Download our testnet docker-compose file:
curl --output docker-compose.yml
Then use docker-compose
to both launch a Bitcoin testnet4 node and Citrea full node:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
This guide goes over how to run a full node for Citrea testnet.
It demonstrates different methods for running required software.
Citrea testnet uses Bitcoin testnet4 as its DA and settlement layer.
So running a Citrea fullnode requires a fully synced Bitcoin testnet4 node.
Testnet4 is only enabled in version 28.0rc.1.
git clone
cd bitcoin
git checkout v28.0rc1
Then follow the instructions on the links below for the build. However, don't clone the repository since we already did.
After the setup, execute these commands to run a Bitcoin testnet4 node:
bitcoind -testnet4 -daemon -txindex=1 -rpcbind= -rpcport=18443 -rpcuser=citrea -rpcpassword=citrea
You can edit RPC parameters as you wish, but you also have to edit rollup_config.toml
If you are also going to run Citrea in Docker, follow these steps.
Follow instructions to install Docker here:
After Docker is installed, run this command to pull Bitcoin v0.28rc.1 image and run it as a container:
docker run -d \
-v ${PWD}/bitcoin-testnet4:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin \
--name bitcoin-testnet4 \
-p 18443:18443 \
-p 18444:18444 \
bitcoin/bitcoin:28.0rc1 \
-printtoconsole \
-testnet4=1 \
-rest \
-rpcbind= \
-rpcallowip= \
-rpcport=18443 \
-rpcuser=citrea \
-rpcpassword=citrea \
-server \
You can edit RPC parameters as you wish, but you have to also edit rollup_config.toml
There is three different ways to run a Citra full node: using a pre-built binary, building from source and using docker.
Before continueuing we suggest creating a citrea/
directory and executing these commands in that directory.
Go to this webpage and download latest binary for your operating system under "Assets" section.
Run this command to download full node config and testnet genesis files:
curl --output rollup_config.toml
curl --output genesis.tar.gz
tar -xzvf genesis.tar.gz
Look through the rollup_config.toml
and apply changes as you wish, if you modified any Bitcoin RPC configs, change corresponding values under [da]
Finally run this command to run your Citrea full node:
./citrea-v0.5.5-osx-arm64 --da-layer bitcoin --rollup-config-path ./rollup_config.toml --genesis-paths ./genesis
./citrea-v0.5.5-linux-amd64 --da-layer bitcoin --rollup-config-path ./rollup_config.toml --genesis-paths ./genesis
Your full node should be serving RPC at
If you don't have it, install it from here.
Clone the repository and checkout the latest tag:
git clone
cd citrea
git fetch --tags
git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
If you wish to verify ZK-Proofs, then you'll need to compile our ZK VM binaries inside docker. To do so, follow instructions to install Docker:
Install development dependencies:
make install-dev-tools
Compile Citrea by running command:
cargo build --release
If you wish to verify ZK-Proofs, add REPR_GUEST_BUILD=1
before cargo b...
Look through the rollup_config.toml
and apply changes as you wish, if you modified any Bitcoin RPC configs, change corresponding values under [da]
And then run the full node by executing this command
./target/release/citrea --network testnet --da-layer bitcoin --rollup-config-path ./resources/configs/testnet/rollup_config.toml --genesis-paths ./resources/genesis/testnet
See the top section.