelines.

long dataSetId = find();

List<ExtractionPipeline> upsertPipelinesList = 
            generateExtractionPipelines(3, dataSetId);

//Example to generate data of ExtractionPipeline
public static List<ExtractionPipeline> generateExtractionPipelines(int noObjects, long dataSetId) {
List<ExtractionPipeline> objects = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < noObjects; i++) {
            .setName("generated-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(5))
            .setDescription("Generated description")
            .putMetadata("type", DataGenerator.sourceValue)
            .putMetadata(sourceKey, DataGenerator.sourceValue)
            .setName("generated-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(5))
return objects;

Update extraction pipelines

Update information for a list of extraction pipelines.

List<ExtractionPipeline> upsertPipelinesList = findList();

Note: To use replace mode

List<ExtractionPipeline> upsertPipelinesList = findList();

Delete extraction pipelines

Delete extraction pipelines for given list of ids and externalIds. When the extraction pipeline is deleted, all extraction pipeline runs related to the extraction pipeline are automatically deleted.

List<Item> deleteItemsInputByExternalId =
                    .map(pipeline -> Item.newBuilder()

List<Item> deleteItemsResults = 

List<Item> deleteItemsInputByInternalId =
                    .map(pipeline -> Item.newBuilder()

List<Item> deleteItemsResults =

Extraction Pipelines Runs

Extraction Pipelines Runs are CDF objects to store statuses related to an extraction pipeline. The supported statuses are: success, failure and seen. The statuses are related to two different types of operation of the extraction pipeline. Success and failure indicate the status for a particular EP run where the EP attempts to send data to CDF. If the data is successfully posted to CDF the status of the run is success; if the run has been unsuccessful and the data is not posted to CDF, the status of the run is failure. Message can be stored to explain run status. Seen is a heartbeat status that indicates that the extraction pipeline is alive. This message is sent periodically on a schedule and indicates that the extraction pipeline is working even though data may not have been sent to CDF by the extraction pipeline.

List extraction pipeline runs

List of all extraction pipeline runs for a given extraction pipeline.

List<ExtractionPipelineRun> listPipelinesRunResults = new ArrayList<>();

Filter extraction pipeline runs

Use advanced filtering options to find extraction pipeline runs

Request reques = Request.create()
                .withFilterParameter("externalId", "externalId")
                .withFilterParameter("statuses", List.of("success", "failure", "seen"));

Options filter:

  • externalId:
    • string [ 1 .. 255 ] characters
    • Extraction pipeline external Id provided by client.
  • statuses:
    • Array of strings (ExtPipeRunStatus)
    • Items Enum: success failure seen
    • Extraction pipeline statuses list. Expected values: success, failure, seen.
  • createdTime:
    • object (EpochTimestampRange)
    • Range between two timestamps (inclusive).
      • max:
        • integer >= 0
        • Maximum timestamp (inclusive). The timestamp is represented as number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds.
      • min:
        • integer >= 0
        • Minimum timestamp (inclusive). The timestamp is represented as number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 Thursday, 1 January 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), minus leap seconds.
EX: "createdTime": {
      "max": 0,
      "min": 0
  • message:
    • object (StringFilter)
EX: "message": {
        "substring": "string"

Create extraction pipeline runs

Create multiple extraction pipeline runs. Extraction pipeline runs support three statuses: success, failure, seen.

List<ExtractionPipelineRun> upsertPipelineRunsList = 
        generateExtractionPipelineRuns(3, extractionPipelineId);

List<ExtractionPipelineRun> list = client

//Example to generate data of ExtractionPipelineRun
public static List<ExtractionPipelineRun> generateExtractionPipelineRuns(int noObjects, String pipelineExtId) {
  List<ExtractionPipelineRun> objects = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int i = 0; i < noObjects; i++) {
            .setMessage("generated-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(5))
      return objects;

You can also have the SDK produce a regular seen heartbeat. This is useful for long running or continuously running jobs.

// Create a Heartbeat object that can send regular SEEN status to CDF.
// The heartbeat is published to a single extraction pipeline--you need a separate heartbeat object for 
// each pipeline you want to sent a heartbeat to.
ExtractionPipelineRuns.Heartbeat heartbeat = client.extractionPipelines()

// You can explicitly trigger a heartbeat to be sent 

// Start the regular heartbeat. The default heartbeat interval is every 60 seconds 

// Stop the heartbeat. You should always call stop() to clean up resources.

// You can also use the heartbeat in a try-with-resources statement to ensure automatic resource clean-up.
// No need to call stop() explicitly as this automatically happens when the try statement finishes.
final ExtractionPipelineRuns.Heartbeat heartbeat = client.extractionPipelines()

try (heartbeat) {
    while (my-client-has-work-to-do) {
        // do your work
} catch (Exception e) {
