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How to PC

RASTELLO Fabrice edited this page Mar 5, 2019 · 26 revisions

Propose ASAP to SC an extended list of PC members:

  1. PC members to have already published at CGO (TODO, provide DBLP script)
  2. To favour diversity as much as possible man/women, USA/Europe/Asia, industry/academia, junior/senior…
  3. They must commit to participate physically to the PC meeting

Once the list is validated by the SC, PC members have to be contacted. Which means that:

  1. Important dates including physical PC meeting have to be fixed (submission deadline must be as late as possible to get as many European submissions as possible; notification must be before PLDI deadline; time for AE has to be taken into account)
  2. Place of PC meeting (Usually on the east coast hosted by Google; or hosted by a university; sometimes made it in a hotel in Chicago airport but this is quite expensive; ...). Several ideas came up during the business meeting: collocated with PACT @Seattle; two half days @2/3 locations in parallel; organise a short workshop with the PC members before/after... SC is opened to any new idea but for now is willing to stick on a physical PC meeting.
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