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File metadata and controls

226 lines (191 loc) · 8.79 KB


The contextualization services of Cognite Data Fusion helps enrich and connect data. The services offer different algorithms for information extraction/feature generation and matching. The SDK supports the following contextualization services:

  • Entity matching.
  • Interactive engineering diagrams (P&IDs).

Example of an interactive P&ID pipeline:

Note: To create client see the file

Entity matching

Create entity matcher model

Note: All users on this CDF subscription with assets read-all and entitymatching read-all and write-all capabilities in the project, are able to access the data sent to this API. Train a model that predicts matches between entities (for example, time series names to asset names). This is also known as fuzzy joining. If there are no trueMatches (labeled data), you train a static (unsupervised) model, otherwise a machine learned (supervised) model is trained.

List<Struct> source = generateSourceStructs();
List<Struct> target = generateTargetTrainingStructs();

Request entityMatchFitRequest = Request.create()
        .withRootParameter("sources",  source)
        .withRootParameter("targets", target)
        .withRootParameter("matchFields", Map.of("source", "name", "target", "externalId"))
        .withRootParameter("featureType", featureType);

List<EntityMatchModel> models = 

//Example to generate data of Struct
private List<Struct> generateSourceStructs() {
    Struct entityA = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(1D))
        .putFields("name", Values.of("23-DB-9101"))
        .putFields("fooField", Values.of("bar"))
    Struct entityB = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(2D))
        .putFields("name", Values.of("23-PC-9101"))
        .putFields("barField", Values.of("foo"))
    Struct entityC = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(3D))
        .putFields("name", Values.of("343-Å"))
    return List.of(entityA, entityB, entityC);

private List<Struct> generateTargetTrainingStructs() {
    Struct targetA = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(1D))
        .putFields("externalId", Values.of("IA-23_DB_9101"))
    Struct targetB = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(2D))
        .putFields("externalId", Values.of("VAL_23_PC_9101"))
    return List.of(targetA, targetB);

Predict matches

Note: All users on this CDF subscription with assets read-all and entitymatching read-all and write-all capabilities in the project, are able to access the data sent to this API. Predicts entity matches using a trained model.

EntityMatchModel entityMatchModel = find();
List<Struct> source = generateSourceStructs();
List<Struct> target = generateTargetStructs();

//By id
List<EntityMatchResult> matchResultsById = 
        .predict(entityMatchModel.getId(), source, target);

//By externalId
List<EntityMatchResult> matchResultsByExternalId =
        .predict(entityMatchModel.getExternalId(), source, target);

//With numMatches and scoreThreshold
//numMatches - The maximum number of match candidates per source.
//scoreThreshold - The minimum score required for a match candidate.
int numMatches = 1;
double scoreThreshold = 1D;

List<EntityMatchResult> matchResultsByExternalId =
        .predict(entityMatchModel.getExternalId(), source, target, numMatches);

List<EntityMatchResult> matchResultsByExternalId =
        .predict(entityMatchModel.getExternalId(), source, target, numMatches, scoreThreshold);

//Example to generate data of Struct
private List<Struct> generateSourceStructs() {
    Struct entityA = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(1D))
        .putFields("name", Values.of("23-DB-9101"))
        .putFields("fooField", Values.of("bar"))
    Struct entityB = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(2D))
        .putFields("name", Values.of("23-PC-9101"))
        .putFields("barField", Values.of("foo"))
    Struct entityC = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(3D))
        .putFields("name", Values.of("343-Å"))
        return List.of(entityA, entityB, entityC);

private List<Struct> generateTargetTrainingStructs() {
    Struct targetA = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(1D))
        .putFields("externalId", Values.of("IA-23_DB_9101"))
    Struct targetB = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("id", Values.of(2D))
        .putFields("externalId", Values.of("VAL_23_PC_9101"))
        return List.of(targetA, targetB);

Delete entity matcher model

Deletes an entity matching model. Currently, this is a soft delete, and only removes the entry from listing.

EntityMatchModel entityMatchModel = find();

//By id
Item modelItemById = Item.newBuilder()
List<Item> deleteResults = 

//By externalId
Item modelItemByExternalId = Item.newBuilder()
List<Item> deleteResults =

Interactive engineering diagrams (P&IDs)

The engineering diagrams service performs two main tasks:

  1. Detect entities and annotate them.
  2. Convert PDF/image diagrams to an "interactive" SVG version.

Entities/annotations can be detected via text matching. You specify a set of entitiesto use as the basis for the matching. An entity can be specified as follows:

Struct entity = Struct.newBuilder()
        .putFields("name", Values.of("1N914"))
        .putFields("resourceType", Values.of("Asset"))
        .putFields("externalId", Values.of("my-external-id-1"))
        .putFields("id", Values.of(146379580567867L))

In the default configuration, the annotations service will scan the diagram document for the text in the name attribute-- and if found it will build an annotation containing the other entity attributes as metadata.

The list of entities and diagram (P&ID) files are passed as arguments to the detect annotations service. Here you also specify whether to build an interactive SVG version of the file or not:

// Detecting annotations based on exact text matching
List<DiagramResponse> detectResults = client.experimental()
        .detectAnnotationsPnID(fileItems,       // The P&IDs to process--represented as a List<Item>
                                entities,       // The List<Struct> of entities to try and match 
                                "name",         // The entity attribute to use as search text
                                true);          // If set to 'true', will generate an interactive SVG

// If you want to use fuzzy matching...
        List<DiagramResponse> detectResults = client.experimental()
        .detectAnnotations(fileItems,       // The P&IDs to process--represented as a List<Item>
                                entities,       // The List<Struct> of entities to try and match 
                                "name",         // The entity attribute to use as search text
                                true,           // Enable partial matching
                                2,              // The minimum number of tokens (consecutive letters/numbers) required for a match.
                                true);          // If set to 'true', will generate an interactive SVG

// Collecting the interactive SVG/PNG from the response. 
for (DiagramResponse response : detectResults) {
    // The original file may have multiple pages, so we have to loop through the results.
    for (DiagramResponse.ConvertResult result : response.getConvertResultsList()) {
        int pageNo = result.getPage();          // 
        if (result.hasSvgBinary()) {
            ByteArray svgBytes = response.getSvgBinary().toByteArray();
            // do something smart with the bytes...
        if (result.hasPngBinary()) {
            ByteArray pngBytes = response.getPngBinary().toByteArray();
            // do something smart with the bytes...