- Color scheme for BHW identity available at http://www.bigheavyworld.com/colorway.html
- Some kind of global header for example from the Ruby discourse forum, want to be able to update that in one place if possible
- Button to go back to Vermont with Regions view
- Clearly delineated Vermont outline
- Display regions on landing page (maybe green outlines)
- Determine whether we have any server requirements for software/hosting
- Determine whether we are missing data and what data we can get (we seem to be missing capacity)
- Get database access from Brian so we can see what data is available
- Highlight venue in list when hovering marker
- Make it clear you can click on pins for more information (details button in addition to clicking title)
- Ability to overlay additional city information when viewing (city population, size, nearby restaurants, etc.)
- Ability to have booking contact info in addition to detail
- Include website URL in list view
- Re-adjust zoom level when resizing map
- Collect venues and share
- Submit booking request to multiple venues
- Icon/click through for venues that do live broadcasting
- Regions should be combinations of counties
- Thumbnail in info bubble on hover if available
- Static photo(s) with optional virtual tour
- For members of the forum allow commenting on venues, automatically creating a forum post for each venue when its added
- Linked venue to wiki of a venue
- Virtual tour software is called Kolor, Jim thinks it exports Flash
- Virtual Tour icon
- Genre
- All ages
- Outdoor/Indoor
- Capacity
- Size (Small, Medium, Large, etc. based on capacity? Is there an industry standard for this?)
- Is there an indsutry standard for
- Jim will talk to some bands about what they would love to see in a venue directory
- Could consume RSS feeds from higher ground into BHW events calendar and go upstream to state calendar