The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
This project loosely adheres to Semantic Versioning. More specifically:
- Paginated results to Subject definition for chat messages
- Ability to switch between multiple new link languages in AD4M; Full P2P badass, Hybrid, Centralized
This new release includes a revolutionary new plugin system for Flux! Plugins can now be created by anyone to add new capabilities for their communities. This is a new feature we are really excited about as it encapsulates one of the main visions for Flux, creating a tool for communities to empower themselves.
Read more about how to make plugins here
- New chat view using Subject Classes API
- New Kanban board
- New table view
- Updated the ADAM Layer version to the latest Rust refactor
- AI tool to make UI components using the
- Complete revamp of documentation for UI elements
- Move themes into
package, making it easy for people to style their apps in different themes - npm package names are renamed from
prop instead of eachj-tab-item
element- WebRTC Video chat is now using SimplePeer and should be more stable
- Video disabled by default
- Perspective sync state indicator
- Incorrect dates & weird formatting for messages in chat view
- Stop webcam input if in another tab and not joined yet
- New WebRTC debugger channel view
- Voice channel will work even if you dont have a webcam
- Various improvements to WebRTC stability and connects for voice channel
- Use new holochain based file storage language
- New signup page with added orbs and changed flow
- Hydrate state is fixed
- Notifications are now working
- Ability to switch mic / video source in voice view
- Heartbeat function to WebRTC connections to try and repair broken connections
- Border around videos when someone is talking
- Use new Flux blob icon
- Bump ad4m connect to 0.2.15-alpha.4
- Default theme is now dark
- Sending incorrect app url to ad4m-connect
- Bug where certain URL's would cause the whole UI to crash
- Potential bug where profiles with no links would be saved to cache
- New voice/video chat channel type!
- Chrome PWA download
- Upgrade to AD4M version v0.2.16
- Update all ad4m deps to 0.2.11
- Use new link language hash
- Expand icon for channel views
- Cards will now load before we receive the data to avoid the text jumping around once card data loads
- Confirmation modal when leaving a community
- Limit avatar img to accept image/*
- If we have incompatible AD4M versions we will now point the user toward a new ad4m download
- Code now refactored to live in app, packages and views directories
- No link constants exist inside of Flux app anymore but instead in utils package
- Rename delete community to leave community
- New link language hash with simplified latest revision handling
- All packages now use consistent version numbers
- Channel header layout on mobile
- Author of replied posts being incorrectly returned as the author of the reply post itself
- Reaction being added twice through emoji picker
- But where it was possible to remove a reaction before it was sync'd
- Bug causing hydrate state not to complete fully
- Incorrect image being shown in mention list
- Join button now hidden on neighbourhood cards if already joined
- Predicates are now grouping more effectively in the graph
- Image cropper not appearing correctly on first load
- New cli tool for building flux perspective views
- Graph view perspective view type
- Emoji reactions are now optimistic
- Subtle animation for emoji and chat message loading
- Tweak styling slightly
- Use new perspective diff sync with improved logic
- Loading indicator for profile images
- Async routing
- Joining a neighbourhood from click
- Member count in group
- Edit cursor fixed in chat view
- Forum post editing
- Delete posts
- New UI after joining a community to allow for navigation to channels without using sidebar
- New UI and loading animations when you join a community and are waiting for data to sync
- If a user joins a community; navigate to it by default
- Use ipfs public gateway instead of cloudflare
- Member links now used to determine if we are sync'd with a community
- Use new link language with more effecient active agent fetching & reduce ad4m logging
- Improved rendering of avatars
- Neighbourhood links are now parsed out of pasted joining code
- You can no longer post empty comments on posts
- Username should now prepopulate from ad4m on signup
- Fix disclaimer model showing too often
- Messages are now added to the UI optimistically with indication of when they sync to the network
- Fixed creating null image expressions if we do not provide images for a community
- Not being able to press space in forum post body
- Not being able to press tab to move between title and body when making a forum post
- Show correct image when editing/removing an image
- Community image trying to resolve on IPFS even if it does not exist
- Already sync'd community will not incorrectly show sync screen on reload
- Refresh when looking at a post will correctly maintain view on that post
- Fallback to public IPFS gateway if images not resolved by local node
- Forum view, with ability to post; links, long form text and images
- Ability to add multiple views to a channel
- Side bar folders for different views on channels
- Mechanism for updating & managing social dna versions
- Signup flow greatly improved with intro experience explaining Flux
- Scrolling to a very old reply will now work correctly and move to that area of that chat
- Posts have a comment section
- Messages which have not been sync'd with the DHT will not appear grey until sync'd
- Generic model class structure to allow easy iteration of features & abstracting of link management
- AD4M connect will now always download the latest version for your OS
- Prompt to join a testing community when opening Flux
- All images are now compressed before being uploaded to IPFS
- Loading indicator when joining a community
- Community, channel & forum structures now use new Entry API models
- Holochain now using version 0.1.0-beta-rc.1
- IPFS now using version 0.65.0
- All API / AD4M methods now exist in their own utils package, and no longer in app logic
- AD4MIN UI refreshed & rebuilt
- Adding and or removing multiple links will now happen in one ad4m / holochain operation
- Signup flow no longer asks for first or last name
- Many reloads of profiles when hovering over an emoji
- Community tweaks editing now happens with atomic operations
- Links will now load metadata right after pasting into link box
- Inconsistent updating of profile when changing any text or images
- Neighbourhood link cards in chat will only be joinable if not already joined
- Image loading across the app is more consistent and makes better use of caching logic
- Switching between communities is now smoother
- Literals are now encoded correctly
- Lookbehind regex breaking flux UI in safari
- Web components now have correct typescript typing
- Netlify build script fixed
- Chat view repo
- Utils repo
- Pagination now used when fecthing messages
- Toggle for enabling notifications on signup and in settings
- picker styles on texteditor
- Hovering over emoji's will now popup author
- Ability to delete a channel
- Community tweaks! Ability to determine popular posts by emoji counts
- Ability to edit messages!
- Flux code base is now a monorepo
- Display username in message notifications
- Limit message width
- Improve mention rendering
- Increase message page size to 50
- Use latest ad4m connect version
- Improve hydrate state
- Autofocus improved to focus message input when changing channels
- Improve loading of profiles
- Usage of perspective proxy and instead rely on new mutateAgentPerspective function in ad4m
- Theme handling
- Small colour tweaks to increase visibility
- Getting notifications from self
- Chat messages do not jump around when messages load
- MessageItem are now less expensive to render
- Better placeholder skelto
- Scrolling performance increased
- Image & member loading performance increased
- Users ad4m-connect to maintain and create a connection to an ad4m-executor
- AD4M data state will be hydrated in Flux between sessions
- Now possible to load existing AD4M perspectives as communities in Flux
- Profile data preloaded on signup from AD4MIN
- Web notifications
- Basic mobile UI support
- Communities can now be deleted correctly
- Channels are now kept alive between navigation
- Prolog now used to query messages on a perspective
- Use all new link language which much greater performance, and reliability
- ChatView now loads from in app and not fetched from npm at runtime
- Link structure revamped, more interopable with other ad4m applications & uses true expression urls for link data
- Electron removed! Flux is now a web based app
- No longer spawns its own ad4m-executor but relies on a connection to AD4MIN
- All polling code removed and all mutations arrive to UI via signals
- profile loading revamped to be more effective
- bug where deleting a community would remove all links from it for all members
- various bugs with emojis which would cause duplicates
- member links not showing up in UI as people joined the community
- Holochain upgraded to version 127
- GraphQL app port is now correctly communicated with ad4mClient & perspective views
- Ability to copy Flux logs from splash screen
- caching on expressions @ ad4m-executor where language is immutable
- added CAL
- Using holochain version 0.0.125
- replies and emojis are loaded async after initial message load to reduce loading time
- use indexdb for profile storage to avoid filling localStorage
- only fetch 35 messages per page
- Many un-used dependencies
- Notifications working again
- ad4m-executor will now check which port to use when starting gql server to avoid collisions
- fixed bug where name for communities could all become the same
- members name not being present when making a reply
- various bugs with the handling of emojis on a message
- error when channel views would sometimes not load correctly
- Laid foundation for custom perspective views allowing for different views over neighbourhoods
- Emoji responses on messages!
- Reply to messages!
- new members & channels are now added to state as they are created and received via signals
- Chatview now react based component loaded via cdn at runtime
- holochain now on version 0.0.123
- improve neighbourhood references within links and remove use of: self://
- increased wait time for channel polling queries
- Chatview performance now considerably improved
- Several bugs fixed with pagination on chat messages
- App crashing on load when many communities installed now fixed
- Fixed async holochain bug in holochain when multiple zome calls run in async causing some interactions not to complete fully
- Order of firstname and second name now correct on profile
- ascending querying of messages now working correctly
- improved query time for link languages
- Use new neighbourhood persistence language that leverages storj + lambda
- New language language which leverages CDN + lambda for faster downloads / uploads
- Improve UI for agent profiles
- Bugs with editing / adding links on profile
- Bug where languages for community would not be installed after creation
- Loading indicator now shown when community member links have been found but no profiles resolved
- Storj now used for storing language & neighbourhood objects to improve community creation & joining reliability
- Agent profiles!!! Includes linking neighbourhoods, galleries and web links
- Improved naming solution for languages
- Social Context can now listen to limit in link queries
- holochain updated to 119!
- Language UI caching, not required by application design anymore
- Database perspective, we now rely entirely on our internal store
- Bug where config would not be deleted in production on new app version due to looking in wrong config directory
- Social context now has signals correctly enabled
- Invite link text now reads Flux vs Junto
- Improved callback logic for expression polling upon link signals
- Notification indicator to community avatar
- Mute options for community
- Default values for community notification settings
- Channel list now collapsable
- Snap package to linux build
- Muted channels are now hidden
- Font sizes now scale to greater sizes and allow variable sizing
- Upgrade holochain to version 115!
- When user creating agent if password is invalid disable the next button
- Openssl/boringssl error when using older version of ipfs with bcrypto dependency that effected some Linux installations
- Low timeout on link query causing some channels not to load messages
- If password error is shown, clear error when password requirements are met
- Issue where group avatar would not update for some members
- Fix error when copying debug.log file to desktop on error splash screen
- Fix error when no group expression links are found on community
- Added button to copy log file to desktop when global error is shown
- Members on community now also added by signals
- New Flux logo's!
- Renamed application name from Junto -> Flux where applicable
- Loading screen now uses flux wordmark
- Cache service now uses levelDB
- Store now only saves array of did's for user instead of entire profile data to save bloating the store
- Logo's and animations now use flux design
- Old files & images
- Member & group expression workers removed and replaced with single gql call on community route change
- Logout option
- Global variables now used for all places where worker polling happens and poll delay used
- MessageView now only tries to load unique did profiles for expression messages and not duplicate agents
- Now correctly using thumbnail for rendering profile images on messages
- Added id to expression worker loops to avoid duplicate getExpression calls when resolving signals / links
- Home channel now shows correct name in Channel header information
- Cargo caching to Github actions release build
- More detailed information when joining a community
- Tweak size and type of avatar upload button
- Improved join/create community
- Broken jest config for test
- Profile picture being too large and killing holochain (now use IPFS for storage)
- Community picture being too large and killing holochain (now use IPFS for storage)
- Bug where ad4m would not be killed correctly in production MacOS
- Links in gitbook opening in the electron browser window (now opens in default browser)
- Confirm modal when cleaning state
- Windows build
- Apollo composable dependency
- Old database perspective that was created on user signup
- Expression UI caching when joining or creating a community
- Language language throwing error in production
- Service worker load error on mac in production
- Correctly init main neighbourhood as home channel when joining a channel
- Added membrane root value on neighbourhood when creating and joining a neighbourhood
- Windows build support
- Holochain upgraded to version 109
- Base social-context that is created when creating a community is now also used as the link store for the home channel
- Vulnrability warning when joining a community
- More ad4m-executor quit calls on sigint's and other application close events to fix ipfs.lock issues
- Allow insecure requests in language due to ssl errors on language language API
- Added button to copy logs to desktop inside settings -> privacy to allow for easier error reporting
- Deadlock on channel worker to avoid duplicate channels being added
- Set no-cache headers in polling worker gql requests
- Added static sleep for polling on link expressions and chat expressions
- Fixed bug where batched grabbed expressions returning null would break store mutation
- Logs when starting app cleaned up
- Language signature verification to fix remote code exec vulnrability on ad4m!
- Now save trusted ad4m agents to allow for verification of languages to be installed by ad4m
- Chat messages from retrieved links are now loaded in bulk, improves performance and UX
- Holochain updated to version 107
- Centralized language language version used to avoid gossip problems on
- New property on polling worker to handle static polling
- Now polling for community members
- Mute button now also added to channel header
- Save createdAt field for community on neighbourhood meta
- Use createdAt field for community to inform limit of expression link polling worker
- Dark theme now used by default
- Disable text selection across app except on messages
- Typescript version bumped
- Various small UI improvements and fixes
- Error where polling for data the first time returned undefined
- IDB bug coming from emoji picker
- Community avatar src as unknown
- Random worker termination
- getMembers functionality
- Bug where profile expression would be of the wrong shape and not get saved into the DNA correctly
- Member search total fixed
- Init themes on startup
- Signup now uses a carousel
- Auto navigate to community/channel after creation of either
- Home view which provides overview of installed neighbourhoods & overview of Junto
- Full testing environment which tests store code and util methods
- Ability to add an image to a community when creating or updating
- Pagination when getting channel messages that have not been loaded via signals
- Proper scrolling/loading of channel messages
- CMS layer for updating Junto home information
- UI now looks for owner of neighbourhood/community and only allows edit community operations if current agent is owner
- Cached expression messages are now deleted on app close
- Background thread code now lives in its own module with proper code seperation
- Many general UI/style improvements
- Integrated with ad4m 0.1.0 ontology #84
- Large store structure refactor to improve app performance
- Web worker code optimized to avoid the spawning of many workers
- Pinia now used as storage layer vs vuex
- Holochain bumped to version 103
- Themeing now more simplified to allow for easier theme creation
- Cyberpunk theme improved to have different styles for button shapes and animations
- Name, description, author and createdAt attributes now saved on neighbourhood meta
- Refactor of ChannelView to make code more readible with multiple components
- Bug where app would briefly flash on register screen before showing login screen even if agent had previously signed
- Fixed bug where paginated results from social-context would not be correctly returned
- Incorrect saving of scroll position when navigating between channels
- Duplicate expression message polling loops being created when navigating to channels
- Duplicate expression load polling loops being created when trying to resolve retreived channel link targets
- Bug where going to home view would break future navigation
- Mentions feature in channel view!
- Profile card on mention click
- Holochain now built from source in CI to ensure that binaries will work on systems without nix installed!
- Default channel renamed
- Junto elements now being imported from npm vs in index.html
- Editor cleaned on enter press
- Identicon derived from DID as default client side profile picture for users without profile picture uploaded
- When app is closed it will arrive in the system tray to allow for continued running of holochain and app experience
- Fixed file checking for copying lair-keystore in copy-hc script for darwin target
- We now await loadUrl in prod once window is ready to serve UI
- Code to start update search in background.ts not starts after user has logged in to ensure win is defined when update callbacks are called
- Ad4m now waits for holochain & lair to emit ready signals before returning from runHolochain function
- Update profile will now correctly update the cache after updating
- Notfication would sometimes be sent if channel was muted
- Holochain connection in ad4m being started in async meaning connection would not always occur before trying to call conductor in subsequent init languages calls
- Push notifications on message received if app not in view!
- Black theme
- Border around modals on 90s theme
- Optimised all polling code to use web workers to avoid polluting the main render thread
- Various fixes on channel notification icons
- Update to new ad4m version to fix concurrent language installation in new holochain version
- Script to fetch languages on build vs building from src
- Cyberpunk theme!
- Global error popup if ad4m or holochain cannot start
- channel notification icon when live message received during sessions
- use vue virtual scroll again for our scrolling
- New messages arriving in channel will prompt UI to give notification to scroll to bottom of view
- Holochain now needs to be built manually for each dev install with nix vs built in repo binaries
- 5 channel views are now kept alive at once to allow for fast rendering/switching between them
- Holochain now at latest version @ commit: 8600350687dd80bbc7a5620e8fe71ad55c97eed2
- Global error now has proper styling
- Use key/value store vs array for channels/communities/messages in vuex store
- Bug where old loading/error dialogues would remain in state after app restart
- Pressing enter would make a new line in the editor
- Sending a message will now always correctly move to bottom of channel
- Font theming option
- Added hack warning when joining community
- Rainbow theme
- 90s theme
- Scroll to bottom when new message signals come in
- Signup flow now uses multiple screens
- Put modals in state so they can be triggered anywhere
- App data for dev mode no longer shares directory with production data
- App auto updates only trigger in production