diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/BuildFile.xml b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/BuildFile.xml
index 2b7959989737b..f8ececf282946 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/BuildFile.xml
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/BuildFile.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/interface/MPIOrigin.h b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/interface/MPIOrigin.h
index bc912c9c180a4..51428073c4cd3 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/interface/MPIOrigin.h
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/interface/MPIOrigin.h
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ class MPIOrigin : public edm::DoNotRecordParents {
int process() const { return process_; } // rank of the original MPI process
int rank() const { return process_; } // alias for process()
- int stream() const { return stream_; } // EDM stream id within the original process
- int tag() const { return stream_; } // alias for stream()
+ int stream() const { return stream_; } // EDM stream id within the original process
+ int tag() const { return stream_; } // alias for stream()
bool valid() const { return (-1 != process_ and -1 != stream_); }
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/BuildFile.xml b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/BuildFile.xml
index a7a5611a9ef30..5cfe88a0d0c46 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/BuildFile.xml
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/BuildFile.xml
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPIDriver.cc b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPIDriver.cc
index 6560f6182b2b3..cbf4881bc0d2f 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPIDriver.cc
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPIDriver.cc
@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
+#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchKey.h"
#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProcessHistoryRegistry.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/GenericHandle.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlock.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Run.h"
@@ -16,11 +19,13 @@
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterDescriptionNode.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "FWCore/Reflection/interface/ObjectWithDict.h"
+#include "FWCore/Reflection/interface/TypeWithDict.h"
#include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/src/Guid.h"
#include "HeterogeneousCore/MPIServices/interface/MPIService.h"
-#include "conversion.h"
+#include "api.h"
#include "messages.h"
/* MPIDriver class
@@ -59,14 +64,19 @@ class MPIDriver : public edm::stream::EDAnalyzer<> {
edm::StreamID sid_ = edm::StreamID::invalidStreamID();
+ MPISender sender_;
MPI_Comm comm_ = MPI_COMM_NULL;
std::vector eventLabels_;
std::vector branches_;
+ std::vector tokens_;
MPIDriver::MPIDriver(edm::ParameterSet const& config)
: eventLabels_(config.getUntrackedParameter>("eventProducts")) {
+ // sort the labels, so they can be used with binary_search
+ std::sort(eventLabels_.begin(), eventLabels_.end());
// make sure that MPI is initialised
@@ -76,18 +86,20 @@ MPIDriver::MPIDriver(edm::ParameterSet const& config)
// look up the "server" port
char port[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
MPI_Lookup_name("server", MPI_INFO_NULL, port);
- edm::LogAbsolute("MPIDriver") << "Try to connect to the MPI servers at port " << port;
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "Trying to connect to the MPI server on port " << port;
// connect to the server
int size;
MPI_Comm_connect(port, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, MPI_COMM_SELF, &comm_);
MPI_Comm_remote_size(comm_, &size);
- edm::LogAbsolute("MPIDriver") << "Client connected to " << size << (size == 1 ? " server" : " servers");
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "Client connected to " << size << (size == 1 ? " server" : " servers");
if (size > 1) {
throw cms::Exception("UnsupportedFeature")
<< "MPIDriver supports only a single follower, but it was connected to " << size << " followers";
+ sender_ = MPISender(comm_, 0);
+ // register a dependency on all the event products described by the "eventProducts"
callWhenNewProductsRegistered([this](edm::BranchDescription const& branch) {
static const std::string kWildcard("*");
static const std::string kPathStatus("edm::PathStatus");
@@ -98,15 +110,16 @@ MPIDriver::MPIDriver(edm::ParameterSet const& config)
if (std::binary_search(eventLabels_.begin(), eventLabels_.end(), branch.moduleLabel()) or
(std::binary_search(eventLabels_.begin(), eventLabels_.end(), kWildcard) and
branch.className() != kPathStatus and branch.className() != kEndPathStatus)) {
- this->consumes(edm::TypeToGet{branch.unwrappedTypeID(), edm::PRODUCT_TYPE},
- edm::InputTag{branch.moduleLabel(), branch.productInstanceName(), branch.processName()});
+ tokens_.push_back(
+ this->consumes(edm::TypeToGet{branch.unwrappedTypeID(), edm::PRODUCT_TYPE},
+ edm::InputTag{branch.moduleLabel(), branch.productInstanceName(), branch.processName()}));
- // ignore the other product types
- ;
+ // ignore the other product types
+ ;
@@ -117,133 +130,113 @@ MPIDriver::~MPIDriver() {
void MPIDriver::beginStream(edm::StreamID sid) {
+ // store this stream's id
sid_ = sid;
- {
- edm::LogAbsolute log("MPI");
- log << "stream " << sid_ << ": begin stream";
- }
- EDM_MPI_Empty_t buffer;
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_Connect;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_Empty, 0, EDM_MPI_Connect, comm_);
+ // signal the connection
+ sender_.sendConnect(sid_);
- /*
+ /* is there a way to access all known process histories ?
edm::ProcessHistoryRegistry const& registry = * edm::ProcessHistoryRegistry::instance();
- edm::LogAbsolute("MPIDriver") << "ProcessHistoryRegistry:";
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "ProcessHistoryRegistry:";
for (auto const& keyval: registry) {
- edm::LogAbsolute("MPIDriver") << keyval.first << ": " << keyval.second;
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << keyval.first << ": " << keyval.second;
// send the branch descriptions for all event products
for (auto& branch : branches_) {
- TBufferFile blob{TBuffer::kWrite};
- TClass::GetClass(typeid(edm::BranchDescription))->WriteBuffer(blob, &branch);
- MPI_Send(blob.Buffer(), blob.Length(), MPI_BYTE, 0, EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct, comm_);
+ sender_.sendSerializedProduct(sid_, branch);
// indicate that all branches have been sent
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_SendComplete;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_Empty, 0, EDM_MPI_SendComplete, comm_);
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_BeginStream;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_Empty, 0, EDM_MPI_BeginStream, comm_);
+ sender_.sendComplete(sid_);
+ // signal the begin stream
+ sender_.sendBeginStream(sid_);
void MPIDriver::endStream() {
- {
- edm::LogAbsolute log("MPI");
- log << "stream " << sid_ << ": end stream";
- }
- EDM_MPI_Empty_t buffer;
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_EndStream;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_Empty, 0, EDM_MPI_EndStream, comm_);
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_Disconnect;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_Empty, 0, EDM_MPI_Disconnect, comm_);
+ // signal the end stream
+ sender_.sendEndStream(sid_);
+ // signal the disconnection
+ sender_.sendDisconnect(sid_);
void MPIDriver::beginRun(edm::Run const& run, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
- {
- edm::LogAbsolute log("MPI");
- log << "stream " << sid_ << ": begin run " << run.run();
- log << "\nprocess history: " << run.processHistory();
- log << "\nprocess history id: " << run.processHistory().id();
- log << "\nprocess history id: " << run.runAuxiliary().processHistoryID() << " (from runAuxiliary)";
- }
- EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t buffer;
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_BeginRun;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- /* FIXME: set the ProcessHistoryID in the RunAuxiliary to the correct value ------------------------------- */
- //edmToBuffer(buffer, run.runAuxiliary());
+ // signal a new run, and transmit the RunAuxiliary
+ /* FIXME
+ * Ideally the ProcessHistoryID stored in the run.runAuxiliary() should be the correct one, and
+ * we could simply do
+ sender_.sendBeginRun(sid_, run.runAuxiliary());
+ * Instead, it looks like the ProcessHistoryID stored in the run.runAuxiliary() is that of the
+ * _parent_ process.
+ * So, we make a copy of the RunAuxiliary, set the ProcessHistoryID to the correct value, and
+ * transmit the modified RunAuxiliary.
+ */
auto aux = run.runAuxiliary();
- edmToBuffer(buffer, aux);
- /* FIXME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary, 0, EDM_MPI_BeginRun, comm_);
- // send the ProcessHistory
- TBufferFile blob{TBuffer::kWrite};
- TClass::GetClass(typeid(edm::ProcessHistory))
- ->WriteBuffer(blob, const_cast(&run.processHistory()));
- MPI_Send(blob.Buffer(), blob.Length(), MPI_BYTE, 0, EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct, comm_);
+ sender_.sendBeginRun(sid_, aux);
+ // transmit the ProcessHistory
+ sender_.sendSerializedProduct(sid_, run.processHistory());
void MPIDriver::endRun(edm::Run const& run, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
- {
- edm::LogInfo log("MPI");
- log << "stream " << sid_ << ": end run " << run.run();
- }
- EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t buffer;
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_EndRun;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- edmToBuffer(buffer, run.runAuxiliary());
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary, 0, EDM_MPI_EndRun, comm_);
+ // signal the end of run
+ /* FIXME
+ * Ideally the ProcessHistoryID stored in the run.runAuxiliary() should be the correct one, and
+ * we could simply do
+ sender_.sendEndRun(sid_, run.runAuxiliary());
+ * Instead, it looks like the ProcessHistoryID stored in the run.runAuxiliary() is that of the
+ * _parent_ process.
+ * So, we make a copy of the RunAuxiliary, set the ProcessHistoryID to the correct value, and
+ * transmit the modified RunAuxiliary.
+ */
+ auto aux = run.runAuxiliary();
+ aux.setProcessHistoryID(run.processHistory().id());
+ sender_.sendEndRun(sid_, aux);
void MPIDriver::beginLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const& lumi, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
- {
- edm::LogAbsolute log("MPI");
- log << "stream " << sid_ << ": begin run " << lumi.run() << ", lumi " << lumi.luminosityBlock();
- log << "\nprocess history: " << lumi.processHistory();
- log << "\nprocess history id: " << lumi.processHistory().id();
- log << "\nprocess history id: " << lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary().processHistoryID()
- << " (from luminosityBlockAuxiliary)";
- }
- EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary_t buffer;
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_BeginLuminosityBlock;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- /* FIXME: set the ProcessHistoryID in the RunAuxiliary to the correct value ------------------------------- */
- //edmToBuffer(buffer, lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary());
+ // signal a new luminosity block, and transmit the LuminosityBlockAuxiliary
+ /* FIXME
+ * Ideally the ProcessHistoryID stored in the lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary() should be the
+ * correct one, and we could simply do
+ sender_.sendBeginLuminosityBlock(sid_, lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary());
+ * Instead, it looks like the ProcessHistoryID stored in the lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary() is
+ * that of the _parent_ process.
+ * So, we make a copy of the LuminosityBlockAuxiliary, set the ProcessHistoryID to the correct
+ * value, and transmit the modified LuminosityBlockAuxiliary.
+ */
auto aux = lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary();
- edmToBuffer(buffer, aux);
- /* FIXME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary, 0, EDM_MPI_BeginLuminosityBlock, comm_);
+ sender_.sendBeginLuminosityBlock(sid_, aux);
void MPIDriver::endLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const& lumi, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
- {
- edm::LogInfo log("MPI");
- log << "stream " << sid_ << ": end run " << lumi.run() << ", lumi " << lumi.luminosityBlock();
- }
- EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary_t buffer;
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_EndLuminosityBlock;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- edmToBuffer(buffer, lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary());
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary, 0, EDM_MPI_EndLuminosityBlock, comm_);
+ // signal the end of luminosity block
+ /* FIXME
+ * Ideally the ProcessHistoryID stored in the lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary() should be the
+ * correct one, and we could simply do
+ sender_.sendEndLuminosityBlock(sid_, lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary());
+ * Instead, it looks like the ProcessHistoryID stored in the lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary() is
+ * that of the _parent_ process.
+ * So, we make a copy of the LuminosityBlockAuxiliary, set the ProcessHistoryID to the correct
+ * value, and transmit the modified LuminosityBlockAuxiliary.
+ */
+ auto aux = lumi.luminosityBlockAuxiliary();
+ aux.setProcessHistoryID(lumi.processHistory().id());
+ sender_.sendEndLuminosityBlock(sid_, aux);
void MPIDriver::analyze(edm::Event const& event, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
+ /*
edm::LogAbsolute log("MPI");
log << "stream " << sid_ << ": processing run " << event.run() << ", lumi " << event.luminosityBlock() << ", event "
@@ -259,12 +252,34 @@ void MPIDriver::analyze(edm::Event const& event, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
log << "\nprocessHistoryID " << event.eventAuxiliary().processHistoryID();
log << "\nprocessGUID " << edm::Guid(event.eventAuxiliary().processGUID(), true).toString();
+ */
+ // signal a new event, and transmit the EventAuxiliary
+ sender_.sendEvent(sid_, event.eventAuxiliary());
+ // transmit the event data products
+ unsigned int size = tokens_.size();
+ assert(branches_.size() == size);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ auto const& token = tokens_[i];
+ auto const& branch = branches_[i];
+ auto const& type = branch.unwrappedType();
+ edm::GenericHandle handle(type);
+ event.getByToken(token, handle);
+ if (handle.isValid()) {
+ // transmit the BranchKey in order to reconstruct the BranchDescription on the receiving side
+ sender_.sendSerializedProduct(sid_, edm::BranchKey(branch));
+ // transmit the ProductProvenance
+ sender_.sendSerializedProduct(sid_, *handle.provenance()->productProvenance());
+ // transmit the ProductID
+ sender_.sendSerializedProduct(sid_, handle.id());
+ // transmit the wrapped product
+ sender_.sendSerializedProduct(sid_, *handle.product());
+ }
+ }
- EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer;
- buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_ProcessEvent;
- buffer.stream = sid_;
- edmToBuffer(buffer, event.eventAuxiliary());
- MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary, 0, EDM_MPI_ProcessEvent, comm_);
+ // indicate that all products have been sent
+ sender_.sendComplete(sid_);
void MPIDriver::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPIReporter.cc b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPIReporter.cc
index 1d9e1ba88ff34..a1ab7387f701a 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPIReporter.cc
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPIReporter.cc
@@ -24,15 +24,13 @@ class MPIReporter : public edm::stream::EDAnalyzer<> {
edm::EDGetTokenT origin_;
-MPIReporter::MPIReporter(edm::ParameterSet const& config) :
- origin_(consumes(edm::InputTag("source")))
-{ }
+MPIReporter::MPIReporter(edm::ParameterSet const& config) : origin_(consumes(edm::InputTag("source"))) {}
void MPIReporter::analyze(edm::Event const& event, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
- edm::LogAbsolute log("MPIReporter");
- log << "stream " << event.streamID() << ": processing run " << event.run() << ", lumi " << event.luminosityBlock() << ", event "
- << event.id().event();
+ edm::LogAbsolute log("MPI");
+ log << "stream " << event.streamID() << ": processing run " << event.run() << ", lumi " << event.luminosityBlock()
+ << ", event " << event.id().event();
log << "\nprocess history: " << event.processHistory();
log << "\nprocess history id: " << event.processHistory().id();
log << "\nprocess history id: " << event.eventAuxiliary().processHistoryID() << " (from eventAuxiliary)";
@@ -47,9 +45,9 @@ void MPIReporter::analyze(edm::Event const& event, edm::EventSetup const& setup)
auto const& origin = event.get(origin_);
- edm::LogAbsolute log("MPIReporter");
+ edm::LogAbsolute log("MPI");
log << "original process rank: " << origin.rank();
- log << "\noriginal process stream: " << origin.stream();
+ log << "\noriginal process stream: " << origin.stream();
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPISource.cc b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPISource.cc
index e0b600b868509..f3a742ff8255a 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPISource.cc
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/MPISource.cc
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Wrapper.h"
#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchDescription.h"
+#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/BranchKey.h"
#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProcessHistory.h"
#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProductRegistry.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
@@ -12,10 +13,13 @@
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/PluginCapabilities.h"
+#include "FWCore/Reflection/interface/DictionaryTools.h"
#include "FWCore/Sources/interface/ProducerSourceBase.h"
#include "HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/interface/MPIOrigin.h"
#include "HeterogeneousCore/MPIServices/interface/MPIService.h"
+#include "api.h"
#include "conversion.h"
#include "messages.h"
@@ -53,9 +57,11 @@ class MPISource : public edm::InputSource {
char port_[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
MPI_Comm comm_ = MPI_COMM_NULL;
+ MPISender link;
edm::ProcessHistory history_;
- std::shared_ptr originBranchDescription_;
- std::shared_ptr originProvenance_;
+ edm::BranchDescription originBranchDescription_;
+ edm::ProductProvenance originProvenance_;
std::shared_ptr runAuxiliary_;
std::shared_ptr luminosityBlockAuxiliary_;
@@ -64,14 +70,13 @@ class MPISource : public edm::InputSource {
struct DataProduct {
DataProduct() = default;
DataProduct(std::unique_ptr product,
- std::shared_ptr branchDescription,
- std::shared_ptr provenance)
- : product(std::move(product)),
- branchDescription(std::move(branchDescription)),
- provenance(std::move(provenance)) {}
- std::unique_ptr product;
- std::shared_ptr branchDescription;
- std::shared_ptr provenance;
+ edm::BranchDescription const* branchDescription,
+ edm::ProductProvenance provenance)
+ : product(std::move(product)), branchDescription(branchDescription), provenance(std::move(provenance)) {}
+ std::unique_ptr product; // owns the wrapped product until it is put into the event
+ edm::BranchDescription const* branchDescription; // non-owning pointer
+ edm::ProductProvenance provenance; // cheap enough to be stored by value
struct EventData {
@@ -84,11 +89,10 @@ class MPISource : public edm::InputSource {
MPISource::MPISource(edm::ParameterSet const& config, edm::InputSourceDescription const& desc)
: edm::InputSource(config, desc),
- originBranchDescription_(
- std::make_shared(makeOriginBranchDescription(desc.moduleDescription_))),
- originProvenance_(std::make_shared(originBranchDescription_->branchID())) {
+ originBranchDescription_(makeOriginBranchDescription(desc.moduleDescription_)),
+ originProvenance_(originBranchDescription_.branchID()) {
// register the MPIOrigin branch
- productRegistryUpdate().addProduct(*originBranchDescription_, false);
+ productRegistryUpdate().addProduct(originBranchDescription_);
// make sure that MPI is initialised
@@ -107,8 +111,9 @@ MPISource::MPISource(edm::ParameterSet const& config, edm::InputSourceDescriptio
MPI_Publish_name("server", port_info, port_);
// create an intercommunicator and accept a client connection
- edm::LogAbsolute("MPISource") << "waiting for a connection to the MPI server at port " << port_;
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "waiting for a connection to the MPI server at port " << port_;
MPI_Comm_accept(port_, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_);
+ link = MPISender(comm_, 0);
// wait for a client to connect
MPI_Status status;
@@ -121,23 +126,32 @@ MPISource::MPISource(edm::ParameterSet const& config, edm::InputSourceDescriptio
while (true) {
MPI_Mprobe(source, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm_, &message, &status);
if (status.MPI_TAG == EDM_MPI_SendComplete) {
+ // all branches have been received
MPI_Mrecv(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_Empty, &message, &status);
- edm::LogAbsolute("MPISource") << "all BranchDescription received";
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "all BranchDescription received";
} else {
- assert(status.MPI_TAG == EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct);
+ // receive the branch description for the next event product
+ assert(EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct == status.MPI_TAG);
int size;
MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &size);
TBufferFile blob{TBuffer::kRead, size};
MPI_Mrecv(blob.Buffer(), size, MPI_BYTE, &message, &status);
edm::BranchDescription bd;
TClass::GetClass(typeid(edm::BranchDescription))->ReadBuffer(blob, &bd);
+ bd.setDropped(false);
- // TODO check if the branch description is already present ?
- edm::LogAbsolute("MPISource") << "new BranchDescription registered: " << bd;
+ bd.setOnDemand(false);
+ bd.setIsProvenanceSetOnRead(true);
+ bd.init();
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "registered branchess:\n";
+ for (auto& keyval : productRegistry()->productList()) {
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << " - " << keyval.first;
+ }
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << '\n';
MPISource::~MPISource() {
@@ -216,7 +230,7 @@ MPISource::ItemType MPISource::getNextItemType() {
TClass::GetClass(typeid(edm::ProcessHistory))->ReadBuffer(blob, &history_);
if (processHistoryRegistryForUpdate().registerProcessHistory(history_)) {
- edm::LogAbsolute("MPISource") << "new ProcessHistory registered: " << history_;
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "new ProcessHistory registered: " << history_;
// signal a new run
@@ -259,43 +273,88 @@ MPISource::ItemType MPISource::getNextItemType() {
case EDM_MPI_ProcessEvent: {
// allocate a new event
auto& event = events_.emplace_back();
+ event.eventProducts.reserve(productRegistryUpdate().size());
// receive the EventAuxiliary
- EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer;
- MPI_Mrecv(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary, &message, &status);
- edmFromBuffer(buffer, event.eventAuxiliary);
+ auto [status, stream] = link.receiveEvent(event.eventAuxiliary, message);
+ int source = status.MPI_SOURCE;
// store the MPI origin
- auto origin =
- std::make_unique>(edm::WrapperBase::Emplace{}, status.MPI_SOURCE, buffer.stream);
- event.eventProducts.emplace_back(std::move(origin), originBranchDescription_, originProvenance_);
- // from RootFile::fillEventHistory
- EventSelectionIDVector* pESV = &eventSelectionIDs_;
- TBranch* eventSelectionIDBranch = eventTree_.tree()->GetBranch(poolNames::eventSelectionsBranchName().c_str());
- eventTree_.fillBranchEntry(eventSelectionIDBranch, pESV);
- BranchListIndexes* pBLI = &branchListIndexes_;
- TBranch* branchListIndexesBranch = eventTree_.tree()->GetBranch(poolNames::branchListIndexesBranchName().c_str());
- eventTree_.fillBranchEntry(branchListIndexesBranch, pBLI);
- // from RootFile::readCurrentEvent
- runHelper_->overrideRunNumber(eventAux_.id(), eventAux().isRealData());
- eventTree_.insertEntryForIndex(principal.transitionIndex());
- auto history = processHistoryRegistry_->getMapped(eventAux().processHistoryID());
- principal.fillEventPrincipal(eventAux(),
- history,
- std::move(eventSelectionIDs_),
- std::move(branchListIndexes_),
- *(makeProductProvenanceRetriever(principal.streamID().value())),
- eventTree_.resetAndGetRootDelayedReader());
- // from RootFile::readEvent
- runHelper_->checkRunConsistency(eventAux().run(), indexIntoFileIter_.run());
- runHelper_->checkLumiConsistency(eventAux().luminosityBlock(), indexIntoFileIter_.lumi());
-#endif // WHATEVER
+ auto origin = std::make_unique>(edm::WrapperBase::Emplace{}, source, stream);
+ event.eventProducts.emplace_back(std::move(origin), &originBranchDescription_, originProvenance_);
+ //
+ MPI_Message message;
+ while (true) {
+ MPI_Mprobe(source, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm_, &message, &status);
+ if (EDM_MPI_SendComplete == status.MPI_TAG) {
+ // all products have been received
+ EDM_MPI_Empty_t buffer;
+ MPI_Mrecv(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_Empty, &message, &status);
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "all Products received";
+ break;
+ } else {
+ edm::BranchKey key;
+ edm::ProductProvenance provenance;
+ edm::ProductID pid;
+ edm::WrapperBase* wrapper;
+ {
+ // receive the BranchKey
+ assert(EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct == status.MPI_TAG);
+ int size;
+ MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &size);
+ TBufferFile buffer{TBuffer::kRead, size};
+ MPI_Mrecv(buffer.Buffer(), size, MPI_BYTE, &message, &status);
+ TClass::GetClass(typeid(edm::BranchKey))->ReadBuffer(buffer, &key);
+ }
+ edm::BranchDescription const& branch = productRegistry()->productList().at(key);
+ MPI_Mprobe(source, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm_, &message, &status);
+ {
+ // receive the ProductProvenance
+ assert(EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct == status.MPI_TAG);
+ int size;
+ MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &size);
+ TBufferFile buffer{TBuffer::kRead, size};
+ MPI_Mrecv(buffer.Buffer(), size, MPI_BYTE, &message, &status);
+ TClass::GetClass(typeid(edm::ProductProvenance))->ReadBuffer(buffer, &provenance);
+ }
+ MPI_Mprobe(source, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm_, &message, &status);
+ {
+ // receive the ProductID
+ assert(EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct == status.MPI_TAG);
+ int size;
+ MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &size);
+ TBufferFile buffer{TBuffer::kRead, size};
+ MPI_Mrecv(buffer.Buffer(), size, MPI_BYTE, &message, &status);
+ TClass::GetClass(typeid(edm::ProductID))->ReadBuffer(buffer, &pid);
+ }
+ MPI_Mprobe(source, MPI_ANY_TAG, comm_, &message, &status);
+ {
+ // receive the product
+ assert(EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct == status.MPI_TAG);
+ int size;
+ MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &size);
+ TBufferFile buffer{TBuffer::kRead, size};
+ MPI_Mrecv(buffer.Buffer(), size, MPI_BYTE, &message, &status);
+ // construct an edm::Wrapper and fill it with the received product
+ // TODO this would be much simpler if the MPIDriver could sent the Wrapper instead of T
+ edm::TypeWithDict const& type = branch.wrappedType();
+ edm::ObjectWithDict object = type.construct();
+ *reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(object.address()) +
+ type.dataMemberByName("present").offset()) = true;
+ branch.unwrappedType().getClass()->ReadBuffer(
+ buffer, reinterpret_cast(object.address()) + type.dataMemberByName("obj").offset());
+ wrapper = reinterpret_cast(object.address());
+ }
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "received object for branch " << key;
+ //edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "received object of type " << branch.unwrappedType();
+ // store the received product
+ event.eventProducts.emplace_back(std::unique_ptr(wrapper), &branch, provenance);
+ }
+ }
// signal a new event
return IsEvent;
@@ -315,12 +374,15 @@ std::shared_ptr MPISource::readLuminosityBlockAux
void MPISource::readEvent_(edm::EventPrincipal& eventPrincipal) {
+ edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "number of buffered events: " << events_.size();
auto& event = events_.front();
- eventPrincipal.fillEventPrincipal(event.eventAuxiliary, &history_);
+ edm::ProductProvenanceRetriever prov(eventPrincipal.transitionIndex(), *productRegistry());
+ eventPrincipal.fillEventPrincipal(event.eventAuxiliary, &history_, edm::EventSelectionIDVector{}, edm::BranchListIndexes{}, prov, nullptr, false);
for (auto& product : event.eventProducts) {
- eventPrincipal.put(*product.branchDescription, std::move(product.product), *product.provenance);
+ //edm::LogAbsolute("MPI") << "putting object for branch " << *product.branchDescription;
+ eventPrincipal.put(*product.branchDescription, std::move(product.product), product.provenance);
- //eventPrincipal.readAllFromSourceAndMergeImmediately();
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/api.cc b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/api.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..27b85537cf94f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/api.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// C++ standard library headers
+// ROOT headers
+// CMSSW headers
+#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventAuxiliary.h"
+#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/LuminosityBlockAuxiliary.h"
+#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/RunAuxiliary.h"
+// local headers
+#include "api.h"
+#include "conversion.h"
+#include "messages.h"
+namespace {
+ // copy the content of an std::string-like object to an N-sized char buffer:
+ // if the string is larger than the buffer, copy only the first N bytes;
+ // if the string is smaller than the buffer, fill the rest of the buffer with NUL characters.
+ template
+ void copy_and_fill(char (&dest)[N], S const& src) {
+ if (std::size(src) < N) {
+ memset(dest, 0x00, N);
+ memcpy(dest, src.data(), std::size(src));
+ } else {
+ memcpy(dest, src.data(), N);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace
+// fill an edm::RunAuxiliary object from an EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary buffer
+void MPISender::edmFromBuffer_(EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t const& buffer, edm::RunAuxiliary& aux) {
+ aux = edm::RunAuxiliary(buffer.run, edm::Timestamp(buffer.beginTime), edm::Timestamp(buffer.endTime));
+ aux.setProcessHistoryID(
+ edm::ProcessHistoryID(std::string(buffer.processHistoryID, std::size(buffer.processHistoryID))));
+// fill an EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary buffer from an edm::RunAuxiliary object
+void MPISender::edmToBuffer_(EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t& buffer, edm::RunAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ copy_and_fill(buffer.processHistoryID, aux.processHistoryID().compactForm());
+ buffer.beginTime = aux.beginTime().value();
+ buffer.endTime = aux.endTime().value();
+ buffer.run = aux.id().run();
+// fill an edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary object from an EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary buffer
+void MPISender::edmFromBuffer_(EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary_t const& buffer, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary& aux) {
+ aux = edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary(
+ buffer.run, buffer.lumi, edm::Timestamp(buffer.beginTime), edm::Timestamp(buffer.endTime));
+ aux.setProcessHistoryID(
+ edm::ProcessHistoryID(std::string(buffer.processHistoryID, std::size(buffer.processHistoryID))));
+// fill an EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary buffer from an edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary object
+void MPISender::edmToBuffer_(EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary_t& buffer, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ copy_and_fill(buffer.processHistoryID, aux.processHistoryID().compactForm());
+ buffer.beginTime = aux.beginTime().value();
+ buffer.endTime = aux.endTime().value();
+ buffer.run = aux.id().run();
+ buffer.lumi = aux.id().luminosityBlock();
+// fill an edm::EventAuxiliary object from an EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary buffer
+void MPISender::edmFromBuffer_(EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t const& buffer, edm::EventAuxiliary& aux) {
+ aux = edm::EventAuxiliary({buffer.run, buffer.lumi, buffer.event},
+ std::string(buffer.processGuid, std::size(buffer.processGuid)),
+ edm::Timestamp(buffer.time),
+ buffer.realData,
+ static_cast(buffer.experimentType),
+ buffer.bunchCrossing,
+ buffer.storeNumber,
+ buffer.orbitNumber);
+ aux.setProcessHistoryID(
+ edm::ProcessHistoryID(std::string(buffer.processHistoryID, std::size(buffer.processHistoryID))));
+// fill an EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary buffer from an edm::EventAuxiliary object
+void MPISender::edmToBuffer_(EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t& buffer, edm::EventAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ copy_and_fill(buffer.processHistoryID, aux.processHistoryID().compactForm());
+ copy_and_fill(buffer.processGuid, aux.processGUID());
+ buffer.time = aux.time().value();
+ buffer.realData = aux.isRealData();
+ buffer.experimentType = aux.experimentType();
+ buffer.bunchCrossing = aux.bunchCrossing();
+ buffer.orbitNumber = aux.orbitNumber();
+ buffer.storeNumber = aux.storeNumber();
+ buffer.run = aux.id().run();
+ buffer.lumi = aux.id().luminosityBlock();
+ buffer.event = aux.id().event();
+// fill and send an EDM_MPI_Empty_t buffer
+void MPISender::sendEmpty_(int tag, int stream) {
+ EDM_MPI_Empty_t buffer;
+ buffer.messageTag = tag;
+ buffer.stream = stream;
+ MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_Empty, dest_, tag, comm_);
+// fill and send an EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t buffer
+void MPISender::sendRunAuxiliary_(int tag, int stream, edm::RunAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t buffer;
+ buffer.messageTag = tag;
+ buffer.stream = stream;
+ edmToBuffer_(buffer, aux);
+ MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary, dest_, tag, comm_);
+// fill and send an EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t buffer
+void MPISender::sendLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_(int tag, int stream, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary_t buffer;
+ buffer.messageTag = tag;
+ buffer.stream = stream;
+ edmToBuffer_(buffer, aux);
+ MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary, dest_, tag, comm_);
+// fill and send an EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer
+void MPISender::sendEventAuxiliary_(int stream, edm::EventAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer;
+ buffer.messageTag = EDM_MPI_ProcessEvent;
+ buffer.stream = stream;
+ edmToBuffer_(buffer, aux);
+ MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary, dest_, EDM_MPI_ProcessEvent, comm_);
+// receive an EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer and populate an edm::EventAuxiliary
+std::tuple MPISender::receiveEventAuxiliary_(edm::EventAuxiliary& aux, int source, int tag) {
+ MPI_Status status;
+ EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer;
+ MPI_Recv(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary, source, tag, comm_, &status);
+ edmFromBuffer_(buffer, aux);
+ return std::make_tuple(status, buffer.stream);
+// receive an EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer and populate an edm::EventAuxiliary
+std::tuple MPISender::receiveEventAuxiliary_(edm::EventAuxiliary& aux, MPI_Message& message) {
+ MPI_Status status;
+ EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer;
+ MPI_Mrecv(&buffer, 1, EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary, &message, &status);
+ edmFromBuffer_(buffer, aux);
+ return std::make_tuple(status, buffer.stream);
+// serialize an object of generic type using its ROOT dictionary, and send the binary blob
+void MPISender::sendSerializedProduct_(int stream, TClass const* type, void const* product) {
+ TBufferFile buffer{TBuffer::kWrite};
+ buffer.WriteClassBuffer(type, const_cast(product));
+ MPI_Send(buffer.Buffer(), buffer.Length(), MPI_BYTE, dest_, EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct, comm_);
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/api.h b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/api.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..12d7f6cc3091b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#ifndef HeterogeneousCore_MPICore_plugins_api_h
+#define HeterogeneousCore_MPICore_plugins_api_h
+// externals headers
+// ROOT headers
+// CMSSW headers
+#include "DataFormats/Provenance/interface/ProvenanceFwd.h"
+#include "FWCore/Reflection/interface/ObjectWithDict.h"
+// local headers
+#include "messages.h"
+class MPISender {
+ MPISender() = default;
+ MPISender(MPI_Comm comm, int destination) : comm_(comm), dest_(destination) {}
+ // announce that a client has just connected
+ void sendConnect(int stream) {
+ sendEmpty_(EDM_MPI_Connect, stream);
+ }
+ // announce that the client will disconnect
+ void sendDisconnect(int stream) {
+ sendEmpty_(EDM_MPI_Disconnect, stream);
+ }
+ // signal the begin of stream
+ void sendBeginStream(int stream) {
+ sendEmpty_(EDM_MPI_BeginStream, stream);
+ }
+ // signal the end of stream
+ void sendEndStream(int stream) {
+ sendEmpty_(EDM_MPI_EndStream, stream);
+ }
+ // signal a new run, and transmit the RunAuxiliary
+ void sendBeginRun(int stream, edm::RunAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ sendRunAuxiliary_(EDM_MPI_BeginRun, stream, aux);
+ }
+ // signal the end of run, and re-transmit the RunAuxiliary
+ void sendEndRun(int stream, edm::RunAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ sendRunAuxiliary_(EDM_MPI_EndRun, stream, aux);
+ }
+ // signal a new luminosity block, and transmit the LuminosityBlockAuxiliary
+ void sendBeginLuminosityBlock(int stream, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ sendLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_(EDM_MPI_BeginLuminosityBlock, stream, aux);
+ }
+ // signal the end of luminosity block, and re-transmit the LuminosityBlockAuxiliary
+ void sendEndLuminosityBlock(int stream, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ sendLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_(EDM_MPI_EndLuminosityBlock, stream, aux);
+ }
+ // signal a new event, and transmit the EventAuxiliary
+ void sendEvent(int stream, edm::EventAuxiliary const& aux) {
+ sendEventAuxiliary_(stream, aux);
+ }
+ // start processing a new event, and receive the EventAuxiliary
+ std::tuple receiveEvent(edm::EventAuxiliary& aux, int source) {
+ return receiveEventAuxiliary_(aux, source, EDM_MPI_ProcessEvent);
+ }
+ std::tuple receiveEvent(edm::EventAuxiliary& aux, MPI_Message& message) {
+ return receiveEventAuxiliary_(aux, message);
+ }
+ // serialize an object of type T using its ROOT dictionary, and transmit it
+ template
+ void sendSerializedProduct(int stream, T const& product) {
+ static const TClass* type = TClass::GetClass();
+ sendSerializedProduct_(stream, type, &product);
+ }
+ // serialize an object of generic type using its ROOT dictionary, and transmit it
+ void sendSerializedProduct(int stream, edm::ObjectWithDict const& product) {
+ // the expected use case is that the product type corresponds to the actual type,
+ // so we access the type with typeOf() instead of dynamicType()
+ sendSerializedProduct_(stream, product.typeOf().getClass(), product.address());
+ }
+ // signal that an expected product will not be transmitted
+ void sendSkipProduct(int stream) {
+ sendEmpty_(EDM_MPI_SkipProduct, stream);
+ }
+ // signal that tre transmission of multiple products is complete
+ void sendComplete(int stream) {
+ sendEmpty_(EDM_MPI_SendComplete, stream);
+ }
+ // serialize an EDM object to a simplified representation that can be transmitted as an MPI message
+ void edmToBuffer_(EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t& buffer, edm::RunAuxiliary const& aux);
+ void edmToBuffer_(EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary_t& buffer, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary const& aux);
+ void edmToBuffer_(EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t& buffer, edm::EventAuxiliary const& aux);
+ // dwserialize an EDM object from a simplified representation transmitted as an MPI message
+ void edmFromBuffer_(EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t const& buffer, edm::RunAuxiliary& aux);
+ void edmFromBuffer_(EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlockAuxiliary_t const& buffer, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary& aux);
+ void edmFromBuffer_(EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t const& buffer, edm::EventAuxiliary& aux);
+ // fill and send an EDM_MPI_Empty_t buffer
+ void sendEmpty_(int tag, int stream);
+ // fill and send an EDM_MPI_RunAuxiliary_t buffer
+ void sendRunAuxiliary_(int tag, int stream, edm::RunAuxiliary const& aux);
+ // fill and send an EDM_MPI_LuminosityBlock_t buffer
+ void sendLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_(int tag, int stream, edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary const& aux);
+ // fill and send an EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer
+ void sendEventAuxiliary_(int stream, edm::EventAuxiliary const& aux);
+ // receive an EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary_t buffer and populate an edm::EventAuxiliary
+ std::tuple receiveEventAuxiliary_(edm::EventAuxiliary& aux, int source, int tag);
+ std::tuple receiveEventAuxiliary_(edm::EventAuxiliary& aux, MPI_Message& message);
+ // serialize a generic object using its ROOT dictionary, and send the binary blob
+ void sendSerializedProduct_(int stream, TClass const* type, void const* product);
+ // MPI intercommunicator
+ MPI_Comm comm_ = MPI_COMM_NULL;
+ // MPI destination
+ int dest_ = 0;
+#endif // HeterogeneousCore_MPICore_plugins_api_h
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/messages.cc b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/messages.cc
index 7a44e75ede1d5..ede2226f604c7 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/messages.cc
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/messages.cc
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ void EDM_MPI_build_types_() {
EDM_MPI_MessageType[EDM_MPI_ProcessEvent] = EDM_MPI_EventAuxiliary; //
EDM_MPI_MessageType[EDM_MPI_SendSerializedProduct] = MPI_BYTE; // variable-length binary blob
EDM_MPI_MessageType[EDM_MPI_SendTrivialProduct] = MPI_BYTE; // variable-length binary blob
+ EDM_MPI_MessageType[EDM_MPI_SkipProduct] = EDM_MPI_Empty; //
EDM_MPI_MessageType[EDM_MPI_SendComplete] = EDM_MPI_Empty; //
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/messages.h b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/messages.h
index e376f992dc1ab..9f739628926a1 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/messages.h
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/plugins/messages.h
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
/* register the MPI message types forthe EDM communication
void EDM_MPI_build_types();
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ enum EDM_MPI_MessageTag {
+ EDM_MPI_SkipProduct,
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/test/testMPIDriver.py b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/test/testMPIDriver.py
index b420801fe1e0c..11f652779facb 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/test/testMPIDriver.py
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/test/testMPIDriver.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
process = cms.Process("MPIServer")
process.MPIService.pmix_server_uri = 'file:server.uri'
diff --git a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/test/testMPISource.py b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/test/testMPISource.py
index 2b607c3c6ccbb..5ec3a883595f2 100644
--- a/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/test/testMPISource.py
+++ b/HeterogeneousCore/MPICore/test/testMPISource.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
process = cms.Process("MPIClient")
process.MPIService.pmix_server_uri = 'file:server.uri'