diff --git a/data-browser/src/main/resources/logback.xml b/data-browser/src/main/resources/logback.xml
index f6f9a676fc..b4f2d0162a 100644
--- a/data-browser/src/main/resources/logback.xml
+++ b/data-browser/src/main/resources/logback.xml
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data-browser/src/main/scala/hmda/dataBrowser/models/Aggregation.scala b/data-browser/src/main/scala/hmda/dataBrowser/models/Aggregation.scala
index 910ab4eb45..726b9cddaa 100644
--- a/data-browser/src/main/scala/hmda/dataBrowser/models/Aggregation.scala
+++ b/data-browser/src/main/scala/hmda/dataBrowser/models/Aggregation.scala
@@ -9,11 +9,16 @@ case class FieldInfo(name: String, value: String)
case class Aggregation(count: Long, sum: Double, fields: List[FieldInfo])
object Aggregation {
private object constants {
val Count = "count"
val Sum = "sum"
+ implicit def sumAggregation(aggregation: Aggregation, secondAggregation: Aggregation): Aggregation = {
+ Aggregation(aggregation.count + secondAggregation.count, aggregation.sum + secondAggregation.sum, aggregation.fields)
+ }
// Scala => JSON
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Aggregation] = (agg: Aggregation) => {
val jsonKVs: List[(String, Json)] = List(
diff --git a/data-browser/src/main/scala/hmda/dataBrowser/services/DataBrowserQueryService.scala b/data-browser/src/main/scala/hmda/dataBrowser/services/DataBrowserQueryService.scala
index d597991092..4f63c86867 100644
--- a/data-browser/src/main/scala/hmda/dataBrowser/services/DataBrowserQueryService.scala
+++ b/data-browser/src/main/scala/hmda/dataBrowser/services/DataBrowserQueryService.scala
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package hmda.dataBrowser.services
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import hmda.dataBrowser.models._
+import hmda.dataBrowser.models.Aggregation._
import hmda.dataBrowser.repositories._
import monix.eval.Task
import org.slf4j.Logger
@@ -79,27 +80,13 @@ class DataBrowserQueryService(repoLatest: ModifiedLarRepositoryLatest, repo2017:
val queryFieldCombinations = permuteQueryFields(hmdaFilters)
- println("combinations: " + queryFieldCombinations)
+ val year = queryFields.year.toInt
- Task.parSequenceUnordered {
- queryFieldCombinations.map { combination =>
- val fieldInfos = combination.map(field => FieldInfo(field.name, field.value))
+ println("combinations: " + queryFieldCombinations)
- // the year is a special case as the data selected depends on the year
- val year = queryFields.year.toInt
- println("about to get result: " + combination)
- cacheResult (
- cacheLookup = cache.find(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()), geoFilter.getOrElse(QueryField()), combination, year),
- onMiss = repo.findAndAggregate(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()), geoFilter.getOrElse(QueryField()), combination, year),
- cacheUpdate = cache.update(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()), geoFilter.getOrElse(QueryField()), combination, year, _: Statistic)
- ).map { case (from, statistic) => (from, Aggregation(statistic.count, statistic.sum, fieldInfos)) }
- }
- }.map(results =>
- results.foldLeft((ServedFrom.Cache: ServedFrom, List.empty[Aggregation])) {
- case ((servedAcc, aggAcc), (nextServed, nextAgg)) =>
- (servedAcc.combine(nextServed), nextAgg :: aggAcc)
- }
- )
+ if (geoFilter.nonEmpty) {
+ getMultiGeos(queryFieldCombinations, geoFilter, optLEI, year, repoLatest, cache)
+ } else getNational(queryFieldCombinations, optLEI, year, repoLatest, cache)
override def fetchFilers(queryFields: QueryFields): Task[(ServedFrom, FilerInstitutionResponseLatest)] = {
@@ -120,4 +107,77 @@ class DataBrowserQueryService(repoLatest: ModifiedLarRepositoryLatest, repo2017:
+ def getNational(queryFieldCombinations: List[List[LarQueryField]], optLEI: Option[QueryField], year: Int, repo: ModifiedLarRepositoryLatest, cache: Cache): Task[(ServedFrom, Seq[Aggregation])] = {
+ Task.parSequenceUnordered {
+ queryFieldCombinations.map { combination =>
+ val fieldInfos = combination.map(field => FieldInfo(field.name, field.value))
+ println("about to get result: " + combination)
+ cacheResult (
+ cacheLookup = cache.find(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()),QueryField(), combination, year),
+ onMiss = repo.findAndAggregate(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()), QueryField(), combination, year),
+ cacheUpdate = cache.update(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()), QueryField(), combination, year, _: Statistic)
+ ).map { case (from, statistic) => (from, Aggregation(statistic.count, statistic.sum, fieldInfos)) }
+ }
+ }.map(results =>
+ results.foldLeft((ServedFrom.Cache: ServedFrom, List.empty[Aggregation])) {
+ case ((servedAcc, aggAcc), (nextServed, nextAgg)) =>
+ (servedAcc.combine(nextServed), nextAgg :: aggAcc)
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ def getMultiGeos(queryFieldCombinations: List[List[LarQueryField]], geoFilter: Option[QueryField], optLEI: Option[QueryField], year: Int, repo: ModifiedLarRepositoryLatest, cache: Cache): Task[(ServedFrom, Seq[Aggregation])] = {
+ val multiGeoCombinationsSeq: Seq[Task[(ServedFrom, List[Aggregation])]] = queryFieldCombinations.map { combination =>
+ val fieldInfos = combination.map(field => FieldInfo(field.name, field.value))
+ val geoListTask: Seq[Task[(ServedFrom, Aggregation)]] = geoFilter.getOrElse(QueryField()).values.map { singleGeoCombination =>
+ val singleGeoFilter = geoFilter.getOrElse(QueryField()).copy(values = Seq(singleGeoCombination))
+ cacheResult (
+ cacheLookup = cache.find(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()), singleGeoFilter, combination, year),
+ onMiss = repo.findAndAggregate(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()), singleGeoFilter, combination, year),
+ cacheUpdate = cache.update(optLEI.getOrElse(QueryField()), singleGeoFilter, combination, year, _: Statistic)
+ ).map { case (from, statistic) => (from, Aggregation(statistic.count, statistic.sum, fieldInfos)) }
+ }
+ val singleGeoCombinations: Task[(ServedFrom, List[Aggregation])] = {
+ val singleGeoTaskList: Task[Seq[(ServedFrom, Aggregation)]] = Task.sequence(geoListTask)
+ singleGeoTaskList.map { results => results.foldLeft((ServedFrom.Cache: ServedFrom, List.empty[Aggregation])) {
+ case ((servedAcc, aggAcc), (nextServed, nextAgg)) =>
+ (servedAcc.combine(nextServed), nextAgg :: aggAcc)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ singleGeoCombinations
+ }
+ val multiGeoCombinationsTask: Task[Seq[(ServedFrom, List[Aggregation])]] = Task.sequence(multiGeoCombinationsSeq)
+ val combinedAggregation: Task[(ServedFrom, Seq[Aggregation])] = multiGeoCombinationsTask.map { results =>
+ results.foldLeft((ServedFrom.Cache: ServedFrom, List.empty[Aggregation])) {
+ case ((servedAcc, aggAcc), (nextServed, nextAgg)) =>
+ (servedAcc.combine(nextServed), nextAgg ::: aggAcc)
+ }
+ }
+ combinedAggregation.map(result => (result._1, sumAggregations(result._2)))
+ }
+ def sumAggregations(initialAgg: Seq[Aggregation]): Seq[Aggregation] = {
+ var tempMap = Map[List[FieldInfo], Aggregation]()
+ initialAgg.foreach{ agg =>
+ val aggOption = tempMap.get(agg.fields)
+ aggOption match {
+ case Some(tempAgg) => {
+ val newAgg = Aggregation(agg.count + tempAgg.count, agg.sum + tempAgg.sum, agg.fields)
+ tempMap = tempMap + (agg.fields -> newAgg)
+ }
+ case None => {
+ tempMap = tempMap + (agg.fields -> agg)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tempMap.values.toSeq
+ }
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