How to create a new Jira ticket using only the CLI with ankitpokhrel/jira-cli.
type: Jira Issue Type - string - "Task" project: Project Key - string - "PROJKEY" summary: Ticket summary/title - string - "New Jira Ticket" body: Ticket description/body - string - "New Jira Ticket Description" priority: Ticket priority - string - "High" reporter: Username/Email of reporter - string - "USER" assignee: Username/Email of assignee - string - "USER" label: 1x label is 1 array value - array-value - one-label label: 1x label is 1 array value - array-value - two-label label: 1x label is 1 array value - array-value - three-label parent: Parent ticket ID. Useful for setting Epic ID - string - "PROJKEY-###" custom story-points: Story Points - number/int - 3 custom acceptance-criteria: Acceptance Criteria - string - "Acceptance Criteria" custom team: Team ID - string - "###" custom sprint: Sprint ID - string - "#####"
$ jira issue create \
--type="Task" \
--project="PROJKEY" \
--summary="New Jira Ticket" \
--body="New Jira Ticket Description" \
--priority="High" \
--reporter="USER" \
--assignee="USER" \
--label=one-label \
--label=two-label \
--label=three-label \
--parent="PROJKEY-000" \
--custom story-points=3 \
--custom acceptance-criteria="Acceptance Criteria" \
--custom team="000" \
--custom sprint="00000"
Create new Jira tickets using 100% CLI only. No more context switching or needing to break your deep focus/flow state. CLI based ticket creation process means we can automate!