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alekz49 edited this page Feb 2, 2011 · 18 revisions

Workflow Shortcuts

We're designing OOM2 with one aim in mind. To carry out the 3 DAW essentials, input,edit, and remove, with as few actions as possible. It's a common standard that a robust shortcut set aids the workflow more than any other means of doing so. Long time users of DAWs will know that there are long term potential health issues with using a mouse for every single task, and that using the mouse for large scale work is much slower.

In OOM2, nearly every action, and navigation action, can be carried out with a qwerty, at speed. Here's a list of the default shortcuts, and their explained action, currently available in OOM2. We plan to add more and further tune and refine these in the near future.
Arranger Window
SHIFT + M Add midi track.

SHIFT + D Add drum track.

SHIFT + W Add audio track.

SHIFT + O Add audio output.

SHIFT + G Add audio buss.

SHIFT + I Add audio input.

RETURN Edit selected aprt. This action opens the PR editor, when a part is selected, and you press RETURN. Note, you can also use CTRL + E to do the same, and this action will open the PR when multiple parts are selected for editing.

UP Select nearest part on track above. This action moves the highlight to the part on the track above. Note that if you have tracks with no parts in them, the highlight will bypass them, and highlight the next part, however many tracks away that is.

SHIFT + UP Add nearest part on track above. This action adds and highlights the part on the track above.

DOWN Select nearest part on track below. This action moves the highlight to the part on the track below, containing an existing part.

SHIFT + DOWN Add nearest part on track below. This action adds and highlights the part on the track below.

**PianoRoll Window**

**CTRL + SPACE** Move PB (playback cursor) to active note. *This action is designed to keep you moving forward, by having the PB in close proximity to the phrase you're working on. A typical use case is: You've recorded a phrase of notes live, that is you've played them in, recording them while playback is running. The PB has stopped a little way past the phrase. You open the PR with **CTRL + E**, and you have the notes in front of you, with the PB out of view. Tap the **RIGHT or LEFT arrrow keys**, and one note will turn yellow. This is your active note. Now hit the **CTRL + SPACE** shortcut, and the PB will appear next to the active note. This action is also useful when you want to record some midi notes live, but step input a few more in the same phrase. Press **CTRL + F8** to toggle on step input, and you can start entering notes with your midi keyboard.

CTRL + A Select all. This is the standard select all function for most operating systems.

CTRL + SHIFT + A Select none. The natural partner of CTRL + A

CTRL + I Invert Selection. This action will reverse a group of notes in order.

ALT + Y Select events/parts inside locators. This action will highlight all notes inside the locators. You can perform group edit functions on these notes, like raising or lowering velocities with the UP arrow and Down arrow keys.

ALT + U Select events/parts outside locators. This action will highlight all notes outside locators. Useful for editing groups of notes, but leaving those inside the locators untouched.

ALT + LEFT arrow Select previous part. OOM2's PR can open multiple parts in one window. This action enables you to cycle backwards, highlighting each part in turn, for editing.

ALT + RIGHT arrow Select next part. This action is the natural partner of ALT + LEFT arrow and enables you to cycle forwards, highlighting each part in turn.

LEFT Select nearest part/event to the left. This is a quick navigation action to make notes active in turn going backwards, or left on your screen.

RIGHT Select nearest part/event to the right. This is a quick navigation action, and the natural partner of LEFT, to make notes active in turn going forwards, or right.

SHIFT + LEFT arrow Add nearest part/event on the left to selection. This action adds the next note to the left to the currently active note.

SHIFT + RIGHT arrow Add nearest part/event on the right to selection. This action adds the next note to the right to the currently active note.

CTRL + UP arrow Increase pitch. This action moves the currently active note up by 1 semitone in pitch at a time.

CTRL + DOWN arrow Decrease pitch. This action moves the currently active note down by 1 semitone in pitch at a time.

CTRL + RIGHT arrow Increase event position. This action moves the active note to the right by the currently selected grid designation.

CTRL + LEFT arrow Decrease event position. This action moves the active note to the left by the currently selected grid designation.

ALT + P Set locators to selection. This action move the indicators to either side of the active note, or set of active notes.

INSERT (ins) Insert at location. This action insert an event at the current position of the PB.

CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT Increase length. This action increases the length of the note by the currently selected grid value.

CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT Decrease length. This action decreases the length of the note by the currently selected grid value.

CTRL + PgUp Zoom in.

CTRL + PgUp Zoom out.

CTRL + J Go to current position.

H Scroll left. This action scrolls the view left.

L Scroll right. This action scrolls the view right.

ALT + L Set fixed length on midi notes. This action sets a pre-determined length on selected midi notes.

SHIFT + E Over Quantize.

SHIFT + R Note on quantize.

SHIFT + T Note on/off quantize.

CTRL + ALT + Q Configure quantize.

0 Set quantize/snap to Off.

1 Set quantize/snap to 1/1

2 Set quantize/snap to 1/2

3 Set quantize/snap to 1/4

4 Set quantize/snap to 1/8

5 Set quantize/snap to 1/16

6 Set quantize/snap to 1/32

7 Set quantize/snap to 1/64

T Toggle triplet quantization.

. Toggle punctuation quantization.

, Toggle punctuation quantization. (2)

CTRL + F8 Toggle step input. This action toggles step input, and enables the insertion of notes with a midi keyboard at the PB.

UP arrow Increase velocity for selection. This action enables you to increase the velocity of the active note, or active notes, in real time

DOWN arrow Decrease velocity for selection.This action enables you to decrease the velocity of the active note, or active notes, in real time

** \ ** Insert program change. This action enables you to insert a program change at the PB cursor. Simply position the PB cursor at the required point in the ruler, and press ** \ ** , and the PC will appear as a small green flag in the uppermost bar of the ruler.

** CTRL + \ ** Delete program change. This action is the natural partner of ****, and will delete a PC at the PB cursor position.

I Select Instrument. This shortcut is used in the patch sequencer to open the drop down list of all the patches for the instrument set in that track.

A Pointer. This tool shortcut changes the mouse cursor to a pointer.

D Pencil. This tool shortcut changes the mouse cursor to a pencil.

B Eraser. This tool shortcut changes the mouse cursor to an eraser.

F Line. This tool shortcut changes the mouse cursor to a line tool.