The contextualization services of Cognite Data Fusion helps enrich and connect data. The services offer different algorithms for information extraction/feature generation and matching. The SDK supports the following contextualization services:
- Entity matching.
- Interactive engineering diagrams (P&IDs).
Example of an interactive P&ID pipeline:
Note: To create client see the file
Note: All users on this CDF subscription with assets read-all and entitymatching read-all and write-all capabilities in the project, are able to access the data sent to this API. Train a model that predicts matches between entities (for example, time series names to asset names). This is also known as fuzzy joining. If there are no trueMatches (labeled data), you train a static (unsupervised) model, otherwise a machine learned (supervised) model is trained.
List<Struct> source = generateSourceStructs();
List<Struct> target = generateTargetTrainingStructs();
Request entityMatchFitRequest = Request.create()
.withRootParameter("sources", source)
.withRootParameter("targets", target)
.withRootParameter("matchFields", Map.of("source", "name", "target", "externalId"))
.withRootParameter("featureType", featureType);
List<EntityMatchModel> models =
//Example to generate data of Struct
private List<Struct> generateSourceStructs() {
Struct entityA = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(1D))
.putFields("name", Values.of("23-DB-9101"))
.putFields("fooField", Values.of("bar"))
Struct entityB = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(2D))
.putFields("name", Values.of("23-PC-9101"))
.putFields("barField", Values.of("foo"))
Struct entityC = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(3D))
.putFields("name", Values.of("343-Å"))
return List.of(entityA, entityB, entityC);
private List<Struct> generateTargetTrainingStructs() {
Struct targetA = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(1D))
.putFields("externalId", Values.of("IA-23_DB_9101"))
Struct targetB = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(2D))
.putFields("externalId", Values.of("VAL_23_PC_9101"))
return List.of(targetA, targetB);
Note: All users on this CDF subscription with assets read-all and entitymatching read-all and write-all capabilities in the project, are able to access the data sent to this API. Predicts entity matches using a trained model.
EntityMatchModel entityMatchModel = find();
List<Struct> source = generateSourceStructs();
List<Struct> target = generateTargetStructs();
//By id
List<EntityMatchResult> matchResultsById =
.predict(entityMatchModel.getId(), source, target);
//By externalId
List<EntityMatchResult> matchResultsByExternalId =
.predict(entityMatchModel.getExternalId(), source, target);
//With numMatches and scoreThreshold
//numMatches - The maximum number of match candidates per source.
//scoreThreshold - The minimum score required for a match candidate.
int numMatches = 1;
double scoreThreshold = 1D;
List<EntityMatchResult> matchResultsByExternalId =
.predict(entityMatchModel.getExternalId(), source, target, numMatches);
List<EntityMatchResult> matchResultsByExternalId =
.predict(entityMatchModel.getExternalId(), source, target, numMatches, scoreThreshold);
//Example to generate data of Struct
private List<Struct> generateSourceStructs() {
Struct entityA = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(1D))
.putFields("name", Values.of("23-DB-9101"))
.putFields("fooField", Values.of("bar"))
Struct entityB = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(2D))
.putFields("name", Values.of("23-PC-9101"))
.putFields("barField", Values.of("foo"))
Struct entityC = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(3D))
.putFields("name", Values.of("343-Å"))
return List.of(entityA, entityB, entityC);
private List<Struct> generateTargetTrainingStructs() {
Struct targetA = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(1D))
.putFields("externalId", Values.of("IA-23_DB_9101"))
Struct targetB = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("id", Values.of(2D))
.putFields("externalId", Values.of("VAL_23_PC_9101"))
return List.of(targetA, targetB);
Deletes an entity matching model. Currently, this is a soft delete, and only removes the entry from listing.
EntityMatchModel entityMatchModel = find();
//By id
Item modelItemById = Item.newBuilder()
List<Item> deleteResults =
//By externalId
Item modelItemByExternalId = Item.newBuilder()
List<Item> deleteResults =
The engineering diagrams service performs two main tasks:
- Detect entities and annotate them.
- Convert PDF/image diagrams to an "interactive" SVG version.
Entities/annotations can be detected via text matching. You specify a set of entities
to use as the basis for the matching.
An entity can be specified as follows:
Struct entity = Struct.newBuilder()
.putFields("name", Values.of("1N914"))
.putFields("resourceType", Values.of("Asset"))
.putFields("externalId", Values.of("my-external-id-1"))
.putFields("id", Values.of(146379580567867L))
In the default configuration, the annotations service will scan the diagram document for the text in the name
and if found it will build an annotation containing the other entity attributes as metadata.
The list of entities and diagram (P&ID) files are passed as arguments to the detect annotations service. Here you also specify whether to build an interactive SVG version of the file or not:
// Detecting annotations based on exact text matching
List<DiagramResponse> detectResults = client.experimental()
.detectAnnotationsPnID(fileItems, // The P&IDs to process--represented as a List<Item>
entities, // The List<Struct> of entities to try and match
"name", // The entity attribute to use as search text
true); // If set to 'true', will generate an interactive SVG
// If you want to use fuzzy matching...
List<DiagramResponse> detectResults = client.experimental()
.detectAnnotations(fileItems, // The P&IDs to process--represented as a List<Item>
entities, // The List<Struct> of entities to try and match
"name", // The entity attribute to use as search text
true, // Enable partial matching
2, // The minimum number of tokens (consecutive letters/numbers) required for a match.
true); // If set to 'true', will generate an interactive SVG
// Collecting the interactive SVG/PNG from the response.
for (DiagramResponse response : detectResults) {
// The original file may have multiple pages, so we have to loop through the results.
for (DiagramResponse.ConvertResult result : response.getConvertResultsList()) {
int pageNo = result.getPage(); //
if (result.hasSvgBinary()) {
ByteArray svgBytes = response.getSvgBinary().toByteArray();
// do something smart with the bytes...
if (result.hasPngBinary()) {
ByteArray pngBytes = response.getPngBinary().toByteArray();
// do something smart with the bytes...