Within Anaconda Prompt:
Update Conda:
conda update conda
List existing virtual environments:
conda info --envs
orconda env list
List packages in virtual environment:
conda list
Create new virtual environment:
conda create -n [env_name]
Create new virtual environment with Python version/Anaconda distribution:
conda create -n [env_name] python=[x.x] anaconda
Clone existing environment:
conda create -n myclone --clone [env_name]
Activate environment:
conda activate [env_name]
Deactivate environment:
conda deactivate
Install packages in existing environment:
conda install -n [env_name] [packagename]=[x.xx.x]
Install packages (and dependencies) from a particular channel:
conda install -c [channel-name] [packagename]
Show Conda channels:
conda config --show channels
Add Conda channel/move existing channel to highest priority:
conda config --add channels [channel-name]
Add Conda channel to bottom of priority list:
conda config --append channels [channel-name]
Set strict priority so only first channel is used:
conda config --set channel_priority strict
Show Conda config:
conda config --show
Delete environment:
conda remove -n [env_name] -all
Export environment as YAML:
conda env export > environment.yml
Create environment from YAML:
conda env create -f environment.yml
- First line of YAML file determines name of new environment
Within Command Prompt:
Activate environment:
conda.bat activate [env_name]
Deactivate environment:
conda deactivate
Pip and Conda
Two methods for using a virtual environment within the Spyder IDE:
Method 1:
- Open Anaconda Prompt
- Activate environment
- Run Spyder from environment:
spyder --new-instance
- If "spyder-kernels" error encountered, install spyder-kernels before running Spyder:
conda install spyder-kernels
Method 2:
- Open Anaconda Prompt
- Activate environment
- Get the path for the Python executable within the environment:
where python
orpython -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"
- Within Spyder, go to Tools > Preferences > Python Interpreter
- Select "Use the following Python interpreter" and paste the path to the Python executable (in the virtual environment)