This is a list of resources for learning and exploring AI!
- Machine Learning - Stanford by Andrew Ng
- Machine Learning - Caltech by Yaser Abu-Mostafa
- Machine Learning - CMU by Tom Mitchell
- STAT 946: Deep Learning - UWaterloo (Fall 2017)
- CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Fall 2018 (UC Berkely)
- CS188X: Artificial Intelligence (UC Berkely)
- Deep Learning by Andrew Ng
- Machine Learning - Oxford
- MIT 6.S191: Intro to Deep Learning
- Deep Learning School: 2016
- Practical Deep Learning For Coders - FastAI
- Deep Learning for NLP at Oxford with DeepMind
- Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research by Labhesh Patel
- AI For Robotics - Udacity
- Deep Learning by Google - Udacity
- Introduction to Deep Learning - CMU
- Reinforcement Learning - UCL
- Deep RL Bootcamp - UC Berkely
- Deep Learning for Self Driving Cars - MIT
- Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control - CMU
- CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- Machine Learning - UDUB
- Neural Networks for Machine Learning - Utoronto
- Applied ML in Python - UMich
- Advanced Machine Learning - HSE
- The Deep Learning Book
- Deep Learning: Methods and Applications
- Reinforcemnet Learning - An Introduction
- Deep Learning Tutorial - Lisa Lab, U of Montreal
- AI & ML Topic Wise