The purpose of this project is intended for those who would like a quick lookup on weather conditions in any given city, village or municipality.
1. Clone the project to local
git clone
2. Run npm install
This command installs all the packages used in this project. Alternatively, packages can be installed individually:
npm i dotenv
API keys are stored in the .env
file and uses process.env
to access these API keys. Please see documentation on this: Documentation. API keys used in this project will need to be registered and obtained through OpenWeather API and geocoding section of the Mapbox api.
Set your API key in an environment variable on your local machine then in the code, read API keys from the environment variable by using process.env
npm i request
3. Run javascript file
This package takes in a city, village, or municipality as an argument.
node app.js vancouver
This will return a summary of the weather for the region defined in the argument through the command line.
Current temperature in Vancouver, CA is 139.39C / 282.91F
Conditions are currently: Clouds.
What you should expect: Few clouds.