A simple adapter to query any Gen.clj model from GenSQL.query. It works by ensuring that gen model implements the gpm protocol functions that GenSQL.query is expecting (so in a sense, it's an adapter of Gen.clj to the GPM protocol).
We resort to Gen.clj's importance sampling capabilities to approximate
and gpm/logpdf
Below is a usage example from Clojure.
(ns foo
;; Import our adapter for gen programs in IQL.
(:require [adapter :refer [gen->iql]]
;; Import gen dependencies to write your gen program.
[gen.distribution.commons-math :as dist]
[gen.dynamic :as dynamic :refer [gen]]
;; The next two requirements are not a dependency of this library.
;; You'll have to manually add them to run this example.
[inferenceql.query.permissive :as permissive]
[inferenceql.query.db :as db]))
;; initialize default inference with 1,000 importance samples (default)
;; initialize default inference with 10,000 importance samples.
(gen->iql 1E5)
(def gen-model
(with-meta ;; users have to specify all variables in their gen model that will be queried.
(if (dynamic/trace! "foo" dist/bernoulli 0.3)
(dynamic/trace! "bar" dist/bernoulli 0.1)
(dynamic/trace! "bar" dist/bernoulli 0.9)))
{:variables #{"foo" "bar"}}))
(def database (-> (db/empty)
(db/with-model :model gen-model)
(prn (permissive/query "SELECT * FROM GENERATE * UNDER model LIMIT 3" database))
To test, run
clojure -X:test