- Force beetween Target and Agent
- constants:
- damping factor
- gain (to accelerate reaching to the target)
- target detecting range
- Agent
- Target
- TargetPotentialField
- Each Object will return the valued calculated
- The main.py will contain the state of variables to draw the graph
Drone 1 position = 0,0,0 Drone 1 mass = 1 Target 1 position = 9,9,9 gain = 1 target detecting range = 1 damping factor = 1
Drone 1 position = 0,0,0 Drone 1 mass = 1 Target 1 position = 9,9,9 gain = 1 target detecting range = 1 damping factor = 1
-- Iterasi 1 -- Attractive Force = -(1*(-9,-9,-9)/9akar3) = (0.57735026919, ..., ...) Target Force = (0.57735026919, ..., ...) - 1 ((0,0,0)-(0,0,0)) = (0.57735026919, ..., ...) New Velocity = (0.57735026919, ..., ...) New Position = (0.57735026919, ..., ...)
-- Iterasi 2 -- Attractive Force = -(1*(-8.423,-8.423,-8.423)/-8.423akar3) = (0.57735026919, ..., ...) Target Force = (0.57735026919, ..., ...) - 1 ((0.57735026919, ..., ...)-(0,0,0)) = (0, 0, 0) New Velocity = (0.57735026919, ..., ...) New Position = (1.15470053838, 1.15470053838, 1.15470053838)