Mindset Need for Growth mindset throughout your life The most important question is WHY? You are hired to solve business problems not as a data scientist/ml engineer Be a saviour and not a consumer You should have enought Depth and breadth of knowledge about the field Finanace 101 Supply and Demand How to Quantify Demand? Our Mantra TimeEffortConsistency=SUCCESS How much effort is required Recruiter expectation changes from person to person 10,000 hour rule and its variation How can we time travel? Understanding Bottleneck Inter-dependencies of concepts Often the trainer himself/herself never worked in the role (Data Scientist) Can somebody who doesn't have experience in a skill train another person? Excerpts from T J Jacob 25| Charithram Enniloode 1752 | SafariTV Need to work with someone better than you physically Why existing education system doesn't work Lack of Visibility or Professional Network How to scale up data science training Train the first 100-200 people personally Leverage Expoential Nature of Training How to break the bottleneck challenges Learning to Learn Learn and Reflect Focus Key Upskilling strategies (How to levelup yourself?) Believe in 10000 hour rule You need to develop your own thinking muscles You need to be just above your recruiters level I111 Revision Creating value Build from Scratch and Learn from First Principles Open Source Contribution Completely Transperant Job Experience Portfolio Projects Work with Better People and Resources Books Research papers Work with experienced or People who are better than you