The GISCO statistical unit dataset represents the NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) and Statistical regions by means of multipart polygon, polyline and point topology. The NUTS geographical information is completed by attribute tables and a set of cartographic help lines to better visualize multipart polygonal regions.
The NUTS are a hierarchical system divided into 3 levels. NUTS 1: major socio-economic regions, NUTS 2: basic regions for the application of regional policies, NUTS 3: small regions for specific diagnoses. Additionally a NUTS 0 level, usually co-incident with national boundaries are also available.
Eurostat, GISCO: Geographical information and maps
European Commission
Dilli R. Paudel
Year: 2021, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2006, 2003. The latest NUTS version is from 2021, but version 2016 is used for most purposes.
File format: SHP, TopoJSON, GeoJSON, PBF, SVG.
Geomtry types: Polygons (RG), Polylines (BN), Points (LB).
Scale: 1M, 3M, 10M, 20M, 60M.
Coordinate reference system: EPSG: 3035, EPSG: 4326, EPSG: 3857.
Version: v2
Date Published:
Data Modality: Geometries
The data distribution Application Programming Interface (API) is accessible through
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When data downloaded from this page is used in any printed or electronic publication, in addition to any other provisions applicable to the whole Eurostat website, data source will have to be acknowledged in the legend of the map and in the introductory page of the publication with the following copyright notice:
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For publications in languages other than English, French or German, the translation of the copyright notice in the language of the publication shall be used.
Eurostat-GISCO, 2024. Eurostat - Geographical Information and Maps. Administrative Units/Statistical Units., Last accessed: Feb 22, 2024.