This file is used to list changes made in each version of the now cookbook.
- Testing updates
- Require Chef 12.1
- Added requirements section to the readme to clarify what distros are supported and the requirement of Chef 11+
- Updated .gitignore file
- Added Test Kitchen config
- Added Chef standard Rubocop config
- Updated Travis CI testing to use Chef DK
- Updated Berksfile to 3.X format
- Updated Gemfile with the latest development dependencies
- Updated contributing and testing docs
- Added and maintainers.toml files
- Added Travis and cookbook version badges to the readme
- Updated Opscode -> Chef Software
- Added a Rakefile for simplified testing
- Added a Chefignore file
- Resolved Rubocop warnings
- Added source_url and issues_url to the metadata
- Added basic convergence Chefspec test
- Removing chef_gem monkeypatch
- Updating CHANGELOG format
- Initial release