- Add support for EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable
- EPW source block for Simulink.
- Bus objects may be stored in a DataDictionary to avoid its residency in the base workspace.
- epJSON (out = jsondecode(fileread(".epJSON")))
- Added help link to the EP communication block.
- Added checking for ExternalInterface being set to PtolemyServer
- Updated IDF files to EnergyPlus version 9.2.
- Fixed a bug when reading ExternalInterface:Actuator inputs.
- Fixed function index link in the documentation.
- renamed installMlep to setupMlep. Solved a critical bug therein (v1.2.1.1).
- disabled loading of object properties - until needed or better tested.
- updated examples to EnergyPlus version 9.1.0
- disabled IDF simulation with mismatching EnergyPlus version.
- updated simulink models to Matlab r18b. It can still be simulated by older Matlab (enable this in Simulink preferences).
- Better documentation
Bus objects generated in
- Load and Save routines.
- Bus objects are now loading in the Init function callback. It should solve the 'Missing Bus objects' issues.
- Optimized IDF file parsing speed.
- Initialization no longer triggered from the Simulink mask.
- Robustified Vector to Bus block callback.
Structure of the main Simulink library was changed to support signal names longer then 63 characters.
- Bus objects now support signal names longer than 63 characters.
- Simulation and initialization are now considerably faster.
- Vector to Bus block. Make a bus out of a appropriately sized vector.
- Browse buttons in the Simulink block mask.
- mlep system object does not work internally with busses anymore. It imposed the 63char. limit and was slow anyway.
- Renamed the main simulink block from EnergyPlus SO to EnergyPlus Simulation.
- The working directory is by default the directory of the selected IDF file.
- IDF and EPW files are no longer required to be on the Matlab searchpath.
This release builds upon a mlep code by Truong Nghiem and Willy Bernal.
- Parsing of the IDF file to determine co-simulation inputs/outputs.
- Automatic socket communication configuration (on localhost).
- Background start of the EnergyPlus process with output to the Matlab command line.
- System Object implementation usable in Matlab & Simulink.
- Bus input/output integration for easy Simulink model setup.
- A 'mlep Bus Creator' block to facilitate Simulink co-simulation input setup.